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Brayden got back from the airport and text Catherine he promised her moonlight love on the beach and she packed her blanket and towel she came out on the porch everyone were together on the Clark's porch
"You're going out?" Kika asked
"Yes I am"
"Will you be back soon?" Kady asked
"you don't have to wait up" she said
Kady roll her eyes
"love you all see you later"
"love you too" they told her she got in her car,
"Will you manage to drive?" Kady yes
"Yes I'll manage I'll be ok"
"Be careful" kika said
"Ok" she said then left,
"Good to see her acting normal again" Rachel said
"She's gloomy but not so much like the other day" kady said
"Maybe because her boyfriend finally visited" Kika said with a grin
"Her boyfriend I doubt that" Dalton said
Kady wonder if he knew about her sister and his brother in law
"We'll see"'rachel said
They smile,
The night on the beach turns out to be fantastic after getting back Brayden spoon feed her some peanut porridge which he had made special for her she find it rather nice, they lay discussing the baby and the baby's future,
"How can you take decision on a pregnancy that's not even over three months long, besides I haven't come to any final decision"
"it's the best place to start in the womb and what nonsense you talking you know you can't back out now" Brayden said
"Who said so? You better wipe any stupid plan you gave I've had enough of your attitude"
Catherine giggle
"But you know baby" Brayden said
"Know what?" Catherine asked
"That we have to plan this careful" believing it to be so, wether it's a girl or boy they won't be able to decide for themselves for a long time and he want this much to talk of his child's life a head,
"So did you and Jeana discuss family?" Catherine asked
"no, seriously baby I didn't really know what I had with her"
Catherine felt the same way truth was she loved Darren maybe if she didn't have her little suspicions about him they would be together they probably wouldn't have reach this stage and she found that this stage with Brayden has make her realized she needed this life, inspire of her getting so uncomfortable and disgruntled sometimes its been good with him,
"You're going to be a wonderful daddy baby"
Brayden grin, ease in to kiss her, he held her to him as they drift off to sleep,
Brayden head lift off the pillow to smile down on Catherine who stretch out next to him on her back her naked breast greets him he reach to grip on to one then rub across he heard her moan, he lift his head to look at her, "that hurts" she said make him pulled back she grin at him "luckily in a nice way" he smile easing in to kiss her trailing down until he reaches her breasts to suck on them Catherine moan once again "a bit more gentle please" she said, Brayden nods as he climbed to take his place on her tummy she push him and quickly got up running to the bathroom, he followed her there after vomiting she turn into him covering her face "I hate when you have to see me do that"
"What you saying? I love watching your body change, and it is changing into something wonderful motherhood I want to cherish these moments he hug her to him smells the freshness of her hair the warmth of her body, he knew god had a plan for him and it has finally manifest he found the perfect match for him,
He finally got to work his way between her thighs with no interruptions he love her for a long time he became caught up he for got his routine
"I'm going to leave you now lover boy, I have to prepare for work"
"work doesn't start until morning"
"I know but still"
"so when exactly do you start here? So I can get more time with you "
"you think Friday will be good?"
"I'll have to see if those people will be in so you don't have to be a lone"
"I'm going to have my crew"
"won't you have to pay them?"
"I have a crew that will move the city for me paying them isn't part of the plan"
"Ok" Brayden said with a smile
His phone rang and he went down to get it from the living room, by he finished talking and got back Catherine was wiggling in her jeans he stop her from finishing by hugging her waist,"that was my grams calling to check on me" he whispered to her ears Catherine shiver and grin, he kiss her shoulder kissing to the side of her neck upto her ears she giggled and push him away,
"I love your body"
"That would make two of us but it's not so much mine now it's been invaded now it hardly feels like I want it anymore"
Brayden giggle
Catherine giggle
They both giggle hard
He held her to him kissing her "I love you girl" he said slapped her bottom as he let her finish get dress,
"Heard from your sister?" Alison asked
"No I haven't?" Kady answer
"have you try calling?"
"No I haven't?"
