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Jeno ran through every room, looking for Renjun. Once he got to the art room he finally found him.

But he wasn't alone.


He saw them both staring into each other's eyes, not moving at all.

It wasn't until Yangyang moved a bit closer where Jeno officially lost it.

He ran into the classroom harshly pushing Yangyang back, and in a matter of seconds they began to fight. This caught Renjun way off guard.

"Guys! What are you doing..."

Panic set in when he saw blood, there was too much to be honest.

Renjun didn't know what to do he didn't want to get involved because they'd snap him in half. He also didn't want to call a teacher because they'd get in so much trouble.

The boy began to throw paint brushes at them in hopes of drawing their attention, but that didn't work. He grabs a broom and began to poke and smack them, still it didn't work.


He softly says before backing out of them room and running down stairs to the cafeteria. There sat Mark with a different friend group. Without talking, the fairy grabs his arm and pulls him up and away.

Renjun starts to run while dragging Mark along, getting asked questions. They were answered once they reached the classroom.

"They started fighting and I didn't know how to stop it!"

Mark's eyes widen as he saw them both covered in blood.

"How...Don't worry, I'll help."

Renjun slightly nods as he steps inside the room, watching Mark finally get them apart from each other's throats.

He grabs Jeno by the collar and pulls him, while pushing Yangyang back with his other arm.

Both boys catch their breath as they stare at one another. Renjun walks up to them, taking out napkins from the napkin dispenser. The fairy hands a bunch to Jeno, only to have him harshly pushed back into Yangyang's chest.

The fairy stumbles for a bit, holding onto Yangyang's arm. He couldn't believe it.

Jeno looks at Renjun then at Mark before leaving the classroom.

"I'll go talk to him."

Mark says as he quickly exits the room, leaving Renjun with a hurt Yangyang.

After a minute Renjun came back to reality and looks back at Yangyang.

"You're bleeding..."

The fairy sighs a bit as he grabs a bunch of napkins, handing them to Yangyang. The werewolf sits down on a stool while patting his nose.

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now