Not The Time Or Place (Jay's P.O.V)

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Nathan hadn't moved from Anna-May's side since she was brought in. He looked aweful. His eyes that were normally full of life and happiness were dark and cold but with a small hint of hope. The outside of them was red and looked puffy as he had been crying for the whole time. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and I was told he hadn't eaten or drank anything. This hit him that hard. 

I walked in to see neither of them had moved. I felt really bad for Nathan, he really cared about her a lot, we all did. I sat on the other side of Anna-May as Nathan looked up at me. 

"Mate, you really need some sleep you know." I tried to point out but he just looked back at Anna-May.

"I'm not leaving her. She's fighting to stay alive. She is somewhere right now, scared and alone. She needs to know someone will always be here for her. She must have felt so alone that morning when this happend. I don't know what I would do without her" He started tearing up again as I stood up and gave him a hug. 

There was a knock at the door, when the nost beautifil girl walked in. She was just slightly smaller than Anna-May, she had the most beautiful eyes I could ever have dreamt of. 

"Hi, I'm Emily. I just wanted to see how Anna-May was. I don't know if she has mentioned me or not but we aare close friends." she started to tear up as I usherd her to come and sit with us. I introduced myself and Nathan who was still a little emotional. She said hi and soon enough the room plunged in to silence. 

Emily soon broke it "Anna-May, please chick if you can hear me, try and break free. I know your really strong and I need you to be here. I couldn't cope without you. It's your strength thats so amazing. Savannah would want you here and I do to. I need you" She soon sent all three of us crying as Nathan ushered her to hug him as he agreed with what she said. 

After another ten minuts I offered to buy Emily a coffee, she needs it. i thought about Nathan and he needed to eat but he kept refusing. Tough monkey's sloth. I am bringing you food. I thought to myself. 

Me and Emily took the lift down to the ground floor and walked to the canteen. We just started chatting as I ordered. She kept thanking me as we walked back to Anna-May's room. 

I felt a connection with Emily that I hadn't have felt with any other girl. I know she is a lot younger than me but I also knew that true love can not be stopped. We walked in and gave Nathan his drink and his food. I felt like I had to force feed him like a baby but finally he ate. Emily was just sat there laughing away and telling Anna-MAy what she would miss then Nath started again. Emily rushed over and hugged him. She kept telling him that she was a fighter. She will pull through. If I was going to say it I would say it now. 

"Emily, I know it's not the right time to ask but will you be my girlfriend" She looked at me with the biggest grin on her face. She ran over to me and our lips connected. The passion I felt was unbelievable. The way her lips connected with mine felt amazing. 

I saw Nathan in the corner of my eye. He looked so sad. He must feel horrible inside. "You too, as much as I am happy for you both. This is not the time or the place. I could still loose Anna-May. I could still loose her" Nath drifted off in to whisperes as he went to Anna-May's ear. He must have whispered something to her as he kept a grip of her hand thw whole time.

Me and Emily both added our cards to the pile as we said our goodbyes. I felt that Nathan wanted to be on his own so me and Emily left. 

We saw Niall and Rachel in the corridoor and they both looked worried about Anna-May. We stood talking to them for a few moments but then we heard Nathan. He had so much more hope in his voice. 

We all rushed in to the room to find Nathan there with a glimmer of hope in his eye. He kept repeating "She squeezed my hand", he was just so shocked. 

We all stayed by her side as we all worried with Nathan. It was going to be a long night. 


Hey Everyone

Hope you are enjoying the fan-fic so far. 

This chapter also includes two very special people in my life, my best friends, fellow peer mentors, more like sisters Rachel and Emily. I had a very happy Rachel when she found out that I have included her in this novel and when she found out she was paired with Niall I couldn't whipe the smirk off her face. I asked Emily who she wanted to be paired with and she chose Jay. Your wishes came true.

 Go and follow them on twitter. They are amazing to me. They have been with me through everything that has happend and I trust them with my life. 

Go follow these awesome people on twitter



@Crazy4SykesTW (also go check out her fan fic Let Me Love You)



 Don't forget. You can comment on the novel and if you are thinking of writing your own, message me on wattpad or on twitter (@Anna_May_K) I will happily read your story and give you idea's. If you need advice I am only a tweet away. Don't be afraid of writing. 

love you all 

Anna-May X

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