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Renjun trips over his bag, landing next to Mark. The boy began to tear up as he felt his wing fold.

The fairy grabs Mark's arm, gently trying to pull himself up. The werewolf turns to look at him, forgetting about the whole situation.

"Renjun! Are you okay?" he helps Renjun sit up, gently caressing his wing.

"No...Mark..it hurts.."

"Did it break?"

"I don't know...it just hurts...badly."

"You're definitely not going out there like this. So don't think about it."

"Okay.." Renjun sighs as he feels Mark gently massaging his wing.

"Mmm...it feels slightly better.." the fairy leans into Mark's chest, shutting his eyes tightly.

That was a complete lie.

It hurts.

Like very bad.

But he wants to go outside to see the creature. That's the only way.

"Jisung...please..I really want to go out there. My wing is better. I promise you I won't get hurt."

"Why are you only asking him? There are five of us here."

"He knows Jisung will fold easier."

Renjun gasps as he glares at Jaemin, rolling his eyes afterwards.

The demon wasn't pleased.

"Whatever. I'm going out there. You can come. Or stay. I could care less as of now."

The fairy quickly stands up, biting his lip from the pain he felt. He was quick to exit the room and head down the hall.

"I'm not leaving him alone." Jisung sighs as he quickly follows behind him, making sure to hold the boys hand.

It took a while but they finally were able to spot the creature.

"There it is..."

"I know...it doesn't look as scary."

"But it is..."

"Let's be positive for now.." Renjun quietly says as he slowly began to speak louder. This immediately catches its attention.


"No! Jisung, no running!"

"It's coming right at us!"

Jisung tightens his grip on the boys hand, pulling him along.

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now