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After the afternoon show on Saturday Brayden went to call home, he came to notice the numbers of calls that came in from Jeana he call his family as he haven't in a few days he heard the excitement asked about it his grandmother told him it was Jenny's birthday party, "Jenny from the new neighbors"
"They are not so new anymore Grams and I would know by now who Jenny is"
Violet chuckled
"And Catherine?"
"You asked about Catherine?" Violet asked her daughter look at her,
"Yes I know we don't get a long, I'm just wondering if she's as miserable like when I'm there"
"You know Catherine" Violet said with a smile thought Brayden couldn't see her he could tell she smiled he knew her but he wants to know if she's missing him that he would love to know
"How is everyone doing?"
"Every one is fine how are you boy?"
"I'm having a good time the tour will be over soon so I'll be heading home in no time"
"I'm glad you're enjoying your time"
"Yes grams give my live to everyone"
"Yes baby"
"And Grams" Brayden called
"Hmm son"
"Don't tell anyone I asked about Catherine"
"Okay" Violet said ending the call
"Your son sent his love" she told Leah,
Leah nod "did you say he asked about Catherine?"
Violet nod "but I'm not to tell anyone" she whispered they both look wide eyes at each other and smile,
"Care for another glass of lemonade, or would you love some fruit punch?"
"I'll have fruit punch" Violet told her,
"Lemonade for me" leah said
"I'll have strong punch" kika said as she came up where they stand,
"I don't see your boyfriend" kady said joining them
"He is a no show but I already knew that, I was going for drink should I get one for you your hands are empty"
"Yeah rum punch"
Catherine turn on her heels she was back shortly bringing a tray
"Aunt" the children both came running Catherine bend to hug them both "having a good time?" She asked
"It's so much fun" Jeremiah says Jenny agrees "go on let's go take more pictures of Donald"
"Yeah!" The children reacted running a head of her to find Donald,
"She's so good with the children" Leah said
"The best" Nicolas said as he came to hear,
She's going to be a perfect mom" Leah said with a smile,
"Perfect anything but a mom, she vow on not getting pregnant, she's not letting any man do that to her" kady said
"Not even for richie the rich?" Kika asked with a smile
"I don't think she love him that much her reason for being with him his that he doesn't want children either so there's no chance of her becoming pregnant"
Rachel shrugged
"I am unfortunate I can't get pregnant I'm trying so hard"
"You trying to get pregnant too suga?" Catherine asked  coming back after some pictures with the children and Donald duck" you just got to let go relax you are thinking too much on it" Catherine said
"You're giving me advice"
"Just because I don't want to become pregnant doesn't mean I am less educated of it I read a lot of books"
"A couple need to be deep into it, deep into love block out everything, I mean everything forget you want to get pregnant so bad"
"Next year we'll take that vacation we promised ourselves right babes"
Ricky nod and kiss her forehead hug her to him,
Catherine smile at them both "when the time is right I'm sure you both going to be wonderful parents and I'll be right here to assist it's what I do best" Rachel Laugh and hug her, "I love you" she said
"That's kika's job"
"It's more love when we both love you"
She rock over on kika and they both giggle,
"Did you hear from Darren?"
"I'm not listening to hear from him I'm sure later he's going to call and say he had to meet a client"
"Did you gave him the address correctly?"
"I think I did, but aren't you having fun, the children are and I'm sure everyone else is it's a good party" she turn and left them, Ricky laugh,
"She's right it is a good party" kika said taking Dalton's "we should dance"
"What happen to your brother in law, I haven't seen him in a while" Catherine asked Ricky after pulling beside him while he was standing a lone,
"Probably sailing I guess"
"Sailing he has been gone for four weeks could he be alright at sea for so long?"
"He does it all the time"
"Did he call his phone does work at sea right, right"
"His grandmother  just got off the phone with him, not just just but they spoke this afternoon"
Catherine nod "you need another drink?" She asked
"How about some more cake any cake they all taste fine" Catherine smile she went to stack a plate for him with every cake inside he smile as she hand it to him, "Ricky" she called him as if he wasn't right next to her, "don't mention me asking"
"Asking what?"
