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Catharine try her best to look sexy as she puts herself together to meet Darren it was Friday and on Friday he didn't do an actual job he always say he spent time on his couch with his laptop she hope today is one of those days he's on his couch, she check in the mirror to be sure her face was clean she didn't bother to wear make up for she felt pretty with out it and doesn't think she need it, but though she love to paint her lips with sweet tasting lips balms her lips were a full pair that was red near pink she love her lips and cherish them with the pair of cat eyes her eyes are glassy brown she was often told she has cat eyes she couldn't actually tell the color of a cat eyes for she wasn't getting to know them that well she can't stand those darn things they were so creepy and unfriendly almost like her neighbor she thought thinking back on seeing him again this morning and he haven't lift his hand to acknowledge her it's been three days since he first walked in the home to see her and he was talking to everyone else she hissed telling herself it doesn't bother her it's not even like she likes him thinking he's like cats to her she can't stand their creepy ways and who knows maybe he's homosexual and already have his boyfriend, she turn around before leaving the mirror she then grab her over night bag and head into the kitchen "I think this is about it" she said
"Wow!" Kady said "you look nice, that's a new out fit?"
"No" Catharine said looking down on the knee length high split floral skirt she wore with a white spaghetti strap tight length pullover and a floral wegheel strap slippers the color of her outfit
"It's been in my closet for months now" she smile
"You look swell" Alison said putting up her thumbs
"Swell mom really, aren't you too old?" Catharine grin they all laugh they embrace and Catharine kiss her cheek "see you" she said
"Take care dear" Clinton said
"I must do that" Catharine said
"Call me" kady whisper as they hug
"Ok" Catharine replied
She said goodbye to Nicolas and the children before going to the door
"Are you sure you don't want to take the car?" Alison inquired
"Next time" she said smiling she close the door behind her cross the living room floor through the front door she closed that door stood on the porch and let out air she wasn't sure if it was nervousness she was feeling for her feet felt shakey as she try to make her way off the porch she step on the pavement in the front yard turn her head to the neighbor's place on the porch he was sitting there to himself she stop to look him over and he totally ignored her she thought maybe he didn't know she was standing there she started walking to the gate turning each time to look his way,
Brayden tried not to draw her to him he didn't want his stare to become noticed as he watched her from the corner of his eyes he saw when she first step on their porch for he was actually there to see her, he kept wondering why she's not the first girl who move here as a neighbor and he never show interest he didn't see what about her that have him darning on her apart from being pretty the prettiest woman he had seen in a long while and man she shape well, he thought as he watch her went by and down the street easing over to see her, he wondered where she was off to dress up so fine then recall he overheard her saying to his sister kika she was going to look for jobs he wondered what job she could be going out to look dress like she is unless she was a nonprofessional woman,
"What happened?" Leah asked seeing him bending over look
"Nothing ma" he said sitting back down
"Is that our neighbor, Catharine?"
