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"I'm going to be a aunt" kady said in a whispered to her husband grinning at him as she come to the room behind him closing the door
"Mmmm" he said "Catherine is pregnant?"
"She's the only sibling, and guess who's the dad"
Kady grasp, "how could you tell?"
" I saw him the other morning leaving"
"He stay the night here?"
Nicolas nod,
"how comes I didn't know all this, no wonder she's been been running off from the club and then she became sick and started acting crazy"
"she's twenty six I doubted she has to file a report if her feeling change and she started having feeling for someone else"
Kady shrugged "he got her the car that is for keeping the baby"
" He's paying her off"
Kady nod
Nicolas grin nodding pleasingly
"you think she loves him?" Kady asked
"She got to she's gonna have his baby the way she feels about that I don't think he could pay her enough"
"the good thing about it she's having it" she hug him as he held her to him,
"merry Christmas" Catherine called from the porch to neighbors they were all gathered together there,
"Marry Christmas" kika said blowing her a kiss
Catherine Catch it
"You're looking mighty fresh and  fine this morning" Rachel said Brayden back out the door to look at her
she didn't know he was there,
"Well I am feeling better it's Christmas I can't celebrate Christmas gloomy" she said, though she was still in her robe she went over just to see him, he watch her as she cross to them barefoot while the other wrapped up in cast she came to the porch and Ricky hug her
"So the ham out of the oven yet?"
He asked
"I don't want to think so" Catherine smile,
" Well we're about to open the most finest bottle of bourbon liquor need a shot?" Jessie asked
"Oh yeah what away to start the morning" Catherine said making Brayden look at her thinking she would take it'  "But im going to pass"
"ok I'll respect that" he said
"I'll have two shots" Brayden said coming up behind Catherine she turn to look up at him he widen his eyes at her and Ricky didn't miss her smile,
"Here is your Christmas gift" the children said all four children stood in front of her reaching a box ,
"Oh you got gifts for me isn't that sweet" Catherine said as she took it to open it she found a fancy jewel set, "jewelry oh really "are they real?" She asked as she look at them,
"You would have to asked uncle, he asked us to give it" the girl said
"Brayden!" They echoed around, Catherine heard herself but she didn't speak it aloud she look at the others around her then to Brayden,
Brayden tap his forehead, "hey what did I say not to do ah?" He ask, the children grin and ran back in side, Catherine smile when she look at him,
"I'm not a girl for gold you know guys need not get me gold"
"why is it you don't like gold?" Rachel asked
" For I feel I shine so much better without them"
"You're very pretty but I'm sure your shine won't stop with a gold necklace around your neck it is only going to let you shine more, here let me help you" Carmen said she help her to put them on, "there you go, and a nice girl like you deserve a little extra shine now and them"
" You think?" Catherine asked
Carmen nod
"So I got you a Christmas gift too" Dalton said to Catherine " I'll get it for you don't go a way"
"You got me something that's sweet" Catherine said
"I got some thing for you my self" Ricky said
"oh so I'm in for a good treat, I'm up for it"
Both ricky and Dalton went to the inside while they were going in the children came out they got another box, "from your uncle again?" She asked Brayden look at her and smirk,
" No from us this time" they gave her the box she open it to find perfume and a scarf a nice blue one, she grin and hug thank you guys" she hug them, Dalton and Rick came back with the gifts for Catherine Dalton hand her a small bag with something that wasn't wrapped from the minute she looked inside she didn't need to take it out to see it was a baby shirt Catherine hissed and knocked him with the bag he giggle he had bought her a nice fancy robe soft and warm and blue her color she marvel at it  when she puts it on, "shouldn't there be like a sexy pair of blue underwear to but under this things?"
They giggle,
"I couldn't tell the size you have grown more ass since I saw you on Thanksgiving" Catherine slap him and grin up at him,
"oh yeah perfume, I like perfumes" she said
"I hope you love the fragrance like I did"
"I appreciate it even if I don't like it I would never say, big sister taught me one thing appreciate all you get even if it's the worst thing I've ever received for no one is obligated to give any one anything, and I found it is true"
Violet smile and rub her cheek "that t is so true my dear"
"I got you a little something to show you how much I appreciate you as my neighbor" Leah said "my husband and I chose it I think you're going to love it"
Catherine open her mouth and grin,
"Catherine" Kady call as she came to the porch,
"I'm here"
"need breakfast or just tea?"
