They see you crying

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A/N- it was requested that I add Prince soma and Agni to the scenarios by @anime_coco1725 so I hope you enjoy!

Ciel Phantomhive

You weren't completely sure as to why you were crying? You thought maybe Ciel didn't love you the same anymore? Yeah, that was it. You and Ciel had planned a date for that night. You and Mey-Rin had spent the whole afternoon in the manors garden, setting up tables, candles, kitchen ware and other things. The whole afternoon, for what? Ciel not to even bother telling you he could not make it? you had even waited out in the freezing garden for over an hour. You had just given up and walked inside, slamming your door shut behind you. Maybe that's why you were broken down in sobs on the floor?

Ciel had unfortunately heard your door slam and wondered what was happening. Unlike what you thought, Ciel still loved you and was quite worried something had happened. He walked to your room and opened the door, only to find you crying in the corner of the room. His first instinct was to run up to you and hold you in his arms. So that's exactly what he did. After you had calmed down and told him why you were crying, lets just say he tried his best to not miss another of your dates.

Sebastian Michaelis

With Sebastian being a demon, emotions were something that never showed. Unless they were fake, of course. This, always bothered you. Even if you knew Sebastian was a demon. You could never tell if the things he was telling you was genuine or not. From the first day you both started dating, you weren't sure the relationship would last long. You knew overall it was a stupid reason to cry about, but you couldn't help but try and hold back sobs in your room in Ciel's manor. Although, you could say that Satan was against you this time as Sebastian was passing your room as you had finally broken down. He had wasted no time prying open the door and rushing to your side. Maybe he could not show emotions, but that sure did not stop him from trying to.

Alois Trancy

If I'm being completely honest, you were probably crying as to how Alois treats his servants. You had been in that manor for long enough to make friends with all the servants. It hurts you knowing that you couldn't do much when they were being mentally and physically abused by Alois. Even though this had never happened to you, you could imagine how the servants must feel. After Alois had gouged out Hannah's eye one time, you decided enough was enough and you defended her. tears streaming down your face as Alois and Hannah stood there in shock. Your arms defensibly shielded Alois' eyes from seeing Hannah's unstable state as you bit your lip, trying to hold back any more tears from escaping your eyes.

Not long after the incident, you were still crying. Hoping that Hannah would be okay. Even after the numerous attempts of Alois trying to talk to you, you refused. The next few days you could feel that you would be a train wreck.

Claude Faustus

Once again, this man was indeed a demon. Emotions? I think not. A stone statue would be a good way to describe him. You had even thought multiple times that you could get a boat all the way from London to New York and see no difference between Claude and the Statue Of Liberty. Well, except the height difference, colour and gender. But that does not matter. One day you and Claude were trying to see who could do the best impression of each other. Claude went first and tried his best to smile, however it looked distorted in some way. You had burst out laughing. Laughing so much that you had even started wheezing, trying to gasp some air. However this caused Claude to try and laugh along with you, although that made your situation 10 times worse.

Claude with trying to smile and even mimic laughing? That was the funniest thing you had ever seen. You were rolling around on the floor, holding your stomach as it had started hurting from the laughter. Tears were now streaming down your face it was that funny. You had no idea why you thought it was remotely funny but somehow it was. To you at least. After Claude has noticed your tears, he thought he had done something wrong. Now he was desperately trying to figure out what he did. This only made your laughter continue and more tears to stream down your face. This day was sure going to be interesting.

Grell Suitcliff

Well, today just happened to be your mothers birthday. However, there was a small inconvenience. She just happened to be dead. You were on your way to visit her grave with Grell when the sun set was happening. You had spent all day in the bakery as it was only a Wednesday and Grell had wanted to come with you. So it was around 7pm when you had went. By the time you had arrived at the cemetery, it was already dark out. You had kneeled down by your mother's grave and placed down a bouquet of flowers. Grell was standing awkwardly behind you, not sure what to do. Well, that was before she heard you crying. She slowly walked over to you, engulfing you in a hug and gently stroking your hair. You were glad she didn't worry about her social persona when around you.

Hannah Annafellows

You were not sure why you were crying. Maybe it was your mood swings again? Probably. Yes, unfortunately you had gotten your period and currently your mood swings were telling you to start crying for no reason. So that's what you were doing. Hannah was sitting with you at the time, reading a book. She had heard you crying next to her so she placed the book down and pulled you into a hug. As she was a demon, she did not get periods. But you did however tell her when you would get yours. She was always kind and patient with your mood swings and helped you with whatever you needed.

The triplets

You were not sure on why you were crying. You had just felt like it. You weren't sobbing or anything, just the odd tears falling down your face. You were in fact with the triplets at this time and saying they were confused would be an understatement. You looked fine, happy even. But there were tears down your face? They were beyond confused. They had just silently left the room without you noticing, trying to figure out what just happened.


You had come to visit your boyfriend, Agni, in Ciel's townhouse. Although, you had major home-sickness you thought it would be a good idea. However, that was proven wrong when you were crying late at night, not being able to sleep. With Agni being your boyfriend, you were sharing his room. Your crying had unfortunately woken him up, taking him a few seconds to adjust to the darkness of the room before sitting up and pulling you into a hug. You had fallen back asleep not long after, holding onto your boyfriend as he played with your hair.

Prince Soma

You were trying to calm down your boyfriend when Ciel had yelled at him. All he wanted to do was play chess, so you had decided to play it with him. Although, he had no idea how to play. You had tried multiple times to try and help him but he was too stubborn and wanted to do things himself. After about 7 rounds, with you winning every time, Soma started throwing a fit. Not like a baby when they don't get chocolate from their parents, more like a funny fit. He was rambling on and on about how good you were and how bad he was. It was difficult to explain, but it sure was funny. Funny enough to make you start crying in a fit of laughter. This caused him to run around, trying to find something to help you re-gain your posture but that only made you laugh more.

A/N- I just wanna say TYSM FOR 7K READS!! You guys are seriously amazing!!

I hope you enjoyed! :)

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