"She's been so sick lately I worried for her" Alison said, "I watch her as if she was going crazy"
Kady laugh
"It's true I felt as thought my daughter was mad at the world but thank God she haven't been that bad since,
"she's not sick as you think mom, she's just pregnant" Kady said
"what......!?" Alison asked
"yes mom she's pregnant"
"wow.... I never thought I would ever... ever... heard this a bout my daughter" she turn to look at her husband "honey your baby is going to give you a grandchild!" She said with an exciting laugh,
"mom you can't tell her I mentioned"
"Was it a secret?"
"She haven't told you yet, so not before she mentioned it ok" Kady said
"where is she anyway?" Alison asked
"With brayden"
"What Brayden? You're a lier" Alison laugh wildly
"Believe it or not mom"
Alison open her mouth look at her husband who just look on, she couldn't believe it tennessee had become her daughter she laugh shook her head
"I thought she couldn't stand him"
"Everyone thought that" kady said
"What about Darren?"
"Oh he's old history"
Alison sigh
"please don't stay a way" Brayden said
"I won't lover boy" Catherine said he watch her off to the road with paco at his feet barking as he watch the car too they went for a mid afternoon run on the beach he later fix them something to eat rest a bit then went out on the road,
"I'm home" Catherine said when she walked in
"Honey" Alison said when Catherine walk in the kitchen "I see you're back"
"Hey mom" Catherine said as they share a hug,
The children came running and she kiss them hug them she hug her dad knock Nicolas on the arm before joining her sister at the counter,
"Do I have to vomit like every morning?" She asked in a whisper
"for some people it's natural"
"Why do I have to be some people, we're trying a early morning and there I was running off to the bathroom, as if this thing is trying to ruin everything" she hissed
Alison turn to look at her when she hissed for she couldn't hear what she talked about with her sister
Kady laugh "That's going to happen for you're still young"
"young in age or young in months?"
Kady giggle, "age? I mean months, your pregnancy is still young"
"I don't want to think it young anymore, and for him to see me vomiting for he's always hovering"
"That's to show he wants to be there"
"It's not nice for anyone to see you barf all what you ate up"
"I know but if he loves you he'll put up with it"
Catherine brew,
"So have you eaten you know you're going to have to eat right in order to have a healthy baby"
"Don't worry sis Brayden will take care of that"
Kady smile
Brayden called her up
"I'm home, I was about to call you" she said
"Well I'm on the road now was checking on you, love you see you later"
"Haha yeah" she said they hang up
Kady smile at her, "I'm glad you're not as grumpy as the other days passed"
"This thing make me real miserable and Brayden is so hang on me having it, I can't believe I become so restless"
"Don't say thing it's another life like it or not this was God's plan you've been fighting his words, what part of be fruitful and multiply don't you understand?"
Catherine laughed and poke her sister she sigh "that was good thanks for that"
Kady laugh Catherine smile she got off the stool walking to her parents she look at her mom then to her dad, "Mom, dad can I tell you guys something?" She asked
Alison and clinton look at her and to each other,
She shrugged
"What is it honey?" Alison asked
"Darren and I broke up" clinton look at his wife,
"thinks haven't been the same with us "
"what happened?" Alison asked her,
"I was excited to come just to be near him but when I set eyes on someone else" she lower her tone, "I started thinking about him, I started having doubted about Darren for I think he wasn't so welcoming on my first visit and I was thinking he got some one, he confess the other day that he's getting married for he wants to own the company and the only way he can is to marry her but yet still he gave me a ring"
I'm sorry honey" was all Alison said
"I'm fine mom"
"Are you sure honey?" Clinton
"I'm sure" she said
Clinton hug her
"Another thing Mom, dad I'm pregnant" she said with a shrugged
"Oh dear you found out now and you broke up with Darren, what you going to do?"
Kady, Nicolas and clinton look at her
"Darren isn't the father"
"Oh really then who you were talking to some one else?"
"Yes Mom Brayden is the father"
"Brayden what Brayden the Brayden from next door, Mr and Mrs Clark's Brayden, Brayden clark?"
