You get sick

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Ciel Phantomhive

The hygiene in Britain was not the best to say the least. Medicine was still yet to develop and not many people knew how to take care of themselves. It wouldn't surprise you if you had somehow got sick in your living conditions before but now that you were living with Ciel, you felt a bit better with the hygiene.

However, the diseases or illnesses still refused to let you leave this earth without infecting you at least once. To put it simple, you had gotten sick.

You had been sick for the entire morning now and you weren't sure if Ciel knew. Well, no one had come to see you so you tried to pass the time by sleeping. However, it was hard with the pounding headache in your head. It was awful. Ciel had finally walked into your room to see you trying to sleep. He was confused on to how you were still tired at 3 in the afternoon. But once he saw your face, he saw that you weren't looking well.

He walked over to you and sat next to you on the bed, pulling to closer to him and playing with your hair. He was trying his best to help you get through your sickness, well, Sebastian was in charge of your cold towels and medicine.

Sebastian Michaelis

You weren't sure on how you had gotten sick in the first place. It was a mystery to you. You had woken up this morning with your vision blurry and your whole body aching. The doctors that had seen you had called it a 'cold' but you were sure it was your trip to death.

Sebastian had of course knew about you being sick so he tried to spare as much time as he could to see you. However, Ciel was making that quite difficult with the new case the queen had put him on, making it difficult for Sebastian to see you. Atleast it was close enough for them not to leave the manor.

You had not been able to move for the whole day. Your aching limbs had made that impossible without collapsing on the floor. You were relieved when night came around though. Ciel had finally gone to sleep so that meant Sebastian had some free time. He had spent the whole night taking care of you and making you fell comfortable. That was until Ciel had woken up and he had to go back to work...maybe tonight he will do the same..?

Alois Trancy

Living with Alois had taught you that he was a drama queen to say the least. The worst part about it had been around him so long that you had started acting like him. Over exaggerating things. That's what you were doing.

You were in bed,in pain to say the least. You had honestly thought you were dying. You were always yelling at people when they would walk in the room, letting the light that was outside venture in your's and Alois' shared room. The light burned your eyes to say the least.

"IM GONNA BLOODY DIE" was all you could say to Claude when he asked you how you were feeling. Let's say that he was not pleased in the slightest that you had turned out like Alois. Heck, he even had to get him to try and calm you down cause he couldn't handle it. Surprise, this demon hates you now. At least you think so.

Alois had stayed with you for the most he could. It really made you fell special that he had stopped his hunt to kill Ciel to take care of you. Or whatever he was doing..

Claude Faustus

You had never gotten sick before. Never. Maybe this was one of the not so pleasant things of being a demon? Well..a half demon. Damned Sebastian, your brother still had not gotten sick and he was older than you-

Since this feeling was still new to you, you were trying to get used to it, but that was not working as your body refused to co-operate with you, leaving you in bed.

Claude of course knew about you being sick, even if it was not as bad as what humans would get, it was still pretty bad. Like with Sebastian, he was always busy with Alois. This left you with little to no company. The only person you would see was Hannah bringing you your meals or changing the towel on your head.

Claude had finally come into your room later in that evening to see you. You were happy to see him, but that was kinda hard to express as your throat hurt preventing you from speaking and your face unable to smile as it ached. But Claude knew you were happy to see him.

He had sat next to you and you cuddled up to him, enjoying his presence. You had fallen asleep almost instantly once he arrived, him playing with your hair in the process. Maybe this wasn't as bad after all.

Grell Suitcliff

Since you and Grell shared a room, it didn't go unnoticed by her that you weren't doing the greatest. You had continually tried to convince her that you were doing fine as you wanted to go to the bakery. However, Grell was not letting you. She even insisted on going to work in your place. And to your surprise, you had awoken from your nap in the middle of the day to see that she had in fact gone to the bakery.

Once Grell had got back, it was already getting dark. You knew this meant she would have to go out for work soon, this upset you as the two of you had not seen each other for most of the day. However, to your surprise, she had made Ronald do her work so she could take care of you.

That night was filled with eating a lot of sweets, her reading you books, well, she tried. Even her playing with your hair and giving you massage. God, you sure did love this reaper.

A/N: tysm for reading :))
I'm sorry for not posting in awhile, I didn't know what scenario to pick and school was annoying -.-
If you have any suggestions, please let me know :))
I hope you enjoyed!!

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