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"Whooweee" Catherine said holding her hands up in the air "we're tonight" she said giggling
Jeana look at her and cross her eyes "I could just go crazy" she said, the others look at her
"You're already crazy" Jeana said
"For your man" Catherine said holding up her hand "Oh wait a minute I forgot he's not your man" Catherine whispered
Jeana hiss and walk away
"What did you say?" Kady asked
"Something she needed to here"
Dalton smile wondering what it was she said Brayden breathe  a sigh of relief as he got off the barber's chair stood in front the mirror to look at his new hair  cut it's been a while he sat on the barber's chair "looking good" he said pay the guy tipped him the man smile with  a nod,
Brayden left he haven't in a while shop for new clothes but stop to buy a shirt for later he head over to his place after  a  hot lunch for himself and Paco they both settled on the couch for him to make some phone calls, he's been thinking of redecorating for some time  now and with Christmas in two months time he thought why not do it for Christmas he happened to just found julie couch's number and call he was told someone would come down on Monday he thought Monday was good he thank  then hang up it was still  early evening he call his family instead of visiting today and catch  a little sleep before  he has to perform  tonight,
Catherine was dressed and ready to go she still  believed the split side dress she wore up to her thighs and belly blouse still wasn't enough she want Brayden to just look at her outfit and say yes she wants me tonight,
Brayden change from wearing his new shirt he bought today for one almost as nice from his wall robe he tuck that one in his bag to change in after the show he was just about to go on stage when Catherine came with the others he watched her took a seat at the bar listening to the music rocking at some point he noticed she wasn't  focused she was looking  out as if looking for some one,
He left  the stage after his performance took the back stage change before  he came around to the bar he pulled up next  to Catherine close  enough  to tell her to meet him outside, he ordered  a drink soon as he was going  to walk away Jeana came up there you are" she said looking at Catherine who got up and walk away she then joined the others, "you okay kika asked
"I'm fine I think I'm going for some fresh air"
"Want me to come with you?" Kika asked,
Catherine shook her head, "if I'm not  back inside I'm gone home"
"Stay safe" kika hug her Brayden was gone from the bar while Jeana was still sitting there drinking he was waiting for her once she got outside they leave for Josh's place he didn't realize he left he had no idea where he went but he still has the spare key it was when he let them in and went to the kitchen he realized he was and he wasn't by himself,
"I didn't know you was coming"
" it's all good" Brayden said pat his shoulder he grab a drink then meet Catherine in the living room they went into the other bed room,
He was too longing for her to waist time he drank quickly just as quickly he removed his clothes Catherine watch him her body shivered at the sight of him he was so sexy she felt her knee shaking she felt weak when pulled to his arms as his lips claimed her she fell  into his chest,
They were both ready anxiously awaiting each other, Brayden pull his pants off the ground to look for condoms he was with out he went to look from Josh knock on the bedroom door but josh was on his last he didn't have one in his car,
"No condoms?" Catherine asked
"I'm all out" he said
"Really how come, you use then all on her"
"Jeana and I haven't, have not done it in a while"
"So it is some one else"
"Catherine there's no one else, you trying to spoil the mode"
"You did that for you don't have a condom"
"What you can't have love with out condoms?" Brayden asked pulling her to him,
"You kidding me right, I've not have had skin to skin before"
"What you scared of?"
Catherine look up at him, then hang her head, he lifted her cheek baby come on it's been a long time"
"For me too"
"I'll be careful" he said kissing her, "relax" he said  through kisses as he take her to bed laying her face down to enter her
"Oh Brayden" Catherine moan as she try to shift his chest close to her back make  it impossible to move she could feel herself about to climax as he sank deeper inside of her she moan once more calling out his name, he kiss her sucking on her upper  lip he came with her sinking inside of her Catherine was too please to noticedhe did at time this was her first time having sex without the use of a condom it was extremely wonderful so sweet Brayden was rough  as usual but sweet was sweet "oh Catherine baby mmhmm" he said  hoarsely as he kiss her he went deeply and she felt a sharp  pain in her belly making her cries out, she felt it deeply hurt her he pulled  a way laying  next to her but the pain was still there, a stiff pain she roll to her side to look at him he smile at her, touch  her cheek she close her eyes as the pain ran through her tummy he lay just long enough for them to catch up on their breathing, he turn her to her belly once more but Catherine refused him that way "what the matter Brayden  you don't want to face up to your opponent?"