Catherine nod,
Alison made a face that said unbelievable much as she heard it she pretend and yet do good,
"I'm in love with him, and it's not because he got me a fancy car"
"He's the one who bought you the car? "
"That's what he paid me to keep the baby"
Alison laugh she widen her eyes when she look at her husband, "we should eat" she said setting the food up on the table, "Lets sit"
they sat to eat Catherine didn't dish nothing on her plate as she wasn't up for eating she had some water and watch the others as they fill up themselves,
"Do you love him?"
"Yes I love him, I just said that" Catherine said Kady look at her, "from the day I saw him"
"Ok" alison said
They were silent as they kept eating
"Have he told the family?"
"I don't think he have" Catherine said
And your doctor's visit, are they good did the doctor have any complain?"
"she said that I'm doing fine I'm to see her once per month"
"Ok, how old by the way"
"Well it's over three months
"He had gone with you yet to the doctor?" Kady asked
Catherine nod
"So when are you going for ultrasound, you're due for one right"
"Next month, next month I'll do the ultrasound " she said
Clinton reach to take her hand "baby you're going to be the most amazing mother your child is going to be so happy to have you as a mother"
Catherine smile
"He's right you know I saw it in you" Nicolos said
Kady grin and nod "And like her I'm going to be the best aunt to your child",
Catherine grin at her she has a feeling she is very happy and excited for this and was glad to contribute to the happiness she was feeling,
Monday it was back to work, Catherine face difficult morning but got through her day just fine as the days goes on she learn to adjust to her pregnancy, as scheduled she started working on the dinning room and the kitchen at the house Brayden stays in middle town she started in the kitchen work on it over the weekend, the dinning room was marvelous, with needed setting it was shaping into a more complete and comfortable spacing, Catherine love the fact that on entering the living room the kitchen was right a head with just five steps to climb, then on that row the dinning room, a bathroom and two other door close next to the living room you got like three bed room and those two doors that kept close she knew the one to be the entertainment room but what was next to it Brayden wouldn't let her see,
The final week in January she did her check up things were good at this point she was eating a little better now coping more with her pregnancy, she wasn't all that obnoxious and for some reason she wasn't frustrated or did she get angry, by the beginning of February Catherine finish the dinning room and started in the den
"You know what would be nice a little study and books could be kept here" the woman said she and her husband lead Catherine to the room next to the dinning room it was empty and Catherine was told she could do her magic,
Brayden didn't mind her doing the entire house if she wanted to though she wouldn't heard it from his mouth,
Valentine's day he took her out sailing as he had said one day they would, he later treat her to a fantastic dinner at a restaurant on the rocks near the sea,
They walk in the sand under the moon light and later dance to music she love from his music collection,
Catherine went out early in the morning on Saturday she had just gone to view on a lady's home it has just finished building and she needed it to be decorate, it didn't took her a long time to overview and take notes she was there until midday, she thought of swinging by to see Brayden after a shower and a little to eat, they too haven't had love in a while like a few days he claims to be giving her her space which was right for before him she didn't have sex often, today she has the feeling for him, with thoughts of going by him, she call to see where he was,
It was Brayden's Grand father's birthday and every year the family took it on themselves to visit middle town to the cemetery to lay flowers up on Mr Clark's grave,
Brayden house was only forty-five minutes away and on leaving there they all went over to his house, he serve them lunch as he decided to tell them about the baby Catherine was about to have,
"Wow!" They marvel on entering the living room "it's so nice in here" Leah said
"So son you finally decided to redecorate" Thomas said
" It's so nice" Rachel added
"Couldn't agree more, I love it this is how I want my living room to look" kika said
"And doesn't it fit the environment right next to the ocean" Violet said
"Catherine did it" Brayden told them,
"Catherine from next door?" Leah asked,
Brayden nod, "through her company, she did in here and the master bedroom, recently she change out the kitchen and the dinning room, and fix the den fill out the empty room it's now a study"
"OH sweet" kika said going towards where the empty room used to be,
Brayden stop her, "You can look around but first there's something I out to say" he said sitting on the back of the couch,
"Is everything alright?" Rachel asked
He nod
"Yes then go a head and say what you want to say" Violet told him,
"It's Catherine" he said
"What with Catherine son?" Thomas question,
"What happened to Catherine?" Leah asked
"Catherine son" Violet said
They spoken together
Rachel and kika look widely
"she's, she's, she's preg pregnant" he said hearing them grasp
"she is?" Kika asked
Brayden nod,
"And how do you know that?" Leah asked having an idea already but asked for asked sake,
"It's my child she's having"
Rachel mouth almost hit the floor,
Not to mention kika's as they both grasp
"Four months"
"You and Catherine brother I didn't see it coming
"Me either"
"Do you love her?" Leah asked
"Of course I love her ma, a whole lot"
Kika sat looking out of space still can't come to terms with what she heard,
"But she didn't even want to have a baby" Rachel said
"I know It was one night of sex without the use of a condom that I forced her to have for I promise I would pull out and didn't, it had make her mad angry and everything, but we talk it through"
Rachel and Kika look at each other Rachel roll her eyes, bite her lips kika covered up her smile,
Her call came in the middle of their conversation, he indicated she was calling,
"Catherine" he said
"Hello there lover boy what's up?"