"About Brayden"
"my lips are sealed"
she smile turn and went to join the girls,
Ricky smile he knew she got a thing for him he didn't need eyes to see that, it didn't seems she knew his profession that he was a top country singer it didn't seems she was interested in him that way, to know what he got or not,
"Thanks for inviting us it was a great party" Violet said
"You're so welcome mrs stone" Catherine said
Violet touch her cheek,
Catherine hug her,
"So I'm sleeping whole day tomorrow" Catherine said
"we will be going off to church" violet said
"I thought we, you and I were going together to the beach" kika said
"I'll put it off for next week" Catherine said
"Next week it is, but if later on when you're a wake you can comeby and we play chest or something" kika told her
"We could roll some dice" Catherine said
"Dice it is" kika said they bid goodbye hugging before they part,
Catherine sat in bed after tucking in the children with her sister she took a shower now she was about to retire she picked up her phone to check with her messages she got a few from some of her past coworkers in Toronto few from her now job just texting on typical topics she answered a few before she dialed Darren she didn't have to call to know what he was going to say,
Darren was in the company of his fiance and both her parents much as Catherine's number didn't save by her name he recognized it, "it's my client" he said
"Well go a head" Molly's dad said ushered him off,
"So you couldn't make it ah" Catherine said
"Catherine I'm sorry I was going to call you"
"I got the call Darren this was just to say thank you, bye now"
"Catherine wait" he said
"By Darren"
"Catherine" he called but she hang up, lay on her back stretched herself out,
Darren sigh he walk back to join the others as if nothing happened he was in love with Catherine but he has more important things at point like his future and the money his wife has to share for them when they do get married that was not long away he can't wait to put that ring on her finger, he came to remember Catherine was wearing that ring as an engagement ring the one he's to put on Molly's finger he need to be sure he get one soon before he kept thinking he has it then he don't, Catherine think herself crazy about Brayden she wish he didn't have to be out of sea she wonder if he was ok, Sunday she sleep in late like she promised herself she would, it was done with no disturbance, she got up at eleven she went to the kitchen the children being the first to acknowledge her presents called out to her as she came to them kissing them both, "good afternoon" she said
"It's still morning" kady said
"Really I didn't slept pass midday"
"You haven't hush"
"Stop mocking me" Catherine said as she got to the counter "hey dad" she hug Clinton softly kissing his cheek,
"How are you dear?"
"I'm fine"
"Ok" he nod
"Morning honey"
"Morning mom, what for breakfast?"
"Boil eggs with toast"
"Can I have like four eggs?" Catherine asked
Kady pushed a plate to her "help yourself"
There were seven eggs and they all had eaten Catherine have three slice of toast and all the eggs on the plate a large glass of mango juice with a bottle of water, she belch a loud unexpectedly giggle as she covered her mouth
"There you go acting like a child" kady said
Catherine giggle
Kady roll her eyes,
"I'm sorry it just came out" she giggle once more
"You're not mrs stone age yet  you're so grumpy,  grandma" kady said
Catherine giggle she smack her sister she turn to leave the kitchen,
"Where you going to?" Kady asked
"I'm leaving because of you grumpy sister"
"What ever" kady said smiling when she walk out the door,
Catherine later came back to just sit and talk, after dinner she went by the neighbors to see kika they play dice many games,
"You're good" Catherine said "I thought I would have you eating from my hands"
They both smile
"My brother taught me"
Which? you told me you got three"
Hearing Brayden's name make Catherine shiver she wonder about him how he's doing out at sea when will he be back she wish she knew she long to see him long for him, "oh" she said
Kika look at her and smile, "you two will never get a long right"
Catherine smile she hang her head shook it but said nothing she so wants them to get a long more than anything else, she lift her to look at kika who was staring at her,
"Alright let's keep the game going" she said Catherine nod then throw the dice licking two of kika's marker off the board laughing as she threw more six to run home,
"Ok" kika said you got me"
"Real good, I got you real good"
"Real good" kika repeated
Catherine sigh as she got up to leave kika walk with her to the porch "maybe we can do it again sometime" kika said
"Yeah that will be great"
"Ok" kika said
they share a hug and Catherine left she was quiet when she came in for it seems that everyone were already a sleep she didn't took long before falling asleep for she tried not to think too hard on Brayden,
