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"I need to get closer."

"Turn into a bat!"

"Okay maybe that'll work."

The boy quickly changed into his natural form, quietly landing on a tree branch just above the other two.

"Renjun I understand, but you don't need to completely give up."

"But I'm afraid. I'm starting to think about it."


"If I made the right choice when I said yes.."

"I'm pretty sure you did, they all love you Renjun."

"I k—know..but I don't think I should've said yes."

The bat quickly flew off the branch, directly flying into Mark's chest. He bounces off and lands on the floor, with Chenle turning back into a human.

"Woah, what did they say?"

Jeno helps the boy up, dusting his pants off. Chenle takes a deep breath as he shook his head.

"Renjun, he's feeling regretful."


"Becoming ours."


"Hey Xiaojun!"


The boys share a 'bro-hug' while smiling at one another.

"What brings you here?"

"Well, Renjun needed someone to talk to and since I'm like his friend, he called me." 

Kun began to chuckle.

"Are they okay with it?"

Kun points behind them, there stood six boys. they were all in their somewhat natural state.

"I mean..I think. I literally don't care. Renjun needed help, and I obviously can't decline that." Xiaojun ruffles Renjun's hair, making the boy smile.

"Well, I must get going! My little brother graduates from kindergarten today."

"Awww tell him I said congratulations."

"I'll do that! Call me if you need anything else, okay?"

"Okay ge."

After they bid farewell, Renjun sat himself on the kitchen counter.

"Hey jun, I'm going to meet Lucas in town. Taeil and Johnny should be back in a few hours."

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