The Web Cast

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I walked out of another meeting to head home. This one included all the dates and the choreography so this was more of my field of experties. I headed home to find Nathan, Max, Tom, Jay and Siva in the flat making it a mess or more like my whole evening tiding up later on. I walked in to my room and got changed into something a bit more comfortable and a little less formal. I walked back down to find the boys just starting so I was there just in time.

Nathan pulled me onto his lap as he started talking.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Anna-May, my amazing girlfriend. Please don't go sending her hate, she is a really nice girl. If you have any questions for me or the boys send them through.

I sat there with Nathan's lingering lips brushing against my cheek ready to gie me a kiss. Questions like

Where did Anna-May and Nathan meet?

What's Nathan's favourite thing about me?

and more. There were also questions about me so I said a bit about myself but I just stayed out of the way in the webcast. I hardly spoke but people did ask for my twitter name so they could follow me. I then left to let the boys have time with their fans. It was their webcast not mine so I just moved out of the way.

I went upstairs to do some more work. After setting my books and my laptop out on the floor I heard a thud. It would have made me jump if I didn't know who was downstairs but me being me I went to find out what was happening.

Once I saw that the boys were doing the most aweful dance moves I couldn't help getting my phone out and recording. I was so glad I wern't spotted as I would have been busted. Rule 1 in the sneak out code. Don't get caught. I ran back upstairs when it was all over and re-watching the horrorific entertainment as I thought on who to send it to. The top two people were Kelsey and Nareesha closly followed by Scooter and Kev. I texted the clip and it said have have you guys not gone crazy yet? How do you cope with them? I couldn't wait for the replies to the texts.

I finished some work and went to bed. I curled up under the covers and soon put my head phones in. I've found that it helps me sleep a lot better once I have listened to some music. After a few songs, I pulled them out and went to sleep.

The next morning I was woken up to my twitter feeds going crazy. I looked at them and saw a whole bunch of tweets about me and Nathan. Some were really nice like

"You and Nathan are so cute"

"You make a cute couple. #NathMay"

"@Anna_May_K makes @NathanTheWanted so happy. I support #NathMay"

As I scrolled through I saw the nice tweets from the fans but then it came to the bad ones. The ones that made me question if I was really liked by people. These tweets were the ones that made me hort really bad. From being called ugly, to money grabber, to much much worse, I couldn't take it. There was one inparticular that stood out. "You will always be alone"

I felt like I wasn't accepted. I felt like I was back to square one again. The shy girl who kept herself to herself. I was happy but now I questioned it.

Nathan must have heard my sobs and by big fall of my bed as he came rushing in to me looking an emotional mess. I felt horrible. Nathan kept asking if I was ok but all I did was show him the tweets.

A few moments later he looked at me and told me not to believe a word of it. He told me how I really was, a beautiful, talented girl who would go far in life. He also told he one thing that will linger in my mind all day "You're not alone, are you. Because I'm here".

I smiled at him as I told him that I needed to get ready for school. Another taunting experience for me. Although things had improved, I just couldn't face people seeing me like this. I grabbed something to eat and headed for the bus.

At the bus stop I was just glad the bus was early and that I didn't have to wait in the rain for too long. The rain hid my tears that showed the pain and emotion I was going through. I heard screeching coming from the road along as I saw a car driving irratically. I felt that this wouldn't end right judging on the morning I have had so far so I got my phone and texted Nathan this

To Nathan,

I hope you get this message. I just want you to know how much you and the guys mean to me. I love you and the guys so much. I just want you to know that you are not alone, because I'm here along side you and I always will be. I lo



Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I thought that this would be the ideal time to add in a little something I have been working on and with the webcast bringing bad news I thought it would be ideal. Whatdo you think that will happen next?

Anna-May X

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