"I'll have tea when I get there"
"hi" Kady said calling to them, "merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas" they replied
"I'll be there shortly" Catherine called
" Ok" Kady said
Catherine got her gift from Leah which was a large blanket and with it a matching towel, "wow Mrs Clark were you and Mr Clark really thinking of me this is so gorgeous I love it I'm so happy for this" she grin as she smells them
"well you are a fine girl Catherine, miserable but fine, fine in alright"
"You think I am?"
Violet smile nod, "Violet gave her a nice pair of bed sleepers and a bedside rug" Catherine hug her
"they are not the only one who got gifts our husbands and us" Carmen said pointing to Tony, Jessie, herself and Linda she went inside and came back with an envelope, "we get to know how much you love county music so we got you two tickets to opry's big concert on new years eve"
"are you kidding opry host the biggest new years eve concert every year I get to see it live on big screen, this is so great Carmen, thank you all for every thing, I never realized you guys love me so much" she grin hug them around, " I can't wait to tell my sister this" she said
"So you don't need gifts from us?" Rachel asked
"yeah sure, you never said you got gift what should I do asked you for it?"
They got her some soft fluffy cushions and a teddy bear almost the size of her, her mouth open wide as she hug them she hurry quickly across to her home calling her sister to tell her the good news,
Carmen smile, she's a sweet girl I like her"
"it's a family thing" kika said making her smile,
Catherine burst into the door got to the living room to find them all there all her gifts what she wasn't wearing was in a box
"You got all those gifts girl all the neighbours must like you" kady said
Catherine show her them saying the name of who they were from, and the necklace?" Darren said
"Oh from them as well" Catherine answered, kady and Nicolas figure it was from Brayden
"These are some lovely gifts " Alison says
"I'll be back again" Catherine said going to her room to leave her gifts taking up the bags she got put away with gifts for the neighbours,
"It's pretty nice you got Catherine a gift" Leah said to Brayden
"It's the holiday season" he said Violet smile and rub his cheek, Catherine went back over the neighbours to leave them with them, she got something for everyone
From a small bracelet to a handbag and scarf kika and Rachel underwear this is really for when you and Ricky took that vacation when you get there just make sure you're relaxed don't think too hard on the baby making thing for they got there own way of popping up when you're not expecting them"
Brayden look up at her his sister didn't gather that there was a meaning for it so she only smile,
"You will get married soon so save them for them" Kika asked
"So have you put aside your sexy underwear for your wedding day?" Linda asked
"Who need them when I want it I want it there should be nothing in the way"
They all laugh
Brayden shook his head
She got matching scarf for thomas and leah a big bible for violet watch for the boys they weren't expecting nothing and was glad
"Since I didn't have to pay for my car I thought I could use a little of it to buy something and share the joy of Christmas"
"I like that, thank you" Leah said hugging her,
She put the bag at Brayden's feet he look up at her he wasn't expecting it he took it off the ground something big was inside something not so heavy he open it to find his coffee making machine he grin on seeing it, "Oh oh nice" he said smiling "I really needed this how did you know I want one? Oh don't answer that" he didn't notice she noticed he didn't own a coffee making machine
Catherine saw that he didn't have one at his place and that place in middle town didn't own one either she didn't realise she noticed that much until she saw it in the place,
"Thank you, this is good" he found more gifts for him "what!" He laugh seeing the jacket this is cool"
"Your sister said blue is your good colour"
"You were getting that for him?" Kika asked
"This is a really expensive jacket it's lately"
"I know so unlike the shirts you wore, they're out dated and old, not old old but old"
"You mean old in style?"