"I like it that way" he said with  a laugh
"I like it too you make me like it that way but I want it this way now, you can't do that for me?" he smile
"I bet we can make and exception" they both smile, she moan his name more as their love deepens, the pain worsten the more they love they came after  awhile of loving, sinking inside of her as it became more unbearable "Catherine" he said resting on her belly,
Catherine close her eyes tightly as she wraps around him hoping it would go soon
"You didn't, you didn't pulled out" she said after taking  a deep breath,
"I've noticed that" he said
"You was supposed to" she said
"Come on it was so good I couldn't ruin it" Catherine close her eyes once more felt him kiss her, "it's going to be fine" he smile at her pull from her "I need a drink" he said "need anything?" She shook her head he left the room going  to find Josh in the kitchen
"That girl alright?" Josh asked
"She is" Brayden answered
Josh nod then smile  at him, he left him to go back to the room,
Brayden sat next to Catherine on the bed she lay with  her eyes close trying to shut the pain away, "you ok?" He asked
"Mmmh" she lied for she wasn't
"I am taking  a shower" he said leaving her once more, Catherine crawled off the bed to join him in the shower he smiled as he saw her make room for her they took a shower together she got dress and sat back on the bed she then lay down curled her feet up,
Brayden got in his clothes "let's go" he said Catherine got up and walk to him resting her head into his chest, he heard her sob "you're crying?" He asked
Catherine nod,
"Oh brayden it hurts so bad" she said
He held her to him
"Can I lay down some more?" She asked
"Sure I'm not in any hurry"
She lay and he satv next to her,
"Where does it hurt?" He asked she touch the center of her tummy
"Will tea help?" He asked
Catherine nod he makes her a cup of mint tea she drank the whole thing but it didn't  change anything
"It will go away  soon, Maybe it was because you drank strong liquor"
"No I didn't drank tonight" she sobbed he lay next to her holding her,
Catherine try to get some sleep but it wasn't easy to do Brayden held her through out the time trying to be as much comfort as he could but nothing could comfort her now,
It was late when she said  up minutes to four in the morning,
"I want to go home now"
"Ok" brayden said getting up,
"Call me a cab"
"I don't want to let you go home in a cab not when you're not well"
"I'll be fine one I'm in my own bed I'll get to sleep"
He lean in to kiss her "Catherine I love you" he said she nod and rub his cheeks,
He call her a cab it came twenty minutes later he kiss her goodbye "I hope you feel better soon"
Catherine nod
She lay in the back of the car the ride seems to make the pain more as she bumps up she held her tummy hoping for a better feeling as she couldn't wait to get home,
Kady didn't know Catherine didn't come home a head of her last night she haven't checked her room but she was in bed in the early morning when the front door opened and footsteps went to the kitchen, she didn't bother to get out of bed she heard when she leave for her room, another cup of tea that didn't seems to help she was glad it wasn't  a work day for then she could stay in bed
"I heard you coming in this morning, you went to see Darren?" Kady asked
Catherine knew once she said no she would have to explain and she would have to come up with some make up story so she lie a little she nods making it a yes
Kady smile at her "you needed that moment right I understand"
"Can I have some tea?" Catherine asked
Kady pour it thought it was hot Catherine make some big sallow asked for another cup she drank four cups of tea on a short time,
"You alright?" Kady asked
With tears in her eyes she nod, "I just need some sleep" she left the counter then went back to her room she close her eyes trying to sleep it was seven fifteen when she heard her sister came in the room to say  she was leaving, the children hug her "be good now" she said
Her parents call from the living room "we're  leaving dear"
"Later mom, bye dad,
She lay back down when she was to herself she fight hard for sleep that finally came she woke up later in the afternoon make some noodles that she eat most of every thing she couldn't keep up she had to go back and lay down, even  laying felt like a challenge she didn't know where to position herself to be comfortable laying on her belly make her worst she lay on her back but that didn't work out she curl her knees up managed to sleep some more,
Brayden had to do some shows for morning TV and was covering a wedding  reception so he didn't  get to go to his family he thought of Catherine once she crossed his mind he felt her to be better now hoping she felt better he didn't know what caused the pain what he did wrong, Saturday morning Catherine got up got ready for work thought she was still  feeling the hard pain that was so uncomfortably unbearable she try to fight  it,
"Some tea please" she said on walking in the kitchen, she had ignored dinner last night and had stayed the whole time in bed,
"You ok" kady asked coming to her side,
She nod, but kady could see she's been crying,
"Are you sure you're fine honey  Maybe  you should see the doctor" Alison said
"It's  just a little  belly cramp mom it will  go away"
They all know  she wasn't someone who cried for pain it was either she didn't feel pain or she never talks about  it but they could see she was hurting real bad now,
"I'll be fine" she said she have two cups of tea with nothing to eat then got up to go to work,
"Call me if you need me" kady said
Catherine nod as she walk out the kitchen, she made it to the door  but couldn't fight herself to go through it, she went back to her room to curl up call to beg the days it was granted, whole   time she spent in bed some she sleeps some she just lay there her eyes open and she just thank god she's still breathing,
"It was late evening when kady realized her sister wasn't home normally on a Saturday she would be home she called her cellphone got no answers she rang for the second time and heard the phone ringing inside of the house, she followed it to the bed room to find her sister in bed, her bag on the floor her phone inside kady picked up the bag dig into it for her sister's cellphone,
Catherine  moan as she turn from her side to her back she open her eyes and saw her sister  in the room, "hey, I didn't hear you come in" kady said
"I didn't go to work" Catherine said as she scrambled to go to the bathroom,
"I didn't leave"
"You didn't, are you ok?" Kady asked worriedly" she watch Catherine stumbled to the bathroom she was dressed in her work clothing when she went but came back strip to just underwear, she climbed back into bed wrap herself,
"Want something?"