Kika and Rachel look at each other again,
" You tell me"
"where are you?" She asked
"I'm in middle town,
"I so want you please tell me I can come see you"
"You could but I'm not a lone now"
"Ah! Who you with?" She said
"What grams?" He asked
"You know who" Brayden said
"Oh mrs stone is visiting you, aren't she tired to see you?" Catherine asked grinning
Violet smile,
"Not just her but my sisters and my parents are here"
"They are all of them oh my but why on a day as today when I really need you, did their home burnt down why you don't they have a wonderful neighbor" she said
Brayden laughed "I'll can come by and see you later" he said
"you will?"
"I'll be waiting"
Catherine Park and got out her car, she entered the house she find her sister in the kitchen,
"You're back" Kady said
"I am back" Catherine said
"Can I get you anything?"
Kady gave her a room temperature bottle of water she drank half of it then rest down,
"Why is all our neighbors in middle town?" Catherine ask "couldn't you all find some kind of entertainment here to entertain them"
"So what if the neighbors are all gone to middle town?"
"for they are where Brayden is at and I wanted to go see him"
"But they wanted to see him too"
Kika smile
"But they get to see him every day and why today of all day when I badly needed him"
"Why you chose to need him today when he's with his family, I know you don't expect him to give up all on them for you, just because you chose to"
"Become pregnant?" Catherine asked
"I never chose to I guess it just happened because I've been fighting against it all my life, he said this might be his only chance to be a daddy I don't care what his chances are I didn't plan for any of this, all because I really like him sis anyone else wouldn't get this chance"
"like him ah after all the hard time you gave him, for you really gave him a hard time"
"I might have but he started it"
"Can you imagine sitting in a room with over a dozen people and someone walk in and he greets everyone else except you wouldn't you feel bad?"
"that was the bad feeling you were battling against him for he didn't say say hello to you"
Rachel grin up at Brayden,
"you're crazy"
"I became crazy for him a sexy guy like him walk by you you probably feel you're not worth it"
Kady laugh, "I said it he was charming, and he got real sexy legs too I couldn't help where my eyes stray the other morning I saw him in your bed"
"You had come a little earlier you would have catch the action"
They both giggle,
"you slept over at Catherine's?" Kika asked
Brayden look at her
Kika held up her arms then plopped then down on her tights,Z"When did this happen?" She asked when Brayden turned away,
He look at her again,
"Alright" she said folding her lips,
"I'm kinda having a good time with him"
"you kinda?"
"well I am, I'm having a really good time with him, he's charming he's sweet, he's romantic" she giggle
"Ok..." Kady grin too
"soooo where's all the other people that lives here?"
"I have no idea, they must have gone to middle town too" Kady said teasingly
They both giggle
"You know I could tell you two had just so happened to just finish having sex the way his body was wet and all sticky"
Catherine giggle, I must tell you he's worth it"
"is he better?"
"than Darren?"
"why you think I give up on him?"
"I would exchange Darren for Brayden too"
They giggle,
They all look up at him,
"Darren got a lot of money?"
"You maybe right but I don't care about it"
"you never told me what happened?"