"Yes that old"
"Why I'm to dress rich and fancy like your city boyfriend?" Brayden ask
Catherine slap him, "He dress that way I've never noticed lucky you have"
Brayden smile Ricky exchange look with Rachel and saw her smile,
"Thank you and yes blue is my colour" Catherine nod with a smile She left them and went back home to help with preparing for them for it wasn't much longer before it's dinner time,
"Wow this is cool right it even fits, and I got a watch" he past it around for the others to see it, for sure it was cold too like the others but a more expensive one different design,
"It's good to see you and Catherine getting a long" Leah said
"I'm sure this is only short term" he said although he's hoping they wouldn't have to fight again,
"I told you she likes him" Ricky said to rachel as he pulled her in front of him to show her the watch
"Wow classic" Rachel said
"No this can't be just like this got to be the most expensive one in the store like buying a liquor off the top shelf" Dalton said,
"maybe I deserve it" Brayden smile as he took it he got up and went inside,
Kady open up the door to welcome the neighbors smiling as they came in she noticed how charming Brayden look he was wearing that blue jacket from Catherine Kady thought he look extra handsome in it,
"Blue must be your favorite color for you to be rocking it like that, blue happens to be my sister's favorite color too" she said
Brayden smile he wasn't quite straight on that but she did want a blue car her rooms is blue,
They greet the others sitting in the living room the children run to gather with themselves Brayden saw Catherine wasn't there wondering if she got sick,
"Are we all set?" Catherine asked as she came from the room Brayden turn and they both froze he was wearing the Jacket she gave him looking fine like a rich boy, he noticed the fine blue dress she wore she look like a princess she was so beautiful,
"You look amazing" Kady said "your dress fits better"
"Yours look just fine"
They smile and share a hug
"have you put on some pounds?" Darren asked looking her over, "I've known you for how long and I've not seen you gain weight"
Catherine look at him then to Brayden who was looking at them both,
"Should I get you anything?" Alison asked but Nicolas already came out with drinks, he gave to who wanted for Brayden had bought over a bottle of chevanne and caviar they drank a little and share jokes "that's a nice watch" Darren said staring at Brayden's wrist,
"Thank you" Brayden said, Nicolas look at him,
"That must be pretty expensive"
"Got it as a gift"
Darren nod,
Catherine look at them both,
It wasn't long before they were called to eat, as they got settled Violet was asked to pray so they could eat while everyone gathered food lots of food on their plate Catherine has some vegetables and a small slice of ham ignores everything else,
"Are you on a diet?" Darren asked
Brayden look up at him then to Catherine,
"For I'm eating small amount"
"I'm not use to you eating small amount"
"things change"
"it's obvious" he said drinking from the glass of chevanne, he nods "this is good stuff" he said
"Yeah right" Nicolas said
"With out good money in your pocket one drink of this in any bar you'll be drinking from that glass the whole night"
"I see what you mean" Dalton said
"it can't be that expensive" Catherine said
"Are you kidding?" He asked Catherine, "this is a very expensive bottle of liquor he might be able to buy a dozen bottle and don't complain but otherwise"
"what you mean?" Catherine asked
"nothing he's just giving jokes" Brayden said with a laugh,
"yeah I know" Catherine said "it's just a drink probably got it as a gift" she told Darren,
They all look at Brayden, to see him smile,
"The club is where the party is at tonight, are we going?" Kika asked around the table
"well dear you can count me out" violet said they laugh,
"Well I can't go, kinda miss the club though the music there is good, but I'll get to see it all new years when I get to go to opry's annual show" Catherine said a loud,
"you going how you going to go?" Darren asked
"I got tickets"
"that's nice"
"it is right now I get to see county like I've never before"
"for you who's that crazy for county music you're in the right place, nashville has it all"
"I know right" Catherine said
"So you collect cds and so on?" Carmen asked
"Magazines posters pictures" kady said "keep up on social media, the song that says haven't heard that one in a little while that's how county boys roll"
Brayden look at her,
"I actually think that one is wild" Kady said
Rachel laugh, "you like that one ah Catherine? the guy at the club sang that one"
"I never heard it from him" Catherine said
"he may not have sing it on a night when you came" kika said
"and I might not get to hear him sing for now"
"you sound as if you're ditching the club and you won't go back" kika said
" I might not get to go for some time" Catherine said
"You talk as if that cast going to be on your foot for another two years" Carmen said
"it's almost going to be like that" she said as she got up to get water, Brayden eyes follow her across the room and back,
"I'm sure if you don't get to see him at the club you'll see him on opry's" kika said
"he's going to be there?"
" He's going to be there live" Rachel said,
Catherine sigh, then the room was silent
"It's true" tony said as he too watch Catherine walk around the room,
What's true?" Catherine asked
"that your butt is growing"
Rachel giggle
"my butt really and you find that attractive, what is it  you people want from me when it's not your sister admiring my breast it's you my butt, I don't want to disappoint you never but I don't like neither of you that much, I'm already taken, by kika"
"me?" Kika said
"yes you you don't love me?"
