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Catherine smile as she stretched in Brayden's arms, he was right about one thing after that round of love she was feeling better, not good but better,
"I told so" Brayden said on seeing the smile on Catherines face she rub his face holding a smirk "so you're ok?"
"I'm not won't be for a long time" Catherine said
"I'll be right by your side" he promised
"With Jeana next to you"
Brayden chuckle "that won't happen"
"Better not"
"Aren't you still engaged so why you fussing about"
"I'm carrying your baby unless you want it otherwise" she hissed
Brayden held his hand up Catherine turn her back on him he smile and held her back to his chest, Kady checked in her sister's room as she got to the house but she wasn't in,
"Catherine made it home alright?" Kika asked as they were waiting to hear
"She's not in her room" kady said
"Then call her" Kika said
Kady dial but after calling twice she got no answer
"You should take that" Brayden said "don't let your sister worry" he said
"Where could she be!" Kady said trying again,
"it's late now and she left before we did" Kika said worriedly
Catherine open the line, "Catherine where are you?" Kady asked
"I'm in Nashville" she said
"I know that but you left us so long you should be home, I'm worried about you" kady asked
"If I say I'm alright will you stop worrying?" Catherine asked
"Are you?" Kady asked
"I'll see you in a bit ok" Catherine told her hanging up,
"Is she ok, did she say where she's at?" Kika asked
"Just that she's ok" she sigh
"She's probably at her boyfriend" Rachel said
"She would have told me" kady said
"Maybe it's her new boyfriend she don't want to tell you about" Dalton said
Ricky laugh
"Ah my sister was never like that she has changed since she got to Tennessee I've lost my sister to a new city" kady said
Everyone laugh
"Well she said she's ok so let's leave it at that enjoy the rest of your night" kady said the others bid goodbye and they went in,
Brayden wasn't about to fall back on his promises since he agreed with Catherine that once she promised to keep the baby he would get her her dream car the car she was saving to buy the late blue hyundai today he decided to shop around it was almost Christmas and he got today for he had to be doing some shows and spending time with his brothers before they had left to go back after Thanksgiving they had spent a week before leaving as they were due to be back soon but he wasn't going to let this wait anymore, he and  Josh went together Josh was his best buddy they know all it was to know about each other, and he's the first to know he's seeing Catherine "Catherine is pregnant" he said mentioning it to him for the very first time,
"She is way to go man" he said nodding his head "by  the way it was expected you and Catherine didn't stop going at it" they both smile Josh pat his shoulder " daddy" he said
"That sounds good to me" Brayden said nodding his head
They got the car she wanted and asked that it be delivered to her at home,  it was going to be processed insured and delivered, so within the next week it should be ready,
Catherine was unable to do much because of her feelings it make her so mad when it comes on her but Brayden insists on her keeping the baby beside her was telling everyone she saw Josh the other evening and he was saying what a great mother she's going to be,
Brayden left the club right after his performance and since all the others were at the club he thought he would swing by and see Catherine, he beg Josh to drop him he knew he could call him later to pick him up, he called her at the gate she got up to open the door for him smiling up at him he lean in to kiss her, she pulled him off to the room closing the door behind them she had earlier check on the children for she got  up when he call said he was coming, Catherine was glad to be near him some how sleeping next to him was easy,  waking up was much better though morning sickness was natural and she vomited, he was standing at the door when she life her head, "you don't need to see all this" she said coming to rest on his chest,
"I want to be apart of everything" he said
"You want to be pregnant too?" She asked he laugh and hug her for sometime kissing her forehead"I love you" he said kissing her forehead once again "I should go" he said
"How you gonna get home?" Catherine asked
" I'll call Josh later, I'll be next door"
Catherine nod, he kiss her softly as she open the door to her bed room,
Nicolas was checking on the children as he had got up to get water as they came from the room into the living room they ran into him he pause and his eyes widen, Catherine widen her eyes back at him and frowned he smile, Brayden nod to him he nod too with a even wider smile, he watch then both walk away to the door as she let him out,
"What you doing up so early it's the holidays god!" Catherine said
"my lips are sealed I didn't see nothing and I say nothing"
Catherine growl and point a finger at him hopping off to her room,
Nicolas laugh shook his head and went back to his room,
"What was it?" Kady asked "I could hear you laughing"
" That was Catherine"
" What is She doing up so early?"