"I don't know who that is" he said
"It looks like her" she said having the feeling her son knew it was her too,
"How can you tell from here it's not like you know her that well to tell her from behind" Brayden said
Leah knew it to be her but instead of arguing she went back inside soon to be followed by her son
"I just saw Catharine going by" leah told the others
"She said she was going out on a job seeking" kika said
"Dress like that what she trying to find a job in a strip club or something"
They turn to look at him, he held up his hand,
"I thought you didn't know who it was" leah said
Brayden held his hand up defensively "I'm going to go so I'll see you later he went around to kiss violet "I love you grams"
She rest a hand on his cheek smile at him "love you too"
"See you all later I have some studio time to put in" he kiss his mom and sisters embrace his dad then left he got in his red mustang hoping that he would see her down the road but he was late on reaching for she was gone he wasn't sure if it was through the subway or on the bus but was sorry he miss her,
Catharine took the train to greensville park and took the bus that said greensville 33 on to  fifth Avenue 33st  she cross the street as she was told by her GPS the bus would left her right across from the complex right next to the complex was the gville apartment building on that building her boyfriend owned his own place, she came to the gate and asked for Darren hall the guy cheek the book he live on the seventh floor and haven't sign out since he signed in last night he pick up the phone to tell him he has a visitor "I'm here to surprise him can you just tell me where please" Catharine smile at the man who believe her to be real pretty as he checked her out he was sure too that mr Hall had come home alone last night since he haven't shown up with neither of the two women he took home one on a regular basis, the other occasionally he let her through "seventh floor room twenty two" he smile as he watch her in her sexy outfit thinking mr Hall was sure in for a surprise
"Thanks" Catharine smile leaving him there she was going up when she recalled she didn't even give the nice man a tip, she shrugged hoping she'll remember on her way out if he's still the one there,
She found the room knock slightly, Darren wasn't expecting any of the girls today for he and molly made plans for tonight at her place so he would go over instead of her coming which he wasn't sure of Tammy for they made no plan not until next week Tammy was just his back up girl but he and molly were tight they were engage and going to get married in the fall between September or October she is the boss's daughter and he kept climbing with honors from him since he started taking his daughter out he had invited him out to tell him that he one day might be come company owner and he wants that he truly wants that molly is his way to a bright future and who wants less, he was twenty eight years old and hoping to be a multi million dollar business man before thirty five Tammy was just a girl who likes what they has and he keep her happy so the secret is between them and she promises that molly won't find out, he move towards the door with out guess of who it might be he open the door
"Surprise!" Catharine yell
"Catharine!" Darren said shockingly "you, what you doing here?"
"I came to surprise you" she grin kissing him he pull back,
"You should have call me what if I weren't here, you show up like that" he said as he wipe his face frustratingly he stood looking at her in shock he didn't care to noticed how dressed up she was for him,
"At least let me come in, are you going to keep me standing here"
"I was just about to go get ready to go some where"
"You were going out?" Catharine asked
"Well yes"
"I thought on Fridays you just stay home"
"It is, but this is a business meeting but anyway you're here come on in"
Catharine walk in hugging him,
"it doesn't seems you're happy to see me"
"No that's not it I'm thinking of the possibility you might not had found me here" he sigh
"Well you are here" she said kissing him rubbing her palm over his chest kissing his neck he tense and she felt it look up at him he push a smile thinking since she's already there might as well,
They made out on his couch something Catharine didn't felt his all in was there he might not have been the best lover but whenever they used to make love he used to gave her more than what he did just now, and to think it is almost a year he haven't visited her back in Toronto, it couldn't have been the way she surprise him he seems more shocked than surprise, she came to stay the night but somehow didn't feel like it was going to be possible ,
He sat up running his palm over his head and sigh another time he got back into what he was wearing after half an hour with her she look up at him
"So what brings you to Nashville?" He asked
Catharine fix herself and sat up
"We move to Knoxville jus, just right across from you"
"Moved! What the hell?" He ask even more shocked
Catharine nod
"You lived in Nashville?"
"As you know my parents retired"
"Yes yes I know what does that have to do you?"
"They bought a home on line only to find it was in Nashville and they both thought why not and here we are"
"What about your job?" He asked
"What about it?"
"You left a good job just to move with your parents now you're out of a job"
"I'll find another job somewhere"
"This isn't really a job available place Catharine you have to know people"
"You've been here long don't you know of any decor company hiring?"
