He asks you out 😌✋

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Ciel phantomhive

Ciel was still in his study, and he knew now what he was feeling cause of sebby.

Ofc he told him 🙄✋
Why can't he just find out by himself 😭✋

Anyway, he couldn't stand not doing his paperwork, so he just went for it 😏✋

It was in the garden because like, yall love flowers, and he knew that-

And you said yes obv-

Sebastian michaelis

Whilst in the food place, you notices sebby didn't order any, so you asked him why-

He literally just said that he wasn't hungry-

You ofc didn't believe this and force fed him food-
That he didn't enjoy. That's for sure.

You accidentally slipped out how cute it was and was a blushing mess-

He asked you out after and you accepted 😌✋

Alois Trancy

He couldn't really ask you out cause like-
You engaged-
But he can confess~

So like, yall had enough of him running away every time you would see him-

So like, yall knocked on his study door giving the best Claude interpretation you could, and to your surprise it worked-
He opened the door and before he could close it again, you walked in, locking it behind you.

It was about 10-15 mins later and you were still trying to get him to speak so he finally gave up and said, you told him you felt the same and it went from there.

Claude Faustus

You were still staring at the spiders, well you had got bored and had fallen asleep. (Your only a half demon not like sebby btw so you will need sleep but not a lot of it. That's why your brother is so protecting-)

You had fallen asleep in Claude's arms, but he didn't wanna take you back to the phantonhive estate so he got Hannah to take Alois home and took you with him back to the Trancy estate.

You had actually woken up about 10 mins after Claude set you down on a bed in a spare room but, you were too scared to awake as he was staring at you-

You overheard him talking about you, saying that you were his, and how he was going to always protect you.
"So are you just going to listen to me rant about you or are you going to wake up now?" Claude asked, startling you at first but you slowly opened your eyes to be greater with his.

He asked you out not long after and you accepted, but oh boy was your brother mad-

A/N: here yall go~
I'm getting of school on Friday for Christmas so expect more updates 😌✋

See yall!

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