"I'm not sure" Nicolas said as he laid down beside her he was still smiling he can't believe that was Catherine and Brayden he had the feeling she like him and it says people express love in strange ways,
"Brayden!" Violet said as she open the door to the front porch to go out and water the plants,
"Grams" he said sitting up,
"I didn't hear you come"
"I stay the night over here"
"I didn't see your car"
" A friend drop me"
" I hope you didn't sleep here"
" No I'm just airing out"
Violet smile and touch his cheek,
" I'm going to give those plants a little water"
"I'll help you"
" Thank you baby"
They together watered the plants  they were done when the others came out on the porch and they all sit there, Kady got to their porch greeting the others across her husband came out greeting them her parents and the two children, they held a conversation from across the fence before they went back inside,
On Friday Brayden went to get his brother at the airport and they were all going to the club on Friday night Catherine didn't want to be left out and as much as she was torment by her feeling and she was still hopping she decided to go to the club anyway,
"How is it your foot even going to get better if you're on it everyday?" Kady asked but Catherine was sure if she lay on her inner feelings it would make her go crazy she barely eats she can hardly sleep and the only good feeling she has is for sex maybe it was all the reason why she talks to Brayden for she needed him in that way that too a whole lot, they were at the club while Brayden performed and the club was going crazy Tony and Jesse were enjoying their brother's performance it's a long time they haven't seen his shows as usual Catherine was being thrilled by the guy who sing his performance was over and Brayden went to his car to change he was coming in when he saw Jeana out the front although he didn't say anything to her she was walking with him still he went up to the others a head of Brayden to greet them she haven't in a while since she had walked away the other night at the tree lighting ceremony but Kika and Rachel answered and introduced her to Jesse and Tony "your sister in law" Rachel said Dalton look at Catherine and saw when Brayden look at her too Nicolos look at Catherine then to Jeana who grin and extended an arm
"You're brother girlfriend?" Tony asked
Brayden tried to say something but Jeana answered before he did "I'm his girlfriend" she said
"I see" Jesse said
"You two going steady talking marriage and family?" Toni asked
Jeana grin and nod
Catherine shook her head she got up to leave the company of the others
"Catherine where are you going?" Kady ask
"To throw up my stomach became sick" she said make Dalton laugh,
"Catherine" kika call but she just wave her off,
Brayden wanted to go after er but his  brothers take him to play pool instead, they left the club and he got the chance he called Catherine but he didn't answer
Catherine was home when the others arrived but kady didn't bother her much as she could hear she was sleeping,
She remains in her room on Saturday it was only when kika went over she gets to see her she had stayed a little while with her before going back over,
"Is Catherine alright?" Violet asked
"I don't know she haven't been taking much" kika said
Brayden try calling but she still wasn't answering Sunday she came over but Brayden was in the kitchen so she didn't went further than the front porch he finally came out to join them Catherine was sitting on a chair purposely rocking it, Brayden watch her Knowing she was doing it purposely until she feel off hitting her hip and bottom, "Ouch......" She said Brayden ran to pull her up "Are you crazy?" He asked Catherine hissed at him, "get off me you idiot" she shake him away leaving there,
"Catherine you ok?" Kika asked
"I hope I'm not" she grumble, as she hop off to her house ,
Brayden sigh and shook his head when he saw  Darlton look at him,
Since it was soon  Christmas everyone were home Catherine left the house on Monday and stayed the whole day it was late when kady called and she said she was at the hospital,
"You didn't mention seeing a doctor today" kady said
Brayden look at her
"It wasn't planned I'm just here to do something"
"Catherine what you mean it's wasn't plan what you doing?"
"I might not come home today"
"What you doing is going to let you stay the night at the hospital?" Kady asked
"I'll call you when it's done" she said
"Call me when what is done?" Kady asked but Catherine hang up make Brayden got worried he got up to leave he called a dozen times but she still didn't answer she got back to the house around eight and avoided everyone she close the room to the bedroom and stay in later on she went to fix some tea for everyone seems to be a sleep.
