They find out about self-harm

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A/N- this is a really quick one but since I haven't had much experience or know much about self-harming, I will just be writing about what their reactions would be and not a whole story to go with it. I also don't have many ideas for a story for most of them so I hope that it is ok! Also, if you are suffering with anything don't be afraid to talk to people! I'm also here if you need it :D

This was requested by: @becciphine so I hope I did it decent enough :))

Ciel phantomhive

If im being honest, with Ciel always doing paper work and being busy would create a big impact on when he finds out or even if he does at all. Maybe that's why you started it? you felt like you were an inconvenience of some sort? Him almost never having time for you? Maybe? You would never know. When or if Ciel ever found out, I personally think he would be heartbroken in so many ways that you would do such a thing. He would definitely do more things to help you with what you were going through. Even if that does mean getting behind on paper work.

Sebastian Michaelis 

If Sebastian ever found out about you self-harming, he would probably talk you through how amazing you were and make a list with about 1000 reasons on why you are amazing anyway. He would sit with you for as much time as he could and even when he was not around he had one of the other servants watch you to make sure you didn't do anything stupid. He would also find out why you were doing it and 'fix' it. That's what he said anyway. 

Alois Trancy

Alois would probably think it was his fault. His violent ways towards people would cause you to do the same. However, you were doing it to yourself rather then...other people. Alois believed it was his fault. Even though, he would never admit to anything being his fault, he did believe that it was this time. He would have Claude watch you at all times of the day. He even had Hannah and the triplets watch you at all times! He was not prepared to take chances of you doing it again. Like Ciel, he would also put behind on paperwork to try and give you therapy lessons. The key word in that sentence was 'try'.

Claude Faustus

Claude was never the best at showing emotions. Ever. He was a stone statue to put it simple. He thought that maybe it was his inability to show emotions that caused you to grow distant and do what you were doing. As to him believing this, he made sure to show as much emotion he could towards you. He would watch you at all times of the day, even taking away any sharp objects he thought could serve a threat. He spent as much time with you that he could and this made you feel more loved as he had almost never been around. 

Grell Sutcliff

TW- Mentions of blood

Don't get her wrong, she loves the colour red. however, this was the first time she wished she had never saw that colour. When she walked through the bathroom door to find you holding a bloody blade in your right hand and your left arm covered in the red substance, she wished she had never grown to love that colour. After that day, she would always make sure to give you all the help you needed (even if she was bad at it), this included cuddles, reading and even just talking to each other to get things off your mind. Knowing Grell was trying to help you, this made you better.  

A/N- im sorry if this chapter sucked. I just no idea on what to do for this. Remember if you are struggling with self-harming, please talk to someone :) 

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