I'm Running From A Warzone

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I walked into class on Monday morning like normal and took my seat. People came round me throughout the day and whispered hurtful things in my ear like "You didn't deserve to win that" "you have no talent" " you will always be a nobody" and worse things were said throughout the day.

The worse was the thing that killed me inside. I just went to the common room like a normal lunch time, took out my books and started some work. I had my song folder next to me as I was thinking of new lyrics to put together. Someone took my song book away from me and started reading. He then passed it on to his friend who ripped each and every page as someone grabbed hold of me so I couldn't move.

I felt horrified as he let go of me and I bent down to the floor to grab the sheets on the floor and ran out of the room. I could hear everyone laughing. I felt horrid inside. I stood outside the room just listening to the comments. My best friend Emily's voice was the next I heard.

"Why is it that you all pick on Anna-May. She has supported every single one of you in this room and you just throw it back in her face. She is really talented and she deserved to win that more than any of you. She worked hard for that so just think about your actions"

Emily joined me outside as she saw me on the floor crying. I couldn't take it any longer.

"Thank you Emily. That must have been tough." 

"I'm just so sick of people treating you like that day in day out."  

She wanted to finish but the bell went for lessons.

By the time I got home, I couldn't take it any more. I ran straight to my room and cried my eyes out. This day was horrible and I couldn't take it any more.

Every time the day runs through my mind I let another tear leave my eyes.

I heard the door creak open and my mum walked in. It took her forever for me to tell her what happens that day. She walked out of my room after I told her. I couldn't take this day much longer. I wasn't in the mood to eat. I didn't eat for the whole day and I didn't feel like it either. It wasn't fair on me. What did I do wrong?

The next think I knew I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opens my bedroom door. Nathan stood outside. He took one look at me and engulfed me in a big hug. I started to cry on his shoulder as we walked back in my room.

I told him the events of the day as I curled up next to him. We didn't move for a whole hour. I soon fell asleep in Nathan's arms while listening to his steady heartbeat an his soft voice singing lyrics to me.

Next thing I knew I woke up to the smell of hot pizza. Nathan must have ordered in or something. I slowly open my eyes to meet my boyfriends gaze. He smiled at me as he handed me a slice of pizza  

" I've been told that you haven't eaten anything all day baby. They are not worth it. Promise me you will eat something now."

I took a bite out of my slice of pizza tithe delight of my boyfriend as he smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead.

We sat and ate a full box of pizza together as we chilled out and chatted. Then my phone lighted up. I looked at my phone and saw what I feared. My whole twitter and Facebook page full of hate. I showed Nathan with his face turning horrified as I realised that I was in the middle of a warzone. It was only me and my friend. I couldn't take it much longer. I had to get out of the school and soon.

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