Brayden call Dalton to check if Catherine had got back but Dalton wasn't sure, he was on the phone when kady come out and Kika asked about Catherine and kady said it seems she was in her room, Brayden hang up and try calling her, she pick up this time for apart of her needed to see him, "Catherine you ok?" He asked
"It's none of your business go asked Jeana" she said
"I want to see you" Brayden said
"I don't want to see you" she said
"I'm coming up I'll call you when I'm at my parents"
"I might not answer" she said then hang up Brayden left and came to the house he found his family on the porch as the neighbors were on theirs he wall on the porch greet everyone and head into the kitchen he called Catherine and before the first ring ended she answered "I'm in the kitchen" he said
Catherine got up and went over and he let her in without hesitation she went in to the bedroom with him, "Catherine what have you been up to what was it you were doing at the hospital that you said you wouldn't come home"
"My business"
"Are you ok, you're still pregnant?"
"That's your only concern" Catherine said
"Baby" he said Catherine got closer to put her finger on his lips, "shhhh" she said leaning in to kiss him, it wasn't long enough they were entangled in love for sge needed him
Kika peek in the house "where is brother?" She asked "he just greet us and went by"
"He probably went to sleep"Rachel said
"I swear since  of lately he started acting weird" Rachel said
They laugh,
That reminds kady of Catherine for she became so different she wondered if by chance they exchanged her sister,
When Catherine falls a sleep after they made love Brayden became hungry and thirsty he go up to go to the kitchen, the stumbling in the kitchen alert everyone that he was there, "honey" Leah called and he came to the front porch eating some lasagna and drinking ice tea,
"You ok?" She asked
"What happened I'm fine why did you asked?"
"You came dear and you went to sleep you're not feeling sick are you?" Violet said
"I'm absolutely fine" Brayden said kissing his grandmother as he sat next to her.
Catherine had slept late the next morning when she awoke she could hear everyone talking on the porch Brayden's voice was one of them she had left there late last night and he said he was leaving but it was either he comes early or he just stay the night, she was too tired after their make out to know what had happen next,
The sound of a truck coming make the voices sounds distance this was the first big truck that came to this side since Catherine move to Knoxville the sound of it died somewhere close by she was coming out the room when she heard some one speaking saying hello to everyone, she got to the living room making her way to the door,
"Catherine moore?" One of the two  men asked, Kika, Rachel, Carmen and Linda were together on their porch and kady was with her children her parents and her husband on their porch but to where the truck was parked and the man was standing at the gate,"That's is my sis"she said
"That's me" Catherine said, "I'm Catherine"
"Miss Catherine oh yeah well this must be for you" the man  told her " let it down man" he told the other man with him,
"For me are you kidding?" She asked
"You said you're Catherine right"
"I might be this is so kool!" Catherine said "that's my car oh sweet" she turn to look over at Brayden who widen his eyes,
"Wow Catherine that's really cool" Kady said as they backed into the driveway and  started to let it off,
Catherine can't believe Brayden really did got her the car, the exact same way she described it,  she hop out to it  grinning  excitingly "oh my god I can't believe my own car!" she touch it and rub it hopping around it,
Dalton look at Brayden having the feeling that car was from him,
The man smile "well miss moore you just have to sign these papers and the car is all over to you"
Catherine nod the grin was as if it got stuck to her face she was so excited about it, she haven't felt this good in a long while  for she needed this one particular vehicle and was saving to buy it she can't believe that Brayden really got her, she  took the papers and sign gave it  back to the man "Thank you miss moore, do enjoy, abd merry Christmas when it comes" he said placing some papers and the keys in her hand,
"Thank you, oh my God I still can't believe it, merry Christmas" Catherine smile, she watch them to the truck they drove away before Catherine got in to check it out, "this is so cool" she said
"She haven't been this happy in such a long time" Rachel said "I'm glad to see her like that"
They smile
"Nice ride" kika said
" Did you get that off your Christmas bonus?" Rachel tease
"It's bonus alright but not Christmas"
Brayden laugh
They turn to look at him, he just shook his head,
"Well you get what you wanted" Alison said
"Your dream car" clinton said,
She nod and smile "I still can't believe it" she said
"At least you're happy" kady said
"I'm not happy I'm excited that's two different things" Catherine said
"Mhm" kady said
Catherine's phone ran in the middle of her excitement Darren called,
"Oh Darren" Catherine said Brayden got up leaning on the rail to hear what she was saying to him he thought it was over between them and by now they wouldn't be exchanging phone calls anymore,
Catherine saw him looking and went inside,
Since Molly was in montana and was spending the holidays there he lie saying his family invited him for the holidays, he believes he could get some time with  Tammy but she said she  got over him and didn't want to see him  anymore he had a feeling something like this would happen but Tammy wasn't really his girlfriend, he wanted her when he wanted her it was kind of a good way this to go see Catherine for he  didn't know what else to do and it was the Christmas season he didn't want to stay a lone he knew Catherine and her family will welcome him,
Catherine was surprised to hear from Darren it's been a while she haven't heard from him and he call today just to asked if she was ok and if she was at home or she had gone back to work they hadn't really talk talk in quite a while,
Brayden wonder what was keeping Catherine on the phone so long with him, he got up and went inside to to call her she was just hanging up from Darren,
"What did he want?" He asked
"I'm not sure"
"You've been talking long"
" That wasn't long"
" It wasn't?"
