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"renjun, he's not dead."

" you actually saw him."

There was silence.

THICK silence.

Very familiar.

Renjun couldn't process what he was just told.

The boy felt anger and sadness.

The fairy began sobbing, even more then before.

"So you're telling me..he's been alive and you knew!? You didn't think to tell me once!?"


"I could've...he...Kun...I dislike you so much right now."

Renjun continues to cry.

All the boys were told to stay out of the room, as much as they wanted to. They all had to admit, they are afraid of Kun.

The six boys were downstairs, conversing while being confused and concerned.

Renjun and Kun were in Kun's room, talking.

Renjun began throwing weak punches at the elders chest. Kun felt horrible, he began crying himself as well.

"Renjun. I never told you because I wanted to protect you."

"Protect me?! f—from what..he's just my brother.."

"He's evil!"

Kun yells as he holds Renjun in place while starring him straight in his eyes.



"But how?! The last time...Isaw him..he was supposedly dying!"

"Renjun. He joined their side. After being treated unfairly by our parents..he wanted revenge...so he became our parents worse fear before they you know...joined that side."

"My ge...would never.."

Renjun continues to sob, this time clinging to Kun.

"Have you...talked to...h—him?"

"Yes. I've talked to him ever since we left.."

"I want to m—meet him!"

Renjun speaks up while he sniffles.


"Renjun, I still don't think it's a good idea."

"But I want too..he was my best friend and he's my family. I want too see him.."

Kun sighs as he walks into the kitchen, grabbing the plate of food for the boy.

They are all in the living room watching tv, Renjun and Kun still talking but a little less emotional.

Kun hands him the plate and sits down next to him. Renjun began to eat the food while sniffling quietly.

"We'll go with him."

Jeno says as he looks at Kun.

"Thank you but, I need to be there. By myself with him. Maybe next time, you guys can introduce yourselves. But as of now, it has to be us two."

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now