Monday she stayed in office just as she hope, she was at the office Tuesday when the rain came heavy trapped every one inside, she call home in the evening by then  kady, Nicolas, Jenny and Jeremiah were already home, she call to check on her parents who were both still working as they work up to six sometime, kika was heading home from school when she checked on her, she hope that all the others were ok since she wasn't able to call, she worried for Brayden who was out of sea this weather it was just raining but she couldn't tell how the sea was in Tennessee she said a prayer for him pray god he's ok she didn't want to loose him now that she has him in her little circle, she like having him in her circle,
Soon as the rain calm Catherine head home the cab that brought her home pulled up just as both her parents were coming in she got out the cab ran to the front porch to meet them there,
"What a day it has been" Alison said
"I love the rain" Catherine said "but I still wish it didn't rain so hard today, I hope those out a sea is doing ok"
"I'm sure it didn't rain that hard to hurt anyone at sea" kady said
"How can you tell?" Catherine asked
"It has to be windy real windy sixty kilometers per hour" Nicolas said
Catherine hope he was right and that Brayden was safe, she sat day dreaming about him dreaming of him when she falls asleep,
Wednesday the rain checked it was Sunny again Catherine felt better that there was no rain out on sea so it was a sure thing Brayden was ok,
Brayden got through another show on Wednesday it was better than the shows before he was glad for the outcome performance, he call home later before he went to bed,
Catherine couldn't believe it was almost the ending of another week Thursday night they went to the club Catherine wasn't looking for Brayden for she learn he was at sea, she was being entertained by a different guy she was wondering if the time the guy before him was up, the good thing about it they were doing country and she love country,
She got a drink at the bar then join the others they were soon to be joined by Jeana she came look at Catherine who stared back at her,
"You guys having a good time?" She asked
"We're" Rachel answered
"It doesn't feel the same for me with out Brayden" she said looking at Catherine,
"He would be by my side now" she spoke whole she look at Catherine and only Dalton and Ricky noticed apart from Catherine,
"I got to get some fresh air, all of a sudden, this room came to smell, like I'm standing in the middle of a dumpster" Catherine said walking by Jeana bounce her with her elbow Ricky covered his smile, Darlton widen his eyes,
"Noisy bitch that  jeana" Catherine grumbled as she stood with the others getting ready to leave and see her standing in the parking lot,
"Jeana isn't messing with you" kady said
"She just kept talking"
"If she talks about Brayden why is it you're bothered by it"
"I'm not bothered by her talking about Brayden I know she knew she's knows she's just a toy second fiddle"
"What you mean?" Kady asked
"You dating a guy and he can't take you to his family he's not ready for commitment"
"You let your boyfriends meet your family and you're still not committed to neither"
"I'll do the worrying over that" Catherine said
Kady shook her head the others smile,
Brayden wrap up and got back to Tennessee Sunday afternoon,
Leah, violet and their family had went to church with the Moores family they came back to have a out door dinner together they were almost done with dinner when Brayden got to the house he came out back where they all gathered
"How about fixing me a nice plate" he said meeting eyes with Catherine she heard herself breathe a sigh of relief,
"Darling" Leah said getting up to hug him,
"Son" Thomas said embracing him his sisters got up to hug him and both his brother in laws
"Baby" Violet said as he came to hug her she cuff his cheeks kiss them both, he greet kady and Nicolos the children, Alison and Clinton
"Here you go" Leah said handing him a plate of pasta with mash potatoes and cheese and vegetables with bake chicken,
He sat next to his grandmother as he eat,
"What a rain it was on Tuesday" Catherine cut in they all look at her,
"I wonder how it was out at sea must have been rough" Ricky open his eyes
"You've been worried about sea all week what's wrong with you?" Kady asked
"I'm just saying"
"It really was a heavy rain fall" Leah said
"Oh yeah it rains hard, we haven't experienced hard rain fall in a while?" Brayden said
"It must be Catherine who bring such a rain" Leah tease
"it came with the storm she blew" Brayden said
Dalton look at Catherine
They all look at Catherine and laugh,
"It's so not funny" she grumbled,
Leah touch her cheek,
"By the way how comes you asking if it rains if you were in Tennessee wouldn't you have experience the rain?" Catherine asked
They look at her again
"It didn't rain where I was" Brayden answered
"Oh" she said seeing now she didn't have nothing to worry about,
"How a booth some entertainment" Violet said
"Yes" Rachel said running in to grab her brother's old guitar she came back but instead of Brayden Catherine took the guitar from her "wow nice" said
"you play?" Kika asks
"Back in college" she strums on the strings and melodies came
"Wow" Rachel said
"Can you sing?"