"it's a long story you don't want to know" she said
"half of it will do"
"I guess I just threw myself at him one night at the club I got in his car and refused to get out if he didn't drop me home next thing i know we're parked to the side of the road making out"
" In his car?" Kady asked
"in his car"
"You're a bad girl Catherine moore, a really bad girl, Tennessee has changed you" Kady said they both grin
"he's good really good"
Brayden's family look at him,
"so you guys like the same position?" Kady asked
"Believe me we don't"
"so what position does he like?"
"when my back is to his chest and his hands, he's a good kisser and he smells so so good"
Kady smile "that a agreed on"
"for get it I don't want to talk about it anymore"
"I'm sure you'll see him later"
"that's what he said"
"you just have to wait?"
"did you want it a lot?" Catherine asked
"Sex? well Nicolas wanted it more than I did, he still does"
Catherine giggle, "what you think?" Catherine ask
"A bout what?" Kady asked
"What his family going to think of us?"
"I don't don't know, so far it seems they all like you"
"but what if they don't like me for him"
"you think they going to have a problem, I don't think so"
"well I hope so and there won't be no tag of war"
"tag of war?" Kady asked
"like we're in the middle of a fight for the son might be too good, you watch monster in law right"
Kady giggle,
"really Kady I think the Clark's are the sweetest family I've met other from mine"
"yet still you doubted they'll like you for Brayden"
"we all have choices and preference and you might like some one more than some one, and they like Jeana"
"yeah they do like her, since you knew that why did you force on him"
"it was before I met her and what should I have done stop I didn't like her that much"
Kady shook her head
"she came to know and that resulted in her saying I'm the wh word"
"She found out?"
"Mhm" Catherine said
They both giggle
"they were never going to make it anyway"
"How do you know?"
"I just know"
They both sigh and grew quiet for some time,
"hey girls" Alison said as she came into the kitchen to kiss both her daughters
"Hey mom" Kady said
"And how are you feeling Catherine?"
"I've been better but I'm coping, so where did you go?"
"to give a hand down by the church today Leah, Violet and the family visit the grave of the children's grandfather for today would have been his birthday, so your father and I help out at church"
"Ok, that's nice " Catherine said
"What's nice that mom and dad help out at church, or that mrs stone and the Clark's family went to their family thomb?"
"Both" Catherine said
"Darling" clinton said hugging Catherine kissing her cheeks, he kiss Kady too,
"Aunt" the children came running to Catherine as she hug them it feels the hugs get better by the days,
Nicolas came in behind the children come over he greet Catherine and kiss his wife,
"Dinner is ready can you set the table?" Kady asked Nicolas
"I can do it" Catherine said getting up Brayden finally kill the call
"Unbelievable!" Kika said
Rachel cover her mouth
"We should look around" Leah said
After the look around his family were ready to leave they bid him goodbye, "congrats brother" kika said hugging him,
"Yeah" Rachel said hugging him also, "you're going to be good at this fatherhood thing" she said
Brayden smile
Violet touch his cheek, "Your sister is right you're going to be a good father and that girl is going to love you forever"
"You think so grams?" He smile
She nods to confirm her believe he too believe she loves him and hopefully it's forever as his grandmother said,
"Catherine is pregnant with my niece or maybe could be my nephew" Rachel told ricky"
"I know she's pregnant, Brayden told me"
" You knew, who else knew!"
"OH oh" Rachel said
Kika share the good news with Dalton "my new sister in law is going to give brother a baby" she said surprisingly,
Dalton nod he smile, "I know, he told me when she was mad and all I saw them here together sneaking out the kitchen door"
"So when he comes and disappears down the hall he was with Catherine, and he slept at her house too" Kika said
Dalton smile "they're in love"
Kika nod
Jessie was as surprised as the girls were for it was him Carmen and Linda who didn't get the news, Carmen wasn't all that shock but Linda didn't see the baby coming,
Kika hug Catherine smiling at her,
"What happen?" Catherine asked
"Brayden told us about the baby"
"He did, so the whole family knew?"