"Tea, and water?"
"Mint, and room temperature water"
Kady went back to the kitchen to make tea
"You're having tea at this hour?" Nicolas asked
"It is for Catherine, she didn't went to work she's been in bed all day"
"She must be in great pain" Alison said  leaving what she was doing to go check on her daughter,
"Take this for her" kady hand her the water,
"Honey!" Alison said  as she got to the room,
Catherine lift her head, "mom" she said
"You ok?" She asked
"Not yet but I'll be, soon"
"Here is the water your sister is fixing the tea" alison said sitting  on her bed, Catherine sat up, took the water "thanks" she said she drank just two mouth fulls then lay back down,
"I've never seen you like this Catherine"
"I've never been like this" she said with a laugh that seems to give her more pain when did so, she grit her teeth and tighten her eyes,
"Are you sure you don't want to see the doctor?"
"It's no case for the doctor" Catherine said
"Here is your tea" kady said bringing a tray with a jug and a cup  fill up with tea,
"Thank you" Catherine said  sitting  up once more,
"I'm going  to finish dinner hopefully you get hot soup to make you feel better"
"Don't bother" she said
"Why you not hungry?"
"I won't be able to eat I'll just have tea"
"Call me if you need me" kady said
"I will" Catherine said
A hour went by and since Catherine didn't call kady went to check on her the empty jug and cup next to her on the bed kady thought it had spill but her bed was dry she can't believe she drank all the tea,
She thought she was sleeping she gathered the things and was about to leave for the kitchen,
"Bring more tea please, you can just leave the cup over there,
Kady bring tea again for her when kady left Catherine scrambled out of bed to take a shower got into some clothes, she drank some more tea and  was back in bed,
"Catherine" Nicolas called as he, Clinton and the children came to look for Catherine
"Why do I feel like I'm in the hospital?" She said
"As far as we're all concerned you belong in the hospital" kady said Catherine smile,
"Thanks" she said
The children came to her side on their knees to hug her,
"I'm fine I'll be ready for play in no time"
"You better be my children are missing their play mate" Nicolas said the others laugh,
They sat in her room for half hour together talking with her while she lay curled up they were about to leave her when she beg for more tea kady made it take it back to her,
"I'll check on you later" she said
"Thank you?"
"What far?" Kady asked
"For being so kind"
"That's what sisters do Catherine" kady said they smile at each other,  Catherine was a sleep when kady check on her later in the night her tea jug was empty and she set a fresh pot on take it to her,
Because there was tea Catherine didn't bother  to leave her room they each individually checked in on her
After breakfast they went out to the front porch
"Kady" kika called she was on their front porch with her family as well,
"Hey kika, good morning" she wave"
"Hey" they exchanged greetings
Brayden pulled  up finally getting the chance to come he came up and greet everyone hugging his family,
"Where's Catherine
by the way, did she went to work today too?" Kika asked
"Catherine been in bed since Friday" kady said
Brayden pause then turn around to hear,
"She haven't left her room all day yesterday and has been sick since Friday"
"She's sick?" they all asked
"She haven't had a bite all of yesterday she refused breakfast and I bet she didn't eat since Friday, all she drank is tea tuns of it"
"What did she say happened?" Leah asked
"Belly cramps"
Brayden eyes widen he can't believe she is still having those cramps what could be the problem he took out his phone for got  he didn't took her number, cursing himself
"I better  go see her" kika said "I'm coming over  to see her"
"I'll come with you" Dalton said
"Give her my love" Ricky told them,
Catherine heard Brayden's mustang some minutes before  now, but  she couldn't worked up the  courage to got out of bed to go to the porch she got up and took a shower coming back from  the bathroom clad in underwear,
"Catherine" kika called as she push into her room with Rachel and Dalton behind her,
"Oh I'm sorry" Dalton said on seeing her in her underwear and her breast naked
"Its ok Catherine said with  a smile as she climbed on the bed grab a shirt and put it on,
"Wow you got nice tits" Rachel said
Catherine laugh holding her tummy,  "please  don't make me laugh again it still hurts"
"Was it something you ate?" Kika asked they were all by her bedside
"Maybe it was a little rough" Rachel said
"What?" Kika ask
"Sex" Rachel whispered,
Catherine shook her head, "that's not it, I've been  down that road before, I don't  know"
"Maybe some ginger tea will  help, I could  ask grandmother to fix some for you" kika told her,
"Tea is good trust me I need  an entire pot of tea"
"I'll have her fix  it as soon as I go over"
Catherine nod, she pulls the covers up again  laying down,
"Are you sure you going to be ok?" Kika asked her,
"Yes I'll be"
"So what happened you just woke up and feel the way you feel?"