"I don't think she love anyone like she loves you" Linda said
"Well she better for I'm jealous"
Catherine smile she came back to sit down,
Brayden got some notification text message came to his phone he took it out and look at it then put the phone back on his pocket,
"Is everything ok dear?" Leah asked
"Yes just some reminders of some sort" he said
"mom probably though it was Jeana" Rachel said
Brayden hissed
"what she couldn't call you?" Leah asked
"we kinda not on terms now" he said
Catherine look at him
"that must be the reason she got so upset the other day I called to her at the store" kika said
Catherine laugh,
" She got so mad at me saying I'm not to talk to her for she don't like us, she even call Catherine a whore"
Brayden look at Catherine
" I'm surprised she act so violently" violet said
"Towards you most of all Catherine" Ricky said
"I'm sure she her reason for behaving violently with Catherine" Dalton said
Kady look at him it seems to her he knew that Catherine and Brayden were a long
"violently that was nothing I was make to withstand the storm" Catherine said
"like the storm you create yourself" Brayden said
"shut up" Catherine told him, he look at her and smirk,
"We should have dessert" Alison said getting up to go to the kitchen, "it's the most delicious pecan pie I've seen and it's so big"
"oh my god, that looks so delicious" Catherine said, taking vacation deep breath
"it's your favorite" Alison said
"I know mom, and I really would love to have some" she scratch her head, "I'm just going to have one bite and you save some for me for later" she said
Kady imagine how this must be killing her she isn't able to eat plenty of what she loves most food and to think cheese casserole and pecan pie was in the mids and she had to be limiting herself, she have the small piece of pie and slide the dish a way watching everyone else dig in,
"Are you sure honey you won't have another slice?" Alison asked,
"yes mom I'm sure"
"you seems to be taking this diet thing a lot serious"
"I'm not on a diet but I am limiting my intake of food"
"ok but you're missing out" Alison said
"I know right and now I feel like I want to cry" Catherine sigh she brew harshly rest her cheek in her palm, Kady look at her as she seem to nope over the food she couldn't eat,
"So when do you see the doctor again?" Darren asked
"next week, I'm going to take this off my foot then I'll have one less thing to weigh on me, to weigh me down"
"you think a cast is a burden think about the women who got pregnant for seven and nine months that's where the real burden chips in, it's like you're not in your own body, things became so awkward it's as if you can't bend can't pick up anything some times you can't move, and when you do you have to be dragging your feet, feet you not able to see at times walking around and holding up your tummy, you go through discomfort for nine months" Linda said
"for the whole nine months?" Catherine asked
Catherine widen her eyes, she began to think about all that happening to her, her stomach started to get heavy she got up from the table leaving the dinning room she got to her bathroom and vomited,
"What did I say"
"You speak of her worst enemy" Alison said
"she's afraid or she just don't want children of her own?" Carmen asked
"period, she just don't want children period" Darren said "you couldn't pay her enough" he added
Dalton look at him then to Brayden
"It isn't like you wanted children your self" Rachel said
"I'm not saying I do but I think Catherine was more serious about it than I was"
"I bet you made out often" Carmen said
Brayden rest back in his chair,
"With Catherine?" Darren laugh "like she didn't care if you eat, she didn't care if you made out"
"can't be that bad" Rachel said Catherine would never feed you if you don't care for a sandwich then you starve to death" Kady said make them laugh,
"you ok?" Carmen asked when Catherine came back,
" I'm ok just don't talk about that"
"About pregnant"
Catherine nod,
"no problem" Linda said
"We're going to go to the beach tomorrow, wouldn't we all love to go?" Carmen asked
"count me out"
"tomorrow I'll have to go back" Darren said
"it's still a holiday"
"I know but it's something that I have to take care of" he smile,
"well it was good having you" Alison said
He nod,
"I should be saying my goodbyes" Brayden said "I've got to leave"
Catherine look on in question,
He got up from the table leaning in to kiss his family, "it was good meeting you man" Brayden said reaching to shake hands with Darren who nod pleasingly, "have a safe ride back" Dalton, Nicolos abd kady look up at Brayden as he reach to shake hand with Darren
"see you later Mr and Mrs Moore thanks for dinner, Kady" he shook hand with Nicolas hug all the children before over looking Catherine who watch in disappointment that he was leaving,
"I know what we could do we could walk down the street and sang some carols" Catherine said
"wow sounds great" Carmen said
"We have enough pecan pie to share, there's some cake dish from the party I'll get them" she got up, to go to the kitchen and came back they dish the pies into the container and went door to do singing they made some happy faces Catherine got a cherry pudding from one lady who said how much her sick grand daughter love the pecan pie but she never could bake it herself Catherine promised to visit once per week and bring along for her, she wasn't able to make it but was sure that Brayden would make it for her,
They got back to the house and for those who were going out got ready Catherine put the children to bed sat with Darren and her parents for some time she got up asked for excused pulled Darren off to the bed room Darren had noticed how distance she was since he got here she didn't show any interest in giving him a little love, he haven't bothered her for it, he was leaving tomorrow so he thought she was going to let him have some love,
"We should talk" she said when they got to the room,
"What happen?"