He shook his head dropped his head in his palm sigh once more what sounded like a million time since Catharine came she was starting to feel uncomfortable and couldn't believe around her boyfriend they sat for half hour without a word until he got up pasting the floor
"Maybe I shouldn't have come" Catharine said looking up at him seeing the discomfort she being here was causing,
"Baby no don't say that I'm glad you did" he lied she could actually tell that from his tone of voice he sat back next to her and the ring he is to gave molly on their wedding day some months from now fell from his pocket
"Ah a wedding ring!" Catharine surprise herself Darren look to see her holding it
"Oh damm this isn't for me I'm holding it for a friend he's getting married next week I'm his best man" he took it from her
"Oh" Catharine said
"I know I'm to get you a ring but soon ok baby"
"Yeah, I think I'm going to go" she got up wondering if he'll said to stay but he nod looking up at her "if it's ok and I get to come over I'll call"
"Please for I'm a busy man and I might not be home at times"
Catharine nod and let herself out for he didn't bother to walk her to the door it was obvious he wasn't happy to see her she felt bad for it wasn't how she imagined it to be she came down to find the man he was still there for she didn't stay as planned "thank you" she said giving him that tip she hope she had remember to, she walk across the street being watch by that man, since the bus wouldn't come for another half an hour or so Catharine grab a snack and sat to wait that whole time thinking on how she came to surprise her boyfriend and stay with him but it seemed it was definitely the wrong timing,
The bus came and she went back to Knoxville walk back to her house it was in the evening hours around five just as she was coming by the gate of the neighbor's she saw the door open and he came out in seeing her he pause Catharine stop looking right at him he held her stare for just a short while before moving again he came to the gate look at her before getting in his mustang and drove away,
She shook her head convinced he don't like girls she walk to the house every one turn when she walk in the living room,
"Catharine you're back?" Her mother asked
"What happened you didn't find him?" Kady asked
"I did" Catharine answered taking a seat "it's just that he has a business meeting and it was no sense hanging by myself"
Kady smile "now that you surprise him you can call to know when he'll be able to see you" Catharine nod getting up she went to the kitchen to get lemonade then came back, "where's dad, Nicolas and the children?" She asked
"Out back" kady told her
"We are ordering out what for you?" Alison asked
"I'll have a extra tapping ham cheese casarol with coleslaw" she said before making it inside her room, she close her door dropped on the bed laying back starting on the ceiling she lost herself in thoughts that shouldn't be there but let herself go as she pictures him him that she think to be homosexual him that didn't like her every much well she thought if him continually until Darren came back to mind the ring he had she thought it as for her disappointment hits her for she thought he was going to propose now that she was here in a town hear him,
She finally got up took a shower then went out,
"aunt" Jenny and Jeremiah said running to her,
"You are here I thought you went out for the evening" Clinton said
"Change of plans" Catharine said
"Ok well the orders are here"
"Oh yeah I'm here for the orders" Catharine said reaching for her dish of casarol flip the top and dive in,
"It's not as good as the neighbors but it will full stomach" she said with a smile "speaking of neighbors kika wanted to know if I want to hang out at the club with her one of the night"
"Are you seeking opinions?" Kady asked
"No not really I'm just saying thinking maybe I could"
"Well you're neighbors" Alison said
Catharine nod
"I actually think they're nice people" kady said
"Except for him I don't think he's that friendly and he doesn't know how to socialize, he's probably one of them" she grumbled
"One of them, one of them who?" Alison asked
"Don't think him to be I think he's rather handsome" kady said
"I couldn't tell"
"He's not gay, he's just another guy on your don't like list"
"Yeah what ever"
Nicolas look at Catharine and smile,
"It isn't fair to be judgmental" Alison told her
"Yes mom you said that"
"By the way how's Darren?"
"Ok I guess" she answered with a smirk she was wondering to herself if he was for he acted a whole lot different from the Darren she knew,
"Have you invited him over as yet?"