"It starts in the middle of the night"
"For this long?" Dalton asked
Catherine shrugged
"What were you doing when it happened?" Rachel asked
Catherine recalled right in the middle of sex Brayden climax inside of her and it all happened
"Anyway we're going to let you rest it seems the talking is making it worse" kika said
"Ricky send his love" Rachel said
"He's not good with visiting sick"
"I'm not sick I'm in pain I'm a big girl I can take it"
"Yeah right take it crying like crazy" kady said making them smile"
"We better go I'll be back with  the tea" kika told Catherine, "I'm going to ask grandmother to fix her some ginger tea" she told Rachel who nod she walk out with them them,
"She ok?" Ricky asked soon as they step on the porch Brayden lift his head,
"Not really but she said she will  be soon" kika said
"I came to asked grandma to fix her some ginger tea she wants a whole pot"
Violet smile as she got up, "right  away  child,
"Was it something she ate, drink what happened?" Ricky asked
"I think it has something to do with  sex" Rachel said, "she don't want to say"
Dalton look at Brayden knowing if it was that he was the reason he was sure he didn't just sneak her in to look at her so they're having sex he can believe this the two of them,
"Catherine got the nicest tits" Rachel said "they are  small and firm only about  a month full"
Ricky laugh "you went to look for her and came back to tell about  her tits"
"She was naked when we got there even Dalton saw them, right Dalton?"
"I guess  I did" he smile,
"I'm going" Brayden said
"You not sticking and staying  for dinner?" Ricky asked
Brayden  shook his head he wanted  to just go so he can get things ready his decor was coming by tomorrow, he was hoping Catherine will  be better  soon,
"I'll just stop by tomorrow, he bid goodbye  and walk towards his car,
Violet fix the tea kika took it to Catherine pour her a cup she drank it in no time and kika pour another "I'm going to check on you later" kika said
Catherine finally went out behind her to the porch just as brayden was about to get in his car he saw her stumbled out
"Catherine" Leah called
"How are you dear?" Violet asked
"I'm ok" Catherine said
Brayden look at her he breathe a sigh of relief seeing her out of bed, she didn't stay long she just wanted to see him just for a short time, he left after she went back inside.
It was the ending of October and Darren's big day was coming up in two day he is going to marry  Molly the day he get the title of half of what she owns unfortunately Molly's grandfather her dad's dad got sick and had to be in the hospital for some time both her parents and herself had to fly to Montana to be with him, the wedding had to be put off and Darren couldn't let Molly know that he was upset for he needed for all to go well he thought that it could easy we'll go on for her grand father didn't need to be under their supervision he would be on his honey moon now looking forward to living a rich life as he would soon take over his father in law company, he walk into the hospital room to be by molly's side she smile at him taking his hand,
"We should get married after the holiday season" Molly said she was finally a lone with Darren after the long hours at the hospital they are to go back tomorrow Darren wasn't looking forward to it at all a matter of fact he wish the old man had just die that way they would have the wake put him to rest and move on, he did wish it was so thought he knew his father in law cherish him for he got a large income he thought maybe like him he too wish that he had died too  that would definitely be more money for he was the only child and he already gave him a lot as for his granddaughter he could only imagine what she's going to receive he sat thinking about it
"Baby" Molly said he shook his head,
"What you thinking about?" She asked
"your grand father" he said he was for sure but not in a good way for he couldn't stand the long wait he need to put the ring on molly's finger to make life so much more worth living for he sigh and held her to him
"We'll get married real soon" she said he lift her head to look at her smile if only she knew how much he wish soon was yesterday last week as a matter of fact but he was going to wait as long as he doesn't do anything to mess it up good things will happen for they say it comes to those who wait.

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