"It's what not happening, Darren and it's not happening for you and me any more,  things changed with us, since I got here I feel like we're distance like we're living further away than use to, it's like you're not the guy I know you are busy and distance, but I know it has nothing to do with work"
"what you mean?"
"I feel it as a gutt feeling you are involved, and because of that I got involved too"
"you did?"
"and I'm pregnant"
" What! you joking you got pregnant?" He shook his head as if he had been dreaming he couldn't believe it coming from her mouth,
"It's Brayden"
"Brayden clark, you got involved with Brayden clark you got pregnant for him?"
"I'm keeping the baby"
"I bet you are, did I really did you that wrong?"
"I know Darren you got someone I've not seen you with her but I know, you act so different when I came to visit, I'm surprised you're even here, what happen Darren why are you here"
He sigh, "Catherine I never want to hurt you but this was an opportunity for me I might not get ever again, I am going to be the owner of the company that I manage if I only marry the boss daughter, you see Catherine this is a once in a life time chance for me"
"so the ring you gave me was just for show for you wanted sex, or was it you were willing to marry me too then you would have too wife"
" Catherine it wasn't like that, it's not like that"
"don't worry Darren what ever it is I don't have any heart feelings we can move on like two people whose relationship didn't work out, we've been together for so long I actually thought we would be together for the rest of our lives, me and you just us no children no bother but I realized you want more and I want more I want so much more"
"Catherine I'm sorry"
"I'll be find"
They both sigh he hang his head apologies once more Catherine didn't care for she has her heart set on some one, someone she believes she want to stay forever with,
"I don't have to leave tonight do I?" He asked
Catherine shook her head
"I'll leave early in the morning"
She nod, she took her blanket to the floor and cuddle up in it until she was a sleep, Darren left early in the morning before anyone else was up asking Catherine to say goodbye he asked her to hold on to the ring as a gift of what they share he never gave her much but Catherine could tell the ring was worth something she accepted thinking how she deserves it, she was in the kitchen when the rest of family came she was trying to eat her cherry pudding and have tea,
"Darren still a sleep?" Kady asked
"He left said goodbye"
"ok, did you tell him?" She asked pulling closer
Catherine nod Kady smile "was he upset"
"Not very for he got to marry his boss daughter for the company"
"that rat" Kady said
Catherine smile,
"I think it is a reason for it all to be happening"
"You think Brayden will be happy with me?"