" No" Catherine said
" Oh" Brayden reply
"I haven't said thank you yet, I wasn't really expecting it I was testing you"
"As long as you kept your end of the deal and stay pregnant you just tell me what else you want and it's yours"
Catherine laugh ok lover boy"
"Try not to let him call you so much"
He hang up Catherine smile, she wipe her palm over her face then sigh, she got up to go back to the front porch Brayden came out same time he was walking off the porch
"Where you going man?" Tony asked
"Home" he said
"You gonna walk there"
" Oh shit my car"
"Don't worry you can take my car" ricky said
"I'm so used to driving my own car" he open his palm and ricky throw in the keys,
"what did you say happen to your car?" Rachel asked
" Josh had to used it"
" Oh" rachel said " why is it that he drop you here?" She asked
"why you need to know that, I thought I was free to come"
"Of course I was just asking
Brayden nod his head "If you're done with the interrogation and I'm not under arrest may I go"
Rachel nod flash him off,
"will you come back later?" Jessie asked
"If I'm allowed to keep the car over night why come back later"
"I'm going out it's fine bring it back tomorrow" Ricky said
Brayden nod wave to the Moores then got in the car belonging to his brother in law then left,
"Hey kika" Catherine called
"Hey" kika said
" It's almost Christmas Eve I want to go to the mall so I can take my new car for a spin are you up to it"
"like yesterday" kika said
"are you sure you can drive Catherine, got to be careful on that foot" violet said
" Don't worry Mrs stone I won't drive kika will I'll get ready and come" she said hopping inside,
" She's going to let me drive that brand new car, no way" kika said grasping thinking it was real cool that she would let her,
"Someone is in a good mood" Rachel said
They giggle Kika went in to change and grab her bag, Catherine took a shower and got dressed then come back,
"So we're just going to run down to the mall, should I get anything?" Catherine asked
"we're going to need some potatoes and ground seasoning" Alison said
" Maybe you are to wrote them down on a sheet of paper that way I will know exactly what those are"
Kady laugh, "I'll write them down"
"So I'll see you later"
"Take care" Alison said they hug and kiss on the cheek,
When they left kady sigh "At least she's not behaving mad just glad"
Both families laugh
Catherine and kika took the trip to the mall and to pickup ground vegetables for her mom, "this is so cool" kika said as they cruze down town
"It's a nice car"
"No wonder you wanted it"
Catherine nod
" You deserve it"
Catherine smile she was texting Brayden telling him she was on the road with kika he told her to make sure she's being careful, "I want my little girl with all her limps connect" Catherine laugh a loud kika glimps at her he type lol she send him a thinking emoji, "will we shop for gift?" Catherine ask as she put the phone away
"Or have you already"
"I finished but we could go together if you want"
"you know I want"
Kika nod,
Catherine smile
" I'm glad you're feeling better I didn't like seeing you sick" kika told her"
"Thanks for me too am glad I am feeling better, better than I'm feeling worse" they share a warmth smile Catherine touch her hand,
They finish got the dress Catherine wanted she paid too for one kika likes for since she wasn't saving to buy a car anymore she thought to treat herself out of the money, she wasn't going to spend it all but she picked something up for the children, her mom and sister she got a fancy shirt for Nicolas and her dad two of a kind thinking they both would love it, they did the gift shopping and she got Brayden a cool sweater and a watch, she got all her gifts wrapped remember who is to get what by choosing color she knew they like,
"This blue one is so pretty" she said holding up the wrapping paper,
" Like you my brother loves blue"
"Don't tell me that's Brayden"
Catherine said
Kika nod,
" And he drove that old red mustang it was almost like he had no taste"
Kika smile, " that mustang was a gift from our granddad they loved each other I guess he didn't give up on it because of the relationship between them"
Catherine smile,
"so how comes he's not off to another city like his brothers working?"
