Change can happen.

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I've always been the person with good grades but keeps her head down. The person who keeps her friends close and not let people bother her. Secretly to no one else's eye I'm really talented. I can sing and dance really well but I just don't tell anyone as I don't want to be bullied more over it. I spend a lot of time at home with my piano or guitar and a note pad. I love to write my own songs and its the inspiration from The Wanted, One Direction and Justin Bieber that keeps me going. They all came from just being ordinary people like me to big stars and I would love to be like that one day. Just to be able to stand on stage and give back. Music and dance has always been a part of me and it will always live in me.

I spend a lot of my school day working but every now and again I think of a new verse or a new move and I just write it down knowing I can use it one day.


Being woken up in the morning is not a good thing. Especially a Monday morning. I was having a wonderful dream of being stood on stage with the most amazing people next to me but then it has to be ruined. Ever had the feeling when you just want to go back to sleep to just find out what happens next. Well that's me every morning.

I got up and dressed ready for School. I still question why green for a blazer? Really, green they choose the most strangest of colours.

Leaving for school that morning was tough. It was a really cold morning and I have to live near hills so walking up and down them in a morning is just hard. Entering the place I call prison. Sorry I meant school, I just couldn't wait to get some warm breakfast in me. Luckily my school has a breakfast club so my craving for breakfast soon died down. After talking to my friends I left for tutor. It was one of those mornings when u don't have a clue what they were on about. Which in my case was quite often it was time to be bored to death. Yayyyy the enthusiasm in my face was so excited. Ermm not really. I like school yeah but assembly first thing you think why? Why bother? We won't take anything in this early in the morning. This morning was different. As we walked in my eyes grew wide with a sparkle in them and a grin on my face. The Wanted were here. Why ?

That question was soon answered as the Year Group Leader started to speak " Good Morning Year 11. As you can see we have some people here today to announce the winner of a competition they were running as one of our students has won the top prize."

I had to think back a bit as I remembered what it was about and yes I did enter it. It was to create a song that was unique and showed who you were. I wrote a song and did the cords for it as we'll.

Nathan spoke first as it was handed over " Morning everyone, I am very pleased to announce the winner as it was my idea and I am pleased to say that Anna-May Kettlewell, you are very talented and you have won. Congratulations"

Everyone looked at me. I was in complete shock. Nathan said I was talented. Wow. I stood up and everyone looked at me as I headed to the front of the hall. My friends grinning looking really happy for me as I was heading there. I was stood next to The Wanted. My heart skipped a beat as I stood next to Nathan. He was beautiful. I was so happy inside. My lick was changing. I get to spend the day with The Wanted. What more do I want? This was a amazing day for me but that soon came crashing down as I went to lesson.

As I walked in to the science labs. I had people stare at me and whisper things about me like " Look at her, she is such a freak. " " Bet she sings like a strangled cat " and much worse. I felt heart broken at how people just couldn't accept me for me. Just because I worked hard to win that chance and there is no way I was going to let them take the happiness of this day away from me.

By break time I had had enough. I felt like everything I've worked for in my talents. My life evolves around music and dance it's not going to stop now. I looked on my twitter mentions and found Nathan, Max, Tom, Jay, and Siva have all followed me on twitter and Nathan had messages me. I felt so much better as I read what he had said.

" Hey. How's school. Just wanted to say that you really deserve this more than anyone. You rocked it. You defiantly have the confidence of a Rockstar even if you don't see it and other people don't. I do. Need to talk just email ok"

I felt so glad to see that Nathan understands me. I just can't wait to see him this weekend it will make this all worth while.

" Hi Nathan. I'm ok I guess. I'm just glad someone understands me."

" Are you sure you are ok. You don't seem it. "

" I'm not. Everyone is talking about me and saying really bad stuff to my face. I just want to get today over with"

" Don't let them bother you ok. Just be excited for Saturday ok. I know I am looking forward to spending time with a beautiful girl and yes it's you."

"Oh Nathan, that's so sweet. Thank you. "


I felt so much better after what Nathan said. Feeling more comfortable and more excited to see them all again. Roll on Saturday.

Confidence Like A RockstarWhere stories live. Discover now