"he's no fool and only a fool would let you go"
They both grin,
"neighbors" Carmen called
They all went to the porch
"It's time to go to the beach" Linda said
"We'll be there" Catherine said they all grab their little bag put it together violet and leah had fix sandwiches and pack a food basket kika and Catherine rode together, Brayden who she wasn't expecting show up with Josh and his girlfriend
The others went out to swim and Catherine sat in the sand on her blanket she got as a gift from violet
"I could join you?" Brayden asked
"Sure" she said
He lay next to her as they get to talking,
"now you look at that" Carmen said pointing to them,
They stood for a moment to watch them she full her hand with sand to throw on his belly and chest, they got something going" Linda said
"I think so too" Ricky said
"but they would make a good couple" Carmen said they smile neither Kady or Nicolas said anything
"so you're an ocean guy"
"I do fishing I have to love the ocean, maybe one day before you go back out to work we could go out on the boat"
"ok" Catherine quickly agrees she would love to be out on the ocean with him with the wind in her hair blowing in his face as he held her behind, she wonder if she'll be come sea sick thinking maybe she won't but there is only one way to find out,
They came out the water and Brayden got up off her blanket "I'm going for a swim" he said
"The water is fine go a head" Carmen said
Kika change into dry clothes and sat next to Catherine on her blanket
"This is something  this blanket is so cool I want to keep it for a long time, mrs clark this here is such a wonderful gift"
"I'm glad you like it" she smile,
"hey miss pretty" Josh said when he followed Brayden over to where they all were Catherine smile up at him,
"Hi" the girl next to him called to her,
"I can't remember ever hearing your name" Catherine said
"it's KC"
"well hi kc" Catherine said
"We're going to hit the high way now so I'll catch you later" Brayden said
Catherine wonder if she'll be one of them who will see him later ho she wish she would if he could just spend some time with her make it worth her wile,
"So miss pretty I'll see you"
"Love you Josh" Catherine said as she got up to hug him, "by kc" she said, kc smile at her as they Walk away,
They barely left them when a group of girls stop him Catherine couldn't heard what they were saying to each other but they were grinning she saw him writing in their palm she thought it was phone number and cringe
Two of the girls took pictures with him before he got in his car with Josh and kc,
"I never realized you or Josh got so aquatint" kika said
"Josh is cool" she said with a smile,
"I saw you and brother in law getting a long better" Ricky said
"you don't know what you saw"
Catherine said hissing at him, she got up off her blanket and start folding it together to pack away in her car,
"We'll see you back at the house" rachel said as Catherine climb in the car with kika as they drove away the others got their stuffs together then drove from the Beach,
Catherine make it home a head of them she with kika she fix some sandwiches and grape juice and she and kika bring them over to kika's house,
Catherine was left a lone later when they all went out, her parents went to the church function with Mrs stone, Mr and Mrs Clark, her sister her husband and the others went to the club, she text Brayden but haven't gotten a reply her message wasn't read up to mid night, he didn't reply until early morning to say he was busy,
She didn't see him Friday or Saturday, for  he only  text,  Sunday some  sort of event was in town and Brayden's family were gone but everyone were home with Catherine but Brayden was looking to get a little time with her, he went to his family abd text Catherine to come over she got up and went out using the back door he let her in because they were to themselves so they were in the living room where they started making love, Catherine sat on him as they live each other "oh this is so good mmh baby" he said "you're so sweet it is as if it gets sweeter after this baby is born I'm going to get you pregnant again"
Catherine knock him and they both giggle they were just enjoying each other when the family came back the door open and Catherine jump from him sitting to one side every one look at each other they greet them but said nothing Kika and Rachel sat with them to talk, Leah was wondering what to fix for dinner but was call to the neighbors for dinner
"We're eating with the Moores this even" Leah said
"Catherine got up and left using the kitchen door, as Brayden had let her in earlier,
They share dinner has planned sit a while before saying goodbye
Monday morning Brayden was waiting for Catherine at the doctor's office for her appointment, she got her cast remove her feet haven't felt this free "toes I missed you" she said
with a giggle she wiggle them around,
"You really missed them didn't you miss more" doctor said she inquired about her feeling
"I want more food I'm a mess I'm going crazy I'm use to eating a lot" see complain
"you just got to give it a little time" the doctor said
She so hope she didn't have to wait until the baby comes for her to eat a whole kitchen full of food,
"How about getting your feet wet, we can go to the beach" Brayden said,
"oh yeah" Catherine got excited they drove to middle town to his place since the neighbors oven got broken they call to see if Brayden could allow them to use his kitchen they were there when Catherine and Brayden got there they leave them to cook and was join by paco as they went running on the beach, Catherine became tired and take a seat in the sand Brayden lay next to her,
