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"Oh my! Renjun?!"

"Gege!" Renjun gasps while pulling the other boy into a tight hug.

"Ah, don't call me that junnie! It makes me feel old." the boy says as he ruffles Renjun's hair.

"Sorry Ten ge...is Hendery here?"

"Oh yeah, he's in his room! There is also some else with him...he said he wants you two too meet?" Ten shrugs as he watches the fairy leave to the others room.

Renjun gently knocks.

The door opens.


Renjun is pulled into a hug by the other as he couldn't help but smile.

"Junnie! I missed you!"

The boy notices someone sitting on the bed. It's a new boy.

"Hello.." Renjun gently waves while smiling.

The other boy didn't speak, rather freaking out on the inside.

I'm in love

The fairy heard everything.

Renjun let go of Hendery, walking up to the new boy. He slightly reaches out.

"Hello. I'm Yangyang." the fairy gently smiles while looking up at the boy.

"y—you sure are tall."

Renjun let out a tiny chuckle as he continues to shake Yangyang's hand.

Hendery let out a small awkward cough.

"Are you guys gonna awkwardly hold hands or can we hang out normally?"

"Oh uh.."

The fairy smiles a bit as he lets go of Yangyang's hand. He lays down on the bed while resting on his stomach.

His wings stand up, glittering every now and then. The boy watches them as a smile grows on his lips.

The entire time Renjun was there, they both got along really well. Hendery was happy (since it was basically his plan).

You might be thinking, "what plan?"

To be honest, Hendery has no clue Renjun basically found his soulmates already.

"Okay! So you're a werewolf?"


"oh my— give me hug! Werewolves always give the best hugs..." Renjun smiles a bit as he sits up, pulling Yangyang into a hug.

"And I'm right once again...they do." Yangyang smiles while ruffling the boys hair.

"What school do you go too?"

"Honestly I don't remember what it's called, but it's the one that recently started allowing new supernatural people to join."

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now