"Not really" she said "but I know this song I learned this one from the bar, 🎸🎵A woman is a mystery a man can't understand sometime all it takes to please her is the touch of your hands, other times you got to take it slow and hold her all nigh long, heaven knows there's so many ways a man can go wrong,
Must be doing something right I just heard you sigh lean in to my kiss and close those deep blue need you eyes don't know what i did to earn a love like this but baby I must be doing something right🎵🎸
She stop and they began to clap,
"That was good" Thomas said
"The guy at the bar sang it, I haven't seen him in a while thought"
"You know the guy who sang at the club?" Rachel asked
"Not really but I was able to tell he was been replaced the melody he got was gone"
Brayden look at her he just came to realize she never really knew he's the one who sang at the bar,
"Sounds as if someone is falling in love" Rachel tease,
"I'm in love but he's not my interest"
I love country music but didn't say I want to fall in love with a country singer"
"Come on I saw how attractive you're when you listen to him" kika said
"I said he got good music, like this one" she strums the guitar once more,🎸🎵 I've been a rolling stone all my life flying all alone flying blind I've seen it all I've been a round I've been lost and I've been found,
But who I am with you is who I really wanna to be you're so good for me when I'm holding you seems like I got the world in my hands, yeah a better girl is who I am with you,
I got a way to go on this ride bit I got a hand to hold that fits just right, you make me laugh you make me high you make me want to hold on tight,
"Who I am with you is who I really wanna to be you're so good for me when I'm holding you seems like I got the world in my hand a better girl is who I am who I am with you🎵🎸
"Yeah!, yeah!" Rachel clap
Brayden smile,
Catherine hand the guitar back to her she was about to hand it to Brayden who refused to take it,
"I'm not in the mode to embarrass myself" he said getting up, "I should be heading home"
"Running off to see Jeana?" Catherine asked Brayden pause
Dalton look at him and to Catherine
"So it seems he's hurrying to get some" Rachel tease him
Brayden and Catherine look at each other,
"I'm heading home that's it"
"It's ok to want it" kika said
"Don't be like Catherine who it never matters to"
"Why me?" Catherine asked
"For you're the only girl I know sees sex as a crime" kady said
"I have my time" she said getting up "Who is ready to go to bed?" Catherine asked taking the children she said goodbye and she and the children left,
Brayden watch her out the door he can't think of Catherine hating sex she was willing to give it up to him the only time he didn't get it was when she was mad saying she's not in the mode, he wonders if that crap was what she feeds to her boyfriend, "see you later" he said then left
Catherine and Brayden both had a rough night tossing and turning as they thought of each other longing to hold longing to have, Brayden wonder why he didn't stay over and get sometime with her,
Catherine can't believe he left why didn't he stay and then she could go over and spend time with him she believes he went to see Jeana too, hissing at the thought of that,
it was exactly six in the morning when they both pull them self out of bed Catherine took a quick shower,
Brayden took paco on a long run on the beach it was hard to contain himself, he had to do his interviews today for his coming back as he had gone to promote his album today a line up of interviews he'll have to cover at least five interviews CMA TV show Opry country radio and more he had more interviews on Tuesday, Wednesday his home coming concert was at the country music hall of fame,
Catherine put a smile on her face when she saw her favorite performer singing her best songs she marveled and to think Brayden was some where out there, too bad she won't get to cuddle with him tonight for it is her time of month,
The performance was over and the guy disappeared off the stage josh came to the bar with out letting it be known he said to her brayden was outside looking for her he left before she move thought she wasn't thinking of moving for she wasn't up to meeting him to say it was her time of the month when she knew he's going to want to,
"Hey" he said when she join him, he leans in to kiss her softly then held her for a deeper kiss,
"I can't" Catherine said
"You can't kiss me?"
"It's my time of the month"
"Oh I see and because of that you can't kiss me, I thought you were longing to see me"
"I am but you going to want more than a kiss"
"I can make an exception"
"What is that?"
"Let's go for a ride" he said taking her to the car, they drove down to the pear it was Catherine's first time this side of Tennessee "wow! it's beautiful down here"
"It is" Brayden said
"The water look a mazing"
"Maybe one of the day you and I can come down and take a dip, "or one night when you can" he said hugging her back against his chest,
"So you brought her her too?, Jeana"
"We've never been this place at night it's kinda like a get away"
"And you brought me here, why you don't want to get away from me"
Brayden giggle
"So you've been out at sea for this long? It's been six weeks" she said turning to face him hugging his neck, feeling the fresh air that he breathe
"You've been keeping tap on how long I was gone" he asked not even bothering to asked what she means about him being out at sea, he smiles at her showing his neatly shaped teeth he bow his head to kiss her a thirst quenching kiss, "I missed you a lot Brayden" Catherine whispered
"Oh" he said widening his eyes
"Well don't look so surprised: she stumps his chest "I've developed a new thing, I feel like a different someone when I'm around you and it felt so much like who I want to be" Brayden laugh held her close to him as he kiss her deeply he too was a different person around her and like having her with him with her he was free to be who he wants to be.

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