"Wait! Put me down ge!"Renjun began to laugh as the other boy ran with him in his arms.
"We're almost there! The ride is almost full!" Xiaojun continues running, adding a little more speed. Renjun holds onto the boy, making his grip tighter.
"And....we're here!"
Xiaojun takes a deep breath as he sets Renjun back down.
"Ferries wheel?"
"Perfect way to end the day, no?"
Renjun gently nods as he hands the guy, holding the lever, their tickets.
Xiaojun sits down on one side as Renjun takes the other. Soon the door closes and the ride begins to move.
"The view is really pretty!"
"Yep! Especially this wheel, it has a view of the ocean."
Xiaojun points to the right.
Renjun is speechless.
"y—you can see the pretty mermaids and mermen on the rocks!"
"Yep, they're usually nice. Unless there's a war between them. They get aggressive."
The fairy makes a little O shape with his mouth, as he continues to look at the waves and different species that roam the ocean shore.
Time went by and they finally reach the top, the ride came to a halt.
"..did the ride break?!"
"No, they usually do this. They say so we can get a better view." Xiaojun shrugs as he takes his phone out, snapping a few pictures of the view.
"Ge! Let's take a picture!"
The fairy quickly gets up, sitting next to the other boy. He pulls his phone out, posing closer to Xiaojun.
"Oh— okay."
Xiaojun slightly smiles as he wraps his arm around Renjun's waist, leaning closer to him. Renjun snaps the photo.
"It's adorable!"
Renjun exclaims as he looks up at the elder. Xiaojun slowly nods as something in the air felt different.
"Ge? Are you okay?"
Renjun slightly tilts his head, putting the back of his palm on the others forehead. Xiaojun's eyes began to change color, a dark red.
Seconds pass. Soon a minute.
Xiaojun leans away, leaving a shocked and slightly furious Renjun staring at him.
It took a while but Xiaojun finally notices what had happened.
"Xiaojun...why would you?"
"I didn't— I..."
Xiaojun sighs as he moves away.

fairy [h.rnj centric]
Фэнтезиfive of the dream members are wizards attending a magical realm school, that used to be an all wizard school. until, renjun the first transfer student who's not a wizard but a pretty shy fairy, shows up. or so renjun thought they were all wizards. t...