"I'm going to work soon but do you think I could get a one off job to remodel the kitchen?, Nothing the company has to know"
"the dinning room could use a little fixing too I'm going to get back to you" Brayden laugh,
"I'm looking forward" she said
"This is for you" Brayden said handing Catherine a piece of paper
"Oh my I get to?" She asked
Brayden nod, Catherine giggle hug him as she sat on him    kissing him more, they fall in bed and she stay the night,
It was the morning before new years eve and Kady was serving her sister breakfast in bed she push the door to her bed room and grasp on seeing Brayden was there next to her, "I'm sorry" she said turning to leave,
"It's ok you can come" Catherine said turning then sat up in bed her nakedness exposed she wrap the blanket to cover herself from the way the bed spread lay across Brayden's hips Kady could tell he was naked to the way both their bodies look sweaty they had themselves a morning round,
"Hey" she greets him,
"Kady" he said
"I brought you breakfast"
"you're welcome" she hand it to Brayden and left she close the door behind her hurrying back to the kitchen, she didn't say anything but from her look her husband knew her sister wasn't a lone,
They stay in her room until both their families were on the front porch he left out the kitchen door using his kitchen door to get in, they look at him when he came out "you've been here?" Tony asked
"And where's your ride?" Rachel asked him
"Actually I stay the night Josh drop me, and I'm leaving now, see you later"
"you going to walk?" Kika asked
"no Catch the bus" he put on his coat started walking down the road,
They went to the church for new years eve as always there wasn't a day new years eve didn't find them in church,
"I have a great idea" Catherine said they were gathered on the Clark's porch
"What is it dear?" Violet asked
"You all cook so much I'm thinking maybe we could let someone else do the cooking today"
"you mean eat out?" Carmen ask
Catherine nod,
"that's not a bad idea" Tony said
"The concert is at eight" Brayden said
"we'll have a early meal" rachel said,
"I'll do the booking" kika said
As planned they got a early meal a good meal "we wouldn't thought of this but it's real good" Linda said,
later they went to the opry show, Catherine took the sick girl to see the concert it was the most perfect concert ever Catherine got to see all the country people she love and adore at the end of the show she saw Brayden coming to them, she smile widely at him,
They all went to Knoxville Brayden stay the night at his mother for he was dropping his brothers and families home the others said their goodbyes from the porch but Catherine went over she texted Brayden and he let her in through the kitchen door "you coming later?" She asked
"Why don't you come down later?" He asked
"But I don't know where you're
going to be"
"I'm going to be at middle town tonight"
Catherine was going to asked about the couple
"A lone" he said
She nod smile at him easing up to kiss him,
Ricky and Tony went to the kitchen for they call from the porch and he didn't come, they found him lip lock with Catherine, "mmmm" Ricky clean his throat they pull back from each other to see them staring both with a smile on their face,
"I was just coming to say goodbye" Catherine said
"to me right?" Tony asked
Catherine nod
Tony grin he hug her tightly kissing her cheeks,
"What did I just see?" Ricky ask
"What was there to see?" Catherine asked as she ease by him to get out the door, she heard them both giggle,
"Catherine" kika said
They all look surprised at her
"I just got let in through the back door" she said
Kika came next to her hugging her,
"You and Catherine?" Tony asked
"I had the feeling" Ricky said
"she's preg pregnant" Brayden said
"Say what you're the father?" Tony asked
Brayden nod
"Congrats man you gonna be a daddy oh sweet, you want this right?"
" Of course I want it, I had to plead to her to keep it why you think she still has it"
"I'm happy for you" ricky said embracing him
"this explains why she's expanding and why she's so sick" Ricky said
"and why she's not eating" Tony said
Brayden nods
They both rugged his shoulders at the same time and they giggle,
"It's time kids" Linda said "time to say goodbye" she started hugging around, the children hug Catherine "I don't want to take this back with me" Jessie's little girl said holding the teddy that she loves so much,
"You don't?"
"Mmh" she shook her head, "I would rather you have it"
"me you want to give it to me?"
"yes it will keep you warm like it kept me"
"she wants you to have it you just going to have to take it" Linda said Catherine look up at her and smile she nods "thank you" Catherine said as she hug the bear, "I'll keep it so good that the next time you come back you can see it"
She nods "I love you aunt Cathy"
Catherine cover her mouth and giggle at her,
"Did she call you aunt?" Rachel asked
"Well of course she did" Carmen said they all smile,
They said their goodbyes and see off the others stay and spend some time to getter talking new and remembering the good times Catherine was glad to hear a little about Brayden growing up it was her chance to know a little more for she was carrying his child and was glad he has a good fatherly image a son could adopt.

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