Kika nod,
"Are they angry?" She asked
"for what? We're so happy"
Kika nod, smile and hug her again
Brayden came late after his show Catherine smile up at him as she open the door "he wrapped his arms around her lifting her off to the bed room they were finish making out when he stretch out beside her,
"Hey beautiful how are you?" He asked softly in the sweetest tone making his voice sexy that it trills her inside out,
"Oh Brayden I love you" she said
"Like I love you"
They smile at each other,
"how a bout some salad?"
Brayden asked
"Salad at this hour haven't you seen the time?"
"but I could eat"
"You making it?" Catherine asked
"you're" he whispered
"You must be kidding me" Catherine said
Brayden shook his head,
"alright but I should warn you I'm not a cook" she leads him to the kitchen she was almost finished with the salad make from chicken breast and lots of vegetables chop and parch to a Cripsy crunchy liking,
"Oh excused me" Alison said coming in the kitchen to find her daughter with Brayden "hi Brayden"
"Mrs Moore" he said
Clinton came following shortly after her
"Hey son" he greet Brayden who smile widely reaching to gave a hand shake,
"What's going on?" Kady said smiling on seeing Brayden thinking he made it over after all
"Hey Brayden man what's up?" Nicolas greet him they too shook hands,
"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" Kady asked
"I'm making salad from small cuts of chicken breast with parch vegetables and a piece of ham"
Kady open her mouth when Catherine dish for Brayden and set it on the table for him "it actually look fantastic"
"Care for some?" She asks
"pardon me for cutting in on your time but I've not have a meal like this prepare from this daughter I have to"
Brayden smile they sat down with a conversation that kept them up later than normal,
"It seems Christmas came early" Catherine said
"It's flash back" Kady said
They laugh,
Catherine was making dinner when Kady Walk in she look surprised, "Brayden is coming and he's hungry am I to starve him, I hope though he doesn't take this as a habit, it's not my style"
Kady made a face and they both smile, Kady was glad to see her sister change she had made it fits her and to think the things she's doing now she fight against them so much carrying a baby and cooking good for her,
Catherine and Brayden went at the end of March to get the ultrasound done, they were surprised to learn they were having twins Catherine couldn't believe she didn't want baby now she's stuck with babies, because the girls were planning
on having a gender reveal the sex wasn't told to them it was told to kika who went with then
They had the gender reveal early April for Brayden had to go on tour further down in the month, they got a girl and a boy and they both wanted that, he left for his tour came back stay for the Easter holidays and was gone again, he was gone until late may,
He invited her to middle town but she got there before he did,
She and paco were waiting on the porch when the van came up she saw the van before then she remembers it was the van they rode in one night thinking it must be for Josh,
"Hey there lover boy" she said he smile as he run up to the porch "good to see you too getting a long paco look up on them both and barked heavily, they giggle as he took her in his arms kissing her softly,
He went to grab a quick shower while Catherine went into the entertainment room found the cd with her favorite songs and put it on he came to hear the music playing he walk in the room hold her from behind she turn into him they dance a little to the songs, Catherine was surprised he haven't scolded her after forbidden her to go in there, after their dance he sit her down and finally told her what he did for a living he was a professional country singer and songwriter and when he leaves he didn't go to sea he went on tour, Catherine couldn't believe it was so wondering how she didn't know how she haven't noticed before that he's the same guy from the bar the one that she love to hear sing, and to think of it when he went missing for sometime it was when Brayden wasn't in town, he told her now that he owns the house that she couldn't believe either she thought the couple owns it, the van was his too and that he was part of an organization that help to raise funds for hospitals and churches and people who needs, she was glad to know he gave back for many people didn't do that,
Catherine get to finish the house and set up the nursery there, but because Brayden had to travel and was away sometime she won't be moving in until after the babies are born for she was now in her final month,
Brayden won't be leaving town but still he has a few shows to do in and around town,
Jessie and tony came for the big baby shower and Catherine got entertainment from a few of her top country musicians that includes Brayden it was a dramatic evening that brought tears to Catherine eyes for she was happy,