Kika shrugged
" I know he's here to stay closer to his grandmother like he's such a baby"
They both giggle
"so was it grams who taught him his cooking skills for he sure is good at it, don't mention I said that" Catherine smile,
" It was grampa"
" Was grampa Mrs stone's husband?"
" He was dad's father"
Catherine nod,
Everyone were on the Clark's porch talking when a really nice car pulled up it parked between the houses and a guy got out,
"Who is that rich looking dude?" Rachel asked
" Oh my that's Catherine's boyfriend" Kady said
" That's him?" Rachel asked they all look at each other
"Catherine never mentioned him coming" Kady said "Darren" she called he turn took off his glasses he saw it was Kady wave and come over, "hey hello"
"Well hello to you too" Rachel said grinning,
"Alison, clinton, Nicolas" Darren said
"Hey Darren" alison said
"well hi there" clinton said
Nicolas nod,
"These are our neighbors, Rachel,  Mrs stone"
"You can just call me violet" she said
"and I'm leah, this is my husband Thomas, that's Tony, Jessie, Carmen and Linda"
"you're that guy from the insurance company right?" Ricky asked
Darren nod,
" I'm Ricky" he extended an arm and they shook,
Darren look around on Dalton
" He's Dalton"
Dalton lift a hand to him and he nod,
"Let me get a drink for you" Leah said going in side,
He noticed Catherine wasn't here
"We live over there" Alison said
"But Catherine isn't home now" Kady said
" She's at work?" He asked
"she's at the mall"
He nods, both to Kady and to Leah who brought him a glass of wine,
While Catherine and kika shop around in the store they ran into Jeana she saw them and froze to look at Catherine staring her down,
"Jeana, hi" kika said
"What, what do you want? I don't want to talk to you people, don't come Jeana me like it's all good between us, we're not friends ok" she hissed and stormed away
" What did I do?" Kika asked
"Don't feel bad" Catherine said with a smile,
"I never saw it coming"
"Me neither" Catherine laugh kika shook her head and smile they were in line at the cash register just as the lady a head of them  finish cashing her things and Catherine and kika were next  Jeana got in the line in front of them the people behind Catherine started cursing the guy at the cash register was about to send her away,
"I'm begging you to let her cash you can tell a person by their rude behavior" Catherine said Jeana turn to stuck her middle finger in the air to her, "whore" she said
"That's how your mama got you, by the way tell her I said hi"
The people behind them laugh,
"I can't believe we did so much shopping" kika said as the bags were been packed in the car,
"well it was good right?"
Kika nod,
"This was better than moping" Catherine sigh
"You ok!" Kika asked
"If I behave strangely it's not my doing I've been experiencing mood swings since of late" she said it as a joke to Kika but it was true the pregnancy had her changing mood this is her best day since the doctor told her she's pregnant, they got in the car drove back home, Brayden text right as they left the mall until they get to the house
Everyone were still on the Clark's porch when the car came,
"She's here" Kady said
Nicolas look up
Kika parked right where it was behind kady's and Nicolas's car in the driveway they both got out wave across at them before going inside
"That's her, that car belong to Catherine?" Darren asked
"she got it just this morning" Kady said
"Nice" he said
Catherine and kika finish taking the things inside they then went over kika's with her bags "Catherine" Darren said as she step up,
Catherine grasp, "you're here, you never mentioned coming here" she said
"That's your?" Kika was saying
" He's Darren" 
Kika smile at him, "hey" she said
"hey" he said
Catherine look at him before following kika to the inside, they came back to join the others,
Rachel offer them ice tea it was cool and refreshing Catherine got another glass,
"Did Brayden and Jeana broke up? For we ran into her today and I greet her and the way she took me on it's as if I did her something"
Catherine laugh
"Jeana cursed you out?" Rachel asked
"Probably because you were with Catherine" Kady said
"she cut in front of us in the cashier line and call Catherine a whore"
Catherine laugh"
"I told you" Kady said
"I didn't do her anything" Catherine said
"when she call Catherine a whore, Catherine said that's how your mother got you"
Violet shook her head, Leah smile,
Kady sigh"
"So did they?" Kika asked
"I don't know, well you know Brayden he doesn't really know how to keep them" Rachel said
Catherine wonder how many relationships he got himself in why his sister said that she didn't care now as if it would make a difference she just hope that she is the last of them that this bond they're building last for ever,
"We should go get ready for later" Alison said
"You going out later?" Catherine asked
"Tonight is the community center Christmas drive where Santa came and the needful children are treat" Leah explain,
"that from church"
Violet nod
"I almost for got"
"you'll have to sit this one out" Alison said
" I know, I might have to sit my whole life out these days my life feels as if it doesn't belong to me" Catherine grumble
"Catherine don't bother this morning you were so happy" kady said
