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"Please...he's already gone."

"At least let me face you."


Renjun sits there, looking at every other boy with pleading eyes.

Jaemin slowly gets up from his spot, walking over to the boy. The demons finger slowly lifts Renjun's chin up.

"Baby, it's best if you don't fight it..."

"But Jaem...I wanna get up.."

Jaemin leans down, gently kissing the boys lips. Leaving him both shocked yet somehow calmer.

"Not gonna lie, that's hot." Haechan quickly whispers to Chenle, who began to quietly laugh.

"Okay I guess it is..."


"Mark...it's morning..let go of me.."


"Jaemin please.."

"Hmm...do you have an emergency?"

"Yes...I'm hungry!"

"Hmm...okay. While you're with Mark and Jeno, I'll round up the other boys and we'll make some breakfast."

Renjun began laughing as Mark starts to blow air into his ear.

"Okay! Mark! Stop!!"

"Then give me a kiss..."

"Well let me face you!"

"Nope..you're gonna use it as a chance to escape."

Jeno began laughing as he saw Renjun gasp. He looks down at Mark, slightly pulling his arms. That gave Renjun space to move.

"Thank you nono.."

Renjun quickly turns around and leaves a kiss on Mark's cheek.


"Okay...fine then..I do have to use the bathroom.."

Renjun began laughing as he was set free. The boy gasp as he gets up, running in and out of the room.


The fairy jumps on Jeno, repeatedly kissing his cheek.

"I don't wanna go to school tomorrow..."

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now