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"I didn't do anything! He was like this when I came up here. Not my fault." The werewolf shrugs.

"Dude I get you don't like him or whatever, but you seriously saw him bleeding and didn't get concerned?!" Haechan glares at Mark while frantically trying to awaken Chenle.

Mark rolls his eyes as he continues to lean against the railing.

"What is happening!?"

"He was like this when we came up here!"

Jisung looks at the vampire in confusion and concern before quickly searching for the first aid kit.

"Chenle! Chenle! Wake up!" The wizard frantically (but gently) slaps his face.

"Wait! It stopped." Jaemin says as he stops Haechan.

"What stopped? His breathing!? Oh god did he die! CHENLE WAKE UP!" Haechan began to freak out even more as he shakes him frantically while on the verge of tears.

"No no! Shut up. I'm saying he stopped..bleeding?" The demon says as he leans closer to inspect.

Haechan sniffles as he leans closer too.

Everyone was silent as Jisung sat down near his body with the first aid.

The demon looks around the floor and then back at  Chenle. He leans a bit closer to his neck as something catches his eye.

"What's this?" He asks while moving the vampire's collar down. A weird mark was revealed.

"I don't know. Maybe a birthmark?"

"But I've never seen it on him till today."

"It looks kind fresh..?"

Mark looks over as his ears perk up (lols).

Jaemin continues to stare at the mark as he felt like he's seen it somewhere before.

That's when it clicked.

The demon begins to quietly recite some words as the mark starts to react, lightly glowing.

Jaemin feels his chest tighten as he stumbles back. "Back up!" He yells. The two on the floor scoot farther away as Mark continues to watch from a distance.

Chenle gasps for air as he quickly sits up, spitting out blood.


Kun silently stares at the plate in front of him as he can't seem to stop thinking about Jungwoo.

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