"I told you that wasn't happiness that was excitement I wasn't expecting to get my dream car I've been saving up for years and suddenly it just comes to me like it was wish here"
Dalton laugh
"I wish now I didn't come to Nashville My life is so ruined this is my first time missing out on all the Christmas events"
" look at the bright side, You get to decorate the tree" Kady said
They laugh as they look at Catherine who made a face, "is there a way I would rewind the last few months and change a few things"
They laughed
Catherine sigh
"So how much longer in that thing?" Darren asked
" I'll take it off next week I have to go back to work right after the holidays"
"so with the fall what is the company doing?" Darren asked
" It wasn't the company's fault" Catherine told him
"You were doing their work"
"Yeah but it was Friday I'm not supposed to be working on a Friday, friday is on my own time, so I'm not looking nothing from the company"
"I'm sure we can talk about this later" Alison said as she got up,
" We should get together for the Christmas Eve parade tomorrow" Leah said
" I'm sure Darren will love to come"
"He's not going to stay, are you?" Catherine turn to look at him
" I had planned to stay a day or two"
"You have is this some funny joke?"
Darren look at her
"you never mentioned coming and now you're staying"
Dalton look at her with a wide eye
"Is there a problem?" Darren asked
" Of course not she's just surprised you're here" Alison said, "we should go and prepare"
"see you later" Leah said
"I'll have to ride with some body since Brayden took my car" Ricky said
"He's not going to be there?" Carmen asked
"he might" Rachel said "but  you know Brayden he can be here or there, and to think he actually started sleeping in this house again, he haven't spent a night since he move now I can hardly keep up with the amount of hours he's here and he even slept here last night?"
"I've been wondering too" kika said
"why you all so bothered about it?" Ricky asked
Catherine look up at him "I'm wondering the same thing, what is he adopted to the family or what, for it sound as if you guys have a problem with him being here" Catherine shrugged got up and walk away,
Dalton laugh
Ricky smile,
Nicolas shook his head
"Look who's talking" Rachel said
She took the lead walking  away with our looking back leaving them smiling soon  the others followed,
"I got us some little things from town today" Catherine said she went in the bags she brought earlier today handing them a gift 
"It's a early Christmas present, since I'm not saving for the car anymore I thought this would be nice"
" Well thank you honey" Alison said as she open it to find a nice pink  dress, "right size my favorite color too" she roll her eyes as she fit it against her body, "I know what's perfect to wear with this" she hug Catherine kissing her cheeks, kady's dress was like Alison's in purple color purple was her favorite, she smile and hug Catherine "thank you" she said
Catherine nod, "this is for you, and for you" she hand a bag to Nicolas and one to clinton there was a shirt for them both similar in style different in color as clinton got a red and black for Nicolas, Jeremiah  got a greet shirt and  Jenny got a white dress looking just like that of her mother and grandmother, Catherine got one for herself in blue that was her favorite color as they all are to wear them to Christmas dinner
"I hope Darren that you have bought extra clothes for the event tomorrow for I figure you won't go out tonight"
Catherine look at him and him at Catherine, " no not tonight" he said
Catherine hope Brayden didn't show up she hope there'll be things there to keep him busy that he doesn't leave,
They all got ready for the event to  leave Catherine alone with Darren, as they walk towards the door Catherine followed them
"Will you be able to go around the car" she  asked Nicolas who's car she was park behind,
"I should be fine" Nicolas answers
She watch to see if he has enough space when they leave the driveway she went back in,
"I could use a shower" Darren said
"Behind that door" Catherine point to her  room, he took up his bag and left for the room Catherine put the television on the wildlife Chanelle to watch wildlife,then sat in front of it,  
Darren came back after a while to sit next to her, for a while there was nothing said only the television made sounds the only sound Catherine wishes to hear right now, "so you going back to work or do you have to look another job?" Darren asked,
"I'm going back the following week" she said she didn't look at him when she speak they sat watching the wildlife until he fell a sleep she didn't want to leave him there so she wake him for bed she let him have the bed while she went back to the couch, she fell asleep herself watching the wildlife Chanelle she woke up later and went to her room she didn't join Darren in bed she pulled out a blanket with some pillows laying on the floor, she lay in the dark keeping the door open for the light from down the hall could shine in, the light from the garage came in through the window she check her phone but Brayden haven't called or text at two in the morning she wonder if someone had mentioned Darren being there,
