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"Renjun, I'm okay I promise. I'm just happy you're okay."

Renjun sniffles as he holds Jeno's hands close to his chest. It's been two days since the last incident and Kun had called to have both Renjun and Jeno excused. It's a friday afternoon and they were currently on the couch.

"I know...but I just, I missed you.."

The two enjoy the silence while Renjun holds the other boy close.

"hey Renjun.."

The fairy looks back as he sees Haechan, standing there while awkwardly scratching his arm.

Renjun began to panic as he looks at Jeno then at Haechan, before standing up quickly and heading away from them.

"What was that about?"

"I uh...I kinda yelled at him when you were...knocked out."

"You yelled at him??"



"I don't know man, I guess I was nervous or something."


"I thought you were dying dude!"

"Go apologize to him right now!"

"I'm trying but he keeps avoiding me." Haechan whines as he kicks the ground.

"Keep trying!"

Haechan whines again as he turns around and headed off to find Renjun.

After a while of walking throughout the house Haechan didn't see Renjun anywhere.

That is until he finally realizes he hasn't checked the backyard. Finally he found the boy. Renjun sits under a tree while gently picking up flowers and tying them around a stick.

Haechan quietly makes his way over to the boy, trying to stay quiet and calm.


The smaller boy jumps from the sudden voice and quickly looks back. He drops the items and began walking away while looking down.


Haechan grabs the boys arm and pulls him into a tight hug. Renjun began to tear up as he held onto the wizard.

"Renjun I truly am sorry...I never meant to hurt you. I yelled because I had thought that Jeno..had you know. I just want you to know I never ever thought you made things worse. I was panicking and I spat out random words."

Haechan began tear up himself.

"Please forgive me..I miss having you in my arms.."

Renjun looks up and makes eye contact with Haechan.

His eyes. Pastel pink.

Renjun saw the tears slip from his eyes and began crying even more.

"Hyuck...I forgive you. I'm sorry...I..."

Haechan smiles gently as he held Renjun tighter, the two crying with one another

A few minutes pass and the two boys sat under the tree. Renjun sat on Haechan's lap with his face against the boys chest.

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