It's Set

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I had a few hours of piece and quiet as Nathan left early. This gave me the chance to chill out and dream up some ideas. I got my sketch pad from my room and just got sketching. By 2 everyone had arrived as me and Kelsey went to get drinks.

"You ready for this? I know the girls love the idea" she smiled at me.

"I hope so." I say back.

As we walked in everyone got their drinks and I started.

"Ok, im sure that either myself or Kelsey has told you my idea. I want to know what you all think of a dance group. Its something for us all to do together when the boys are away or when they are having guy time." Everyone looked up at me and smiled giving me a hopeful glitter in my eye.

"I love it so much, its just a girls only thing right?" Eleanor piped up.

"Yeah, just us. It can be our little prodject. Its a no boys aloud thing, so while they are watching football or whatever they do. We can have our time but have fun at the same time." I said.

"What about a dance space though. It wouldn't be fair to move around all the time and we have no space in the flats" Dani said.

"I can get that sorted" I said picking up the phone to call the studio I go to. Jaynie picked up to my relief as I told her my idea and that I needed the space and she happily offered to let me have one of the studios free and whenever I wanted it. She had one that was doing nothing and offered it to us. I walked back in to give the news.

"I have good news regarding space, the studio I go to, the person who owns it Jaynie has a full space doing nothing and she has offered it to us free of charge and whenever we want it, so she said if we want to see it we can go now and have a look."

Everyone smiled at me as we left for the studio. I left a note for Nathan so he wouldn't worry about me like he always does and I text him as well so their is no exuse to panic. As it was only a few streets away it was easier to walk. As we got in I went to find Jaynie who was waiting for us. She gave me the key and to let her know if we wanted it. As she walked back to check on the little ones I unlocked the door and walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was a big space, much bigger than the one I was in. It had mirrors all along one wall with a raised platform at the back with poles running down. Plus the area was beautiful but it needed a touch of paint. Everyone was smiling at me as though I was an angel.

"Do you like it then?" I asked the smiling girls infront of me.

"We love it and the idea." they all cherped together. I shouted Jaynie to come in and from the expression on our faces she already knew our answer. She sat down on the floor with us and we talked details. She clarified that the space was free for us as I was a friend so the girls were pleased cherping there thank yous. Jaynie said that we could decorate it if we wanted and now all we needed now was a name. We didn't need a teacher as we already have Dani, Kelsey and myself so that was easy. It was our prodject so that was good.

We were all having a discussion on the name as their was ideas like

Girls only

Only girls aloud

and many others. I stood up and thought of an idea. I had one this morning so its now or never.

"Hey," I said getting them to listen "how about T1WD, the one wanted direction, mixing up the boys band names so at least when the boys are away a part of them will still be here. This is for us when they go so we won't miss them as much but it is for us when they are away. Its them that have brought us all together to become close so lets give them something back. Make them proud of us."

Everyone looked at me and smiled. They all loved it as they all chorused around the room. We pulled in to a group hug as we were setting this in motion. We would get the uniforms ordered plus getting the studio cleaned up and painted then we were set to go.

I got home late that night and Nathan hugged me tight. We chilled out and soon we both went to bed. The next morning I woke up early as me and the girls were cleaning the studio and painting today so I picked out some old clothes and put my hair in a messy bun. I kissed my sleeping sloth as he was still  in bed asleep bless him. I told him last night that I would be in the studio early and not get back till late. He looked at me as though I knew something but he just left it. He trusted me so he knew where I was.

Kelsey picked me up and we soon got to the studio. The uniforms were being picked by Eleanor and Nareesha. The painting was being done by me and Kelsey as we both descussed disigns late into the night, so that left Rachel, Perrie and Dani to tidying the studio and cleaning. We were all working together to do this.

As Rachel, Perrie and Dani had already cleaned one wall, me and Kelsey started painting it. We had chosen a pink/red colour with black butterflies up the wall plus our sign in white as the boys have their simbol in white and black anyway. That made it better.

We stopped at about one to have something to eat as we all admired our work. It looked amazing so far and with the rest still to do it would look amazing. We were adding pictures of us all later as we started again an hour later. We non-stopped work all day and I was sure to sleep tonight with the amount of work I did. By eight the studio was finished and dried. I got Jaynie and she was atonished at the hard work we did. She loved it, and in true spirit she handed all of us a key so we could come in any time.

Kelsey dropped me off at home at half 10 as we stayed for drinks and a take away. We all just chatted.  As I opend the door, Nathan came running to me and engulfing me in a hug. He kissed my cheek and asked me what I had been up to all day. I was so tempted to say something but I said it was a thing I was doing with the girls.

Nathan just smiled at me as we curled up to watch NCIS, this was one show I was addicted to, the team work of Gibbs, DiNozzo, McGee, Ziva and the rest was amazing. However I didn't see the rest of the episode as I soon fell asleep after all the work I did today. I felt Nathan carry me up to bed and slide in next to me. I was shattered but it was a good day though. This would be amazing. All we needed now was our uniforms. I can't wait to see what they had got us.

By the next day I was awake very late. Im surprised Nathan didn't wake me up. As I walked downstairs I heard Nathan, Siva, Tom, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall talking in whispers. I heard Nathan first.

"I don't know what they are up to. Anna-May was back really late last night and she left before I even woke up. I'm worried about her. What are they doing?" Before they answered I walked in to them looking at me. I texted Kelsey and told her what was said. She soon replied saying tell them, they need to know and since they were round it was left to me. Its a good thing she asked the other girls at the same time.

I got the lads to sit down and just said that there is no need to panic about us we were all fine. We were just tired after painting our new dance studio for our dance crew. I went on to explain why we were doing it and I was bombarded with questions. By the time they were all finished and left Nathan pulled me in for a hug and told me he was only worried about me and how proud he was of me. 



Hope you are really enjoying the story so far. If you are go check out a fellow author and close friend of mine @Crazy4SykesTW on twitter and wattpad plus @Lydia_NicelyTW on twitter. Go follow them. They are amazing and great to talk to.

If you are writing yourself and you want someone to read it go ahead and post on my message board or tweet me @Anna_May_K. I can offer advice for writing and ideas if you are stuck. 

Love u all 


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