After the show Brayden found the others he  hand Ricky the keys to his car since Josh was there he could go to his place picked up his car and go home,
"So you all good?" He asked
"Yeah" they said
"Good show" Kady said with a grin, knowing for the first time he's a country singer she didn't know he's the guy what sing at the club the one Catherine was thrilled by it didn't seems she knows that and wasn't planning on telling her,
"Thank you" he smile back
"I agree" Nicolas said shaking his hand,
"I should be going" he said hugging them,
"See you tomorrow"
" Hey" Josh greet them all as he came over " how is your sister?" He asked
"She's not bad as she was bad" Kady said
"you tell her Josh said hello"
Kady smile and nod,
They went home after Brayden and Josh left them,
Brayden just went to pickup his car at Josh and cool out there,
Catherine was already asleep when everyone got home she was too tired to hear when they did, when she got up in the morning Darren was still a sleep she almost didn't remember him being here, she use the bathroom as her morning sickness seems to continue she vomited as usual and it makes her stomach ache she tries to settles it  with some ginger tea and water,
"Morning darling glad to see you looking all bright and trippy" Alison said
"Looks are discing mom, by the way I didn't hear you all came in" Catherine said when they came to the kitchen, Kady smile "were you too busy"
"Yeah too busy sleeping" Catherine said
" Hey Darren" Alison said,
" Alison" he said
" I take it you sleep well" Alison said
" I did" he said
" What time is it?" Alison asked
" Still too early for you all to be out of bed" Catherine grumble
" Are you fixing breakfast? " Kady asked
" No I'm having tea then I'm going back to bed" she said getting up she lead the way to the front porch violet was out watering the plants they greet her while talking to her the others came out, they were all gathered there,
Brayden just head straight to his family house after leaving Josh's place it was still early and he was thinking they all probably weren't up yet he pulled up to see them on the front porch talking with the neighbors, Catherine sigh when she saw him getting Nicolas's attention, Brayden  noticed the strange car park over by the neighbors house,  the strange guy then came to his attention, he look at his sister Rachel in question,
"Catherine's boyfriend is here, her fiance rather" kika said in a whisper, Brayden look over there at Catherine and at the man, he narrowed his eyes
"Hey" he gree them,
"Hi Brayden" Kady and Alison said,
"Hey man" Nicolas said
"Son" clinton greets him, he walk away inside Catherine knew it was to call her she left to go to her room for her phone she just pick it up when he call,
"Is that the country singer?" Darren asked
"Yeah that's him" kady said
"This is where he live?"
"Is family but he doesn't live there"
Darren widen his eyes,
"What is your little boy friend doing here?  So early, What did  he stay the night?"
"yes" Catherine said
"I thought you said it's over"
"It is"
" Have you told him about the baby, he didn't touch you did he"
"no he haven't touched me, I haven't told him about the baby I don't have to it's not like I'm seeking his permission"
"but he stay with you in your room, you know what I need you I feel for you I want to make love to you come over here I'm in the kitchen"
"right now?" Catherine asked
"yes right now" he hang up Catherine sigh she went as he said he open the kitchen door to let her in and the went to the room down the hall they make out like he want it grinning at her when it was over,
"This is to prove you don't trust me, and you just want me to hatch your seed" Catherine said
" I trust you" he whispered gripping tightly to her hips as she sat on his hips, "and I  love you, just be sure your little boy friend ain't touching you"
"I'll be sure not to" she bend to kiss him got up to dress "so when is he leaving?" He asked
"I don't know I didn't know he was coming"
"you just need to let him know where it's at so he know not to come back"
Catherine laugh "bet you haven't let Jeana know where she stands you're still partying with her at the club, who to tell she too might said she's pregnant"
Brayden laughed
Catherine kiss him then he let her out through the kitchen door, they were both back on the porchs when  he text her  send her some crying face emojis
Catherine send him a thinking one he responded with some laughing ones, they look across on each other"
"Catherine can't you fix breakfast and invite us?" Kika asked
"I could but I won't be able to stand up straight to do it next time"
"She's unable to stand up to fix breakfast but she's hoping to be every where else, Catherine will starve her husband" Kady said
They laugh she didn't miss the look from Brayden
"I'm going to fix breakfast" Violet said getting up she fix breakfast and invite the neighbors to come they all went in to have it  while  they eat Brayden and Catherine text each other when ever something sweet was said they look at each other and smile, Nicolas and Dalton could tell that was what they both were doing,
"You haven't met Brayden yet right Darren?" Leah asked
" I know who he is" Darren said
Brayden look at him,
"We never got this close but I know who he is?"