"Maybe when he's over the shock to learn I'm living across town" she try to let it sound funny making the others laugh but deep down she didn't feel him today she wasn't sure if it was because she became caught up in her own world thinking things that she eventually start seeing what wasn't there,
"I hope you invite him soon it's only a two hours on the train"
"He probably drive" kady said
But Catharine believes he will be too busy to come,
"I'm hoping to start looking for work soon june is almost up" Catharine said
"Oh yeah soon it will be the forth of July I wonder how they celebrate it here" kady said
"Probably the same marching band, music, fireworks sameold, sameold" Catharine said
"I got a guide I'll see what Nashville got to offer for the holidays" kady said going out the kitchen she later came back with her event guide Tennessee line up for forth of july were many mostly in middle town few in the east on their side silvan park was close by and was having a parade from two pm to ten pm so they plan to go see that, "you so anxious to go see fireworks can't you make your own fireworks" Catharine criticized
"Are you kidding what you think happened why my kids are here" kady turn to grin at Nicolas and Catharine laugh aloud,
"Too bad you ain't making any fireworks"
"I don't want your kind of fireworks you see this" she said standing up overralling her body, "I gave a man a chance to use it but it's not for carrying kids I'm not growing a larger tummy than this you see me with"
"Every woman need to have a child from they are able to" kady complain
"I don't consider myself a woman anyway"
"What did they ever do to you"
"Nothing Maybe if they didn't carry such large bump I'm not in for it"
"Honestly honey you might not want them but you might learn from your sister's children how cuddly they can be"
"They are cuddly when they are not yours"
Kady shook her head roll her eyes, but added nothing more she thought by now she would get over that about not wanting children and don't want her tummy to grow she was design to go through it what could the problem be,
"When you get married and to give your husband a child what you going to tell him" alison asked
"I guess that's Maybe why I chose him he knew I don't want children and he understood that a million it doesn't seems he want children himself anyway" she wasn't sure what he really wants anymore
"Oh ok" alison said turning back to her food, they grew quiet for a while the sound of the mustang got Catharine heart beating faster she frown at herself kady caught the look as her expression changed thinking her sister really must can't stand the guy,
They finish and dispose of their garbage then head out into the living room she sat listening over the television for his voice which she figures she could hear it was so deep she actually like his tone she wondered how it is his tone changed while he's in a love mode if by chance it breaks down into something smooth,
She wanted to get up and go to the front porch just to catch a glimpse of his hard body but it wasn't long after the mustang was starting up again and voices saying bye see you later,
Soon as it could no longer be heard she got up and went out stay awhile for some fresh night air, the children later came out to say goodnight she hug and kiss them, watch them lead off with their dad,
The living room was empty when she came in, the lights in the children's room was turn down the door to her parents room turn the lights were still on and she could hear their voices thought she couldn't heard what was been said between them, the door to her sister's room was close she figured she was tucking in her husband she smile as she thought of what she had said she actually think they were the second best couple for their parents were first they were couples to admire and idolize, she sat turn the television on to watch the wildlife channel she was getting comfy when kady came from her room,
"Finish tucking in your husband already?" Catharine asked with a smile
Kady giggled as she sat beside her, "not tonight it's my time of the month"
"Oh" Catharine nod she had already gone through hers days before she came here she was somewhere between the fifth day and the seventh day if she didn't start on one of those she was either in menopause or dead,
"So all is well?" Kady ask
"I think so"
"You're a bit disappointed for you had planned to stay with Darren"
"Maybe I am but I'm ok"
"I wish I could see the look on his face when he saw you"
Catharine grin wishing she didn't have to for it was devastating
"I bet you two made out though it wasn't enough time"
"Oh yeah" she smile if that was his idea of making out she didn't feel him into it a bit making her feel as if she had forced into something that shouldn't be,
"Bet it was short and spicy"
Catharine narrow her eyes at her "no body get to enjoy sex in such a short time" she grumbled
"I do"
"I don't"
"He probably got more time next time"
Catharine wondered if there should be a next time if she really should go back and see him,
"You probably are to invite him here soon"
"I will" she said just to get her to shut up about it, though she was glad for the conversation such ways she doesn't have room to flog her mind thinking on him she turn her head as if he was sitting to the side of her,
"I think we're going to like it in our new home" kady said
"We!?" Catharine asked
"Go a head and speak for yourself"
"You were excited to hear you would actually move to Tennessee don't tell me he changed your mind"
"Him? no way" Catharine giggled
"Maybe as soon as you get a job you'll feel much better"
"I hope I do soon for I need to get my car, the money I'm saving I will just keep going into it and I don't want that"
"Then start looking for one soon"
"I will" Catharine said she recalled Darren saying it is a hard place to find
Jobs she has to know people,
"Maybe you should asked Darren to let you work with him for sometime"
"You could be his assistant"
"I'm sure he has one, and probably you haven't noticed but he's tight on cash stringy with it it seems he wants more than to give"
Kady laugh but said nothing she got to her feet smile "you need to start somewhere if you need a job"
"Don't worry I'll get a job"
They smile at each other as they bid goodbye for kady was going off to bed And Catharine would remain on the couch caught up with the wildlife channel and wrapped up in her own bit of thoughts.

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