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"Okay...here's your chicken and rice! With some pieces of chocolate in a little bag!" Kun bursts through the door while speaking loudly, startling both Mark and Renjun a little too much.

"g—ge! you scared me.."

"Sorry! I should've knocked..I didn't think you two would be getting frisky."

Mark and Renjun look at each other, before bursting into laughter.

"It's okay, hyung." the werewolf says while smiling a bit.

"We weren't getting frisky!"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways, here's your food! Don't let it get cold."

Renjun quickly nods while taking the food.

"Mmm...it smells really good! Are you going to let me try some?"

"Of course! There's this little shop next to the grocery store, and they have really great food!"

The fairy takes everything out of the bag, laying it out.

"Here." he hands Mark a fork and the plate, while taking a piece of chicken and eating it.

"Mmm...they always come through."

Mark began to laugh as he takes a bite

"Wait... I agree!"



"Hey Renjun!"

"Oh? Yangyang!" Renjun exclaims as he quickly looks back, seeing Yangyang walking up.

"You do go to school here??"


Yangyang gently hugs the boy before handing him a small wrapped candy.

"So where's uhh..your 'bfs'?"

"We all have different classes this period..which sucks."

"Really? What class do you have next?"


"With Ms. Xiao?"


"Me too!"

"You have to be my canvas partner now!"

"Of course!"

Yangyang takes the boys hand, entering the classroom and sitting down in their spots.

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now