Brayden look at Catherine,
"what happened Catherine?" Leah asked "you don't like the way the eggs are prepared?"
"The eggs are fine" she said taking another bite, but it couldn't go pass her throat so she put it out her mouth on a piece of hand towel
"Ill finish that" kady said loving the way the eggs were,
They stay awhile together talking before Brayden got up to leave he was performing again tonight and he was going home to  get ready for the show,
Catherine stay home a lone since they took Darren with them and was a lone until one in the night, it was Christmas now for some people whose day started at midnight   she wouldn't say it's Christmas yet since it's not six in the morning but she texted Brayden to say merry Christmas
He told her the same saying later to each other,
Darren was off to bed when she came into the living room to find her sister wrapping gifts for her children and sat next to her a big grin on her face as she was ready to share the news with her,
  Catherine  pull closer to Kady on the couch, Kady turn she was leaning inches away from her face with a smile on her face,
"What?" Kady asked
"Tomorrow is Christmas" Catherine said
"So?" Kady asked
" So merry Christmas" Catherine said
"I don't know but you're behaving so strange since the other day you're doing some unusual things, Catherine why are  you in my face?" Kady asked
"Looking at what you're doing"Catherine said with a  smile,
"you're freeking me out, for ever since we got to tennessee you became so different I don't even know you any more"
Both their parents and Nicolas look at them as they too were sitting in the living room,
"Sis it's mood swings" she said
Kady look at her "what is it that is making you have mood swings I've never seen that before sometimes it's as if you're mad at the world"
"I'm pregnant" Catherine whispers,
Kady turn and look at her, pretend not to hear
"You didn't hear what I said?" Catherine asked, " I said I'm going to have a baby"
"Don't be playing around" Kady said making the others look at them again,
She look at her face and saw it in her eyes she wasn't playing around, "Oh my god!" Kady said covering her mouth, Catherine widen her eyes the others look in wonder what was going on,
"I don't believe it" she said Catherine open her palm to show the test she has done at the doctor's office just to prove to her sister of her pregnancy,
"So when did you and Darren decided?" She whispered for the others were there,
Catherine shook her head,
"Not Darren?"
"Bray, whatt oh my!" She covered her mouth
They all look at them again,
"You and Brayden?" Kady whispers
"We kinda got it off and" she shrugged
"so you went to bed with him after knowing him for how long a short while with out a condom?",
Catherine nod "I wasn't expecting it so fast when I went to the doctor after my ankle they told me,  he beg me to keep the baby he promised to do anything I should name it so I said I needed the car so he buy me a car I was kidding when I said he would have to I never knew he would really afford to either"
"So you're telling me  that car in the drive way is from Brayden  just to keep the baby?" Kady asked
Catherine nod with a smile
"I don't know what is wrong with these men what make them so excited to be come a father"
" I never knew you and Brayden would get there oh my gosh" Kady said
Catherine smile, "he's a charmer believe me"
"how long?"
"Eleven and a half  weeks"
"You want this right"
"I want what he wants, but it's killing me I haven't no idea that pregnancy could drive a woman crazy, how did you two it twice?"
"It's probably because you didn't want to become pregnant  have you told Darren?"
"I will?"
Kady took her hand I'm glad you decided to try motherhood I'm sure you're going to love it and I'm going to be there for you" Kady said
"I didn't try it it just happened it was our first time with our the condom but he was desperate for it" Catherine said
Kady smile "since when you started to let men get the better half of you"
Catherine shrugged
They sat there all cuddled up whispering until they heard their parents saying goodnight and Nicolas too got up to go to bed Catherine and Kady said good night too Kady was excited for the news it was like the best Christmas present ever she was going to be a aunt and no feeling could ever be better than that.

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