The doctor said that she should put her things together for the babies were due at any day now she miss the days given the tenth
and the fourteen,
Much as she was having dificulties carrying herself like Linda and Carmen did say when Brayden was free he sang for her that helps to smooth her discomfort, they still make out but not like used to and he had to be extra gentle,
"What you think about this one?" The guy at the jewelry store asked while, Brayden was looking at engagement ring for Catherine,
"I love this one" Dalton said
"That's a big stone for an engagement ring" Brayden said
"This is cool you should take it" Ricky said
"I'll take it" Brayden told the man who cash it for him he was going to asked tonight that she marry him, they spend sometime together they play a few games he sang for her but never knew she would falls a sleep,
Catherine walk to the front porch holding her tummy
"Are we ready?" Rachel asked
"Not yet" Catherine said she Scrabble to go over but didn't make it further than the porch where she sat on the steps
"Hey you ok" Brayden asked when he got there and saw her
"I don't look ok i don't feel ok so no I'm not ok, don't asked me if I'm ok" Catherine said
Brayden grin at her leaning over her, "you got to stop being so miserable"
"I'm not I'm not being miserable"
"Do too"
"Do not"
"Yes i am, I'm miserable for I'm being invaded by this over grown tummy I can't roll i cant sit I can barely lay down yes I'm miserable"
"I'm sorry baby that you are but I promise to make it up to you" he said bend to kiss her she smile and blush,
The others look at each other,
"Enough smooching and puppy loving I'm here for the babies not to see you two make out" Carmen said
"Who invited you again?" Catherine and Brayden ask the others laugh
Carmen held her hand up Catherine and Brayden giggle,
"You're going to be really, really bad parents"
"I already know that this is why i never wanted this"
Brayden smile at her they both smile at his sister in law who flag at them both and turn away,
"Tomorrow is your birthday and I can't climb in my car to get you a gift"
"Don't worry baby you can always get me a gift for Christmas"
"Are you sure for i dont want to not give you what you want"
"It will be fine" he said
"Ok you said it don't come crying when I don't have a gift for you, I'm going to go get some rest, here help me" Brayden help her to her feet kiss her and see her off he watch her warble off to to her front porch finding her sister in the kitchen she could barely make it up on the stool kady offer her water she drank it and went off to her room, she spend the rest of after noon in bed Brayden show took longer than he was expecting to be there when he came over earlier to kiss her and said he'll stop by later he didn't make it as plan he called her up early "tell your sexy man happy birthday"
Kady roll her eyes,
"Happy birthday lover boy"
"Well thank you beautiful, i miss you last night so bad"
"I believe you did"
"I wish i could fall between your legs right now"
"What's stopping you"
"I'll be a good boy and wait"
"Yeah easy for you to say, happy birthday again"
Brayden chuckle "Love you baby"
"Love you, hurry by so i can kiss you, kiss you a lot"
"I promise to come soon"
Kady giggle at her,
"Oh I cant believe it on his birthday and I can't love him"
"I'm sure you'll have plenty time"
"Looking forward to that" Catherine said getting off the bed she wasn't sure if it was the sudden move that cause the hard pain in her tummy, "ouch!" She said holding it up
"Are you ok?" Kady asked
"Just a sharp pain the babies must have move"
"Sister" kika called Catherine move off to go to her and another sharp pain hit her belly bottom this time pretty hard something rush and flow down her legs she felt as if she pee herself,
"Kady what's happening?" She asked
"Where?" Kika asked coming over, "oh my did your water broke?" She asked grasping
"Oh dear get clean up you're in labor"
Kika rush to the front porch call to her family to say Catherine is going to have the babies every one became eager and anxious,
They were helping her in the car "I want to call Brayden" she said "Why haven't anyone call him?" She asked
"I'm calling him right away" Violet said dialing her grandson's number Brayden couldn't picked up at the time they were already at the hospital when he finally saw the call and call back he drove as if he was a crazy person she was in labor about to have babies when he rush to her side,
"Oh baby I'm sorry i didn't got here earlier"
"You're here now I'm so glad"
He kiss her long and hard,
"I know baby this may be a really bad time to be asking this but" he said going into his pocket he took out a fancy little box open it to show the ring, will you marry me Catherine Moore?"
