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"I can't believe ge is letting us do this..."

"I know right? Who knew he was cool." Renjun looks up at Haechan before bursting out laughing.

The boys sit in the backyard, currently mixing a bunch of random liquids and powders.

"What if it kills?"

"Then let's give it to Jaemin."

"I heard that." the demon glares at Haechan before throwing a rock at him.

"Oww! Renjun, get him in trouble!" Haechan whines as he drops the plate, leaning into Renjun's chest.

Renjun sighs as he looks back at the other male, shooting him a 'wtf' look.

"What? He began to verbally bully me!"

"Yeah, then you threw a rock at me!"

"Do you want me to throw a fucking bear at you?" Haechan gasps as he stands up.

"Okay! Do it! You won't."

"Watch me." Jaemin left the scene, leaving a confused and concerned Renjun looking around.

"Okay—he might bring one. Can we go inside now?" Haechan looks down at Renjun, seeing the boy laughing.

"I mean, I'm not scared or anything. Can we just go inside already?"

"Yeah yeah..but help me clean—" the wizard uickly takes his wand out, saying some words before everything was gone.

"Nevermind." Renjun holds his hand out as Haechan took it before pulling him up. He wraps his arms around Renjun's waist, lifting him off the ground.

"Oh, Renjun! Try this!" Johnny runs up to the new boys who have just entered the kitchen. Renjun nods gently as he takes a bit from the spoon.


"I give it...100/10! I like it hyung!"

"Oh my..thank you!" Johnny smiles as he ruffles the boys hair, before walking back to the stove.

"He didn't offer me any.." Haechan pouts as he walks into the dining room.

"Well..." the fairy smiles a bit as he takes the boys face, gently kissing his lips.

"Woah...y—you can really taste the tomato." Renjun began to laugh as he continues looking up at the other boy.

"You're as red as a tomato."

"Hey Renjun, Jeno wants to know if you're okay with him being absent from our plans later today."

"Of course!"

"So, you're not mad?"

"Why would I?"

"Oh okay! Jeno you big weenie!"

Jisung runs back into the living room as Renjun smiles. Haechan slowly sits him down on the dining table, while opening a can of soda.

"Woah, when did Kun put a whole meal on the table?"

Both boys look up at the doorway, seeing a smiling Xiaojun.

"Oh, shut up man." the wizard roans in disgust as he pulls Renjun a little closer. The boy began to laugh as he walks up to them, ruffling Renjun's hair.

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now