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"Please go check on Kun.."

"He told me to stay with you."

"Please ge..."

"Okay." Lucas nods a bit as he quickly exits the room.

When the boy got back outside, Kun was pinned under the guy. His wings torn and arms cut.

"Give it up kid. We all know you're a joke, to all fairies known to man."

"n—no I'm not. I could care less..about your opinions."


"They seemed to hurt you more back then, so maybe you're right." Kun felt a hand wrap around his neck, cutting his air supply short.

"Who am I kidding? You're till that worthless and useless kid from before. Remember all those times your let your family down? When you couldn't help Renjun. When he'd come to you, crying his heart out because they were being mean to him. Yet you never did anything to help."

The fairy stays silent, his eyes becoming watery. The guy on top smirks as he began to tighten his grip.

you're useless

As soon as the hands were off his neck, he began gasping for air.



Lucas was able to get Kun off the ground and slightly standing.

"Where did.."

"You fucker!" There was an angry voice coming from the side. The guy from earlier began running towards them.

Lucas gently pushes Kun aside, preparing for impact. Which never came.

"Put me down! What are you doing?!" The guy began to float, his ripped wings hanging limply on his back.

"I'm not.."

That's when Kun sees Haechan standing on the porch, accompanied by Mark and Renjun.

"It's you! You little twerp! Put me down!"

"No can do sir."

"Hyuck...do it.."

Haechan nods quickly as he sends the guy flying. Having no idea how far and where to. Just away from them.

"Oh my.."

There was silence.


The next day,

Renjun sits in between Mark and Jisung while watching tv and cuddling.

Kun and Lucas spent the time in his room, the werewolf constantly reassuring him while helping with his wounds.

"Can I have a hug, sung...?"

"Of course!"

Jisung tightly squeezes the boy, gently kissing his forehead. Mark soon notices, hugging him from behind.

fairy [h.rnj centric]Where stories live. Discover now