"You want to marry a woman who don't cook?"
"I'll do the cooking myself"
The others smile at each other,
"I gave you such hard times"
"It's only sometimes and i can live with that"
"You're a musician and you're mostly on the road"
"You could come with me"
"But you live such a busy life, i have to take care of the babies and work"
"Then you could wait for me always",
"Yes I'll wait for you, and yes I'll marry you, i thought that you would never asked"
He lean in to kiss her,
"I want nothing more than to cuddle with you but we can always cuddle after the babies that i really need to get out now"
Brayden nod kiss her and see her off before long she gave birth as they already know it was a girl and a boy the boy came out first both weighting nine pound came out squealing both of them, born healthy, the boy was name after his father called short bj, and the girl Barbara, "happy birthday" Catherine said smiling up at Brayden
"Thanks baby i got the perfect gifts it means a whole lot Catherine"
"I'm so happy for you guys" Rachel said hugging Brayden bending to kiss Catherine's forehead
"Cancel the show for tomorrow for the rest of week" Brayden told his manager "I don't wanna be anywhere but home for a whole week"
"You can cancel?" Catherine asked
"I might loose some money yes but it's not a problem"
Catherine smile at him touch his cheek it didn't matter if he loose some money he'll be here with here and it was what she wants,
As the days goes by Catherine became more fund of the twin and stay focus of their growing up she got plenty of help from her family and Brayden's family josh and kc were also part of the process as they pitch in when could,
Catherine and Brayden marry in November she never dreamt her wedding day would be so fantastic good part of it she got to do her own decor nothing short of what she wants for her special day,
Kika finally got a job as a criminal lawyer a law firm took her only months after she left the college Dalton finally open up business and bought that new flat in Dadeville, Catherine got the job to decorate them both she said it would be for free for she did it on her spare time but she got a thank you cheque which she put towards her business for she became co owner at Julie couch's it is now Julie couch's and Catherine Clark Julie was glad she find her, since Catherine came to her business it becomes better and partner with her was so good for business,
Josh and kc did a small wedding the following year
Brayden and Catherine redecorated the house for their wedding present he couldn't be more thank full,
Ricky and Rachel announced their pregnancy
"Finally" Catherine said
Dalton now asked kika to marry him the wedding is set for September,
Darren and molly finally got married after her grand father died and they had to use up money from the company to burry him for he was bankrup and the money on paper that should be in the bank turn out there was none and the sweet deal that Darren was expecting he didn't get anything like he wanted now they had to be working to build up the company once per day,
"Oh baby I'm so exhausted" Catherine complaint when she found her husband in the kitchen,
It was the children's third birthday yeah today their dad became thirty three too Catherine still marvel over that wondering why she didn't born on the day they were and they could have one big party she was starting to feel a bit jealous but could look past it for they were in her life and no one else's and no matter what they're going to always be
Brayden turn and hand her a cup of coco, paco bark and Catherine use her foot to rub him sink her toe in his side he whined happily, Brayden step over the dog to hold her, "happy birthday" Catherine whispers as they share a kiss,
" Thank you beautiful" he said after two sip of his coffee he put the cup away taking her cup of coco,
"I was drinking that" Catherine said
"I know, but I could use you"
" More than you have for implanting your babies?"
" I didn't use you"
"that's not what I recall"
"ok well I did I used you"
"good when you admit it it works out better"
They giggle
"I could use a little love, and I'm thinking that tonight we can try for another twin"
Catherine giggle "you know what baby I could use a little love too oh darn make that a lot, and who knows what might happen, I need you Brayden" she said he lift her off to the master bedroom her hips in line with his he felt so good rubbing on her like that making her harmones rage with need for him and couldn't wait for him inside of her which didn't take long as he lay her down he entered her loving her in the way he knew she love to be love hot romantic and sweet he could become lost in this moment for everytime they touch it drive him crazy he just can't get her close enough but with every passing moment every breath he knew she was in his life and in it to stay and whenever they share a moment he make sure to make the very best of it he love her to a climax coming shortly after she did holding her like this moment were their's forever.
The end

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