Building Blocks

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I didn't want to get up. I knew it was going to happen all over again. The fact that I hated my life at that moment and the way people made me feel was horrible.

I woke up that morning to see Nathan smiling down at me. I felt a great connection with Nathan. I felt so happy when I'm with him.

I got up like normal to the sad disappointment of Nathan. Got dressed in the bathroom as Nathan refused to move off my bed. What a surprise? I went downstairs to leave for school. Nathan walked me to school. I felt so safe with him. Nothing could compare to that moment in time.

Walking through those school great made me feel those memories come flooding back through my mind. I just did my normal routers. Breakfast club. Meet some friends then tutor. Nothing changes. The crazy box of frogs early in the morning. Never changes but I wouldn't swap my tutor group for any other. They are great.

We had an assembly so I headed there. Took my seat and kept myself to myself like normal. The usual notices were told as the 20 minutes of boredom starts. At least that's what I thought?

Suddenly the door opened and the head teacher walked in. "Sorry to interrupt the assembly. Anna-May, you need to come with me."

Great, was all I was thinking. I followed her down to her office as I saw a familiar figure in one of the chairs. Nathan.

He looked at me with those green eyes as he patted the chair next to him. What was going on?  

I felt my nerves become to shreads as the head looked at me. Nathan gave me a reasuring look as the head started this meeting. 

"The reason I have asked for you is that some issues have been raised by Mr Sykes. The fact that you feel the whole year group is against you. No student should feel that way and especially a talented young girl like yourself with big ambissions and who takes a new oppotunity with both hands." 

I sat there silent for the whole of that chat. for one thing I didn't know what to say and another is that she didn't even give me a chance to speak.Nathan showed her the emails on my phone. She took down the names then dismissed me to lessons. I know nothing would be done apart from a chat and a stern telling off like normal but then it makes things alot worse for me in a sence of what can happen now. What to think and do? I felt like I wasnt part of the school anymore. Ever get that feeling of being pushed out of your friendship group. Well, thats how I felt. I needed to feel wanted somewhere and I did with The Wanted. They liked my idea.

Nathan came up behind me snapping me out of my thoughts.  

"You know your idea about a collaboration tour. How about we start planning some things tonight. Just you and me. I think you need a break from here"

"We'll lucky it's the holidays soon for a week so how about we start some stuff tonight and we can bring everyone together during that time to pitch the idea?"

"Sounds good baby. See you later yeah. Don't let them get to you. Meet you after school ok?."

"Yeah ok. See you later"  

We kissed as Nathan left. I felt a lot better now I know this idea is getting started. My own little project. I was so excited. It's a little something to do later on at home or when I'm feeling upset. I couldn't wait.

I spent the whole day writing ideas down as they came to me. Just little notes and sketches that would help for ideas.

By the end of the day I had a good few pages of ideas as I met Nathan outside the school gates. We kissed as we walked to my house.

We went upstairs as we sat on the bed we talked about the ideas we had. The funny thing was that I had a flip cam on my desk. I had an idea to film this to show our journey on how this all came together. I just hoped this would continue. I had film training in the past so it came in handy. I started an introduction as Nathan put his arm round me then grabbed the flip cam to do his introduction. then we got to work. All the good ideas were put to one side and the ones we thought didn't look right to another.

I got some card and paper as I started to story board, sketch ideas and more on to them. By 7 pm we had at least 8 pieces of A1 card filled with ideas. We hadn't eaten anything the whole time and we were going for a good 3 hours. By filming our journey it creates a story. I left Nathan upstairs with the cam to watch what we had recorded so far as I got food.

I got some food and drinks from downstairs. As I went back up Nathan had put the things in a cover so they don't get trashed as we sat down and ate. My mum came upstairs as she didn't see us the whole time as we showed her our work and the films on the cam. She laughed on some of the clips but she enjoyed them. My mum left us to alone as we curled up on the bed and talked about the pitch. Soon enough I had fallen asleep and so did Nathan.

The second night in a row but no matter what I was happy with him and I enjoyed that night making all that and pulling both our ideas together. I just hoped it wouldn't go to waste. I was ready for the holiday. Roll on Friday afternoon.


I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. Im enjoying writing it. I will update again when I have time as I have exams coming up. Please go and check out my other fan fiction. This one was the first I wrote. Please go and check out Fight For this Love. This story is about a young girl who tries to keep her relationship with the boy of her dreams but her dad gets in the way. Find out if they won the battle to keep their relationship.

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