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"Hey Mrs stone" Catherine said waving from her front porch
"Catherine dear how are you?"
"I'm good" she said  innocently
"Catherine hi" Leah said
"Mrs clark, mr Clark,  Rachel" Catherine said
"What's up?" Rachel asked
"Hey dear" Thomas said
"Catherine" kika said with  a smile, Catherine  smile too but her smile soon to turn into a frown when the mustang came up and Brayden ran up the porch, he paused to look at Catherine  she stare back at him for few seconds before turning to go inside with out a word
Kika look at Brayden with  a smile he shrugged
shook his head then walk to the door,
"Are you staying  to help with  dinner?" Leah asked
"I could"
"Little miss Catherine loves your casserole I'm sure she will be glad if you fix some" violet  said
"She does like it?" He questioned with  a smirk, that was so evident to everyone standing in the kitchen he came aware quickly removed the smirk from his face turn away to get a glass of water from the tap, I'll just see if I can" he said
"Should want a good bottle of wine to celebrate" Rachel said
"Its just an ordinary dinner it's not like there'll be a special guest" Brayden said
"What about Jeana isn't she special isn't she your girlfriend?" Rachel asked
"Jeana won't make it"
"Oh what a shame she can't"
"She said  she'll come" kika said
"I've invited her" Rachel said
Leah look at Brayden
"You invite  her?" He asked
"We were talking"
Brayden sigh turn away,
"We might have to give a toast to Catherine as well she's getting married, her boyfriend proposed the other day" kika said
The glass Brayden just long fill with water and was about to drink from fell from his hand to spill about the kitchen floor on hearing that Catherine going to get married
"Ooh" Rachel said when the water wet her feet
"I'm sorry I'll get it" he said Ricky hand him the map in the corner close to the door for him to dry Rachel took her slippers off to dry with hand towels and took a seat at the table,
"Who is the lucky guy, who is about to put a ring on miss pretty's finger?"
Rachel smile
"Her boyfriend must be a lucky guy, she seems all that"
"I for one believe she is wife qualified" Dalton said  with a grin
Brayden look around on them,
"I happened to like her and see she and kika became close I can tell she's a loving person" Leah said
"She is" Violet said Brayden shrugged he knew she got it all between her thighs he knew that much right now he's been drive crazy for she decided not to give him some for she's upset  about jeana, he cringed remembered she's coming to dinner that's going  to be another dose of hold back he dammed his sister for meddling for he refused to asked jeana over especially now with Catherine, he couldn't do anything now he was just going to have to wait it out until she calms he will get her in his midst when the time is right,
"Wow I can smell something baking" Catherine said coming to the kitchen she has been in her room rumbling through her things to find something she feels comfortable in to wear to the dinner she didn't want to go but since her family was she didn't want to not join them she is going to be there sitting next to her maybe starting at her from the other side,
"That's coming from the neighbours" kady said
"Mmh it sure smells good"
"Right" kady said
"Good thing we got invite we'll get to taste it" Kady smile
"You're going it's almost time?"
"I'm not sure" Catherine answered
"What you mean you're not sure, you not done with your laundry?"
"I'm done alright"
"So what's the problem?"
"Brayden is"
"Brayden isn't your problem why you making him one?" Alison asked
Catherine shrugged with a frown she sat as she drifted off thinking of them him and his girlfriend"
"I think they'll  be here soon" leah said
"I believe it's all done I'll grab a shower" brayden said he exit the kitchen with out being stopped went to took a shower,
Catherine came from the room dressed and ready she wore  a pink and white straptop  with a a pink stretch Jean's that hug her thighs and was cut out at the thighs exposing a little skin, she wore a white slippers and fashion jewelleries of the same colours 
They leave the house  together going  there to ring the bell kika came to the door all smiles on seeing  them she welcome the others hug Catherine then pulled her in while the others followed  they were standing in the living room when Brayden came from the room down the hall to the left he and Catherine met eyes before he greets the others giving attention to the two children, he love Children too but wasn't sure he would get of his own both his older brothers got children a pair three years apart five and three they both get them in the same year only they didn't born on the same month they both were twins the first for their their parents they both thought they too would father twins but unfortunately it didn't go like that, he falls between the girls he didn't know why but he was his grandmother's pet her baby her favourite she love them all but he was special to her as he was sure their parents favour none they all were love the same he love all his sisters and brothers but he love kika most maybe because she came after him and she was the youngest he would give his heart for her it was why he took it on him to help fund her college fees he knew she will be what she wants to be and was happy that he could help it wasn't that his family were broke but for now he was the one making enough money, he raised from the children face the others "let me offer you something to drink please"
"Thanks" Clinton said
"Please sit dinner will  be served shortly" Leah told them they sat and Brayden with Rachel's help brought some wine to them the door bell went and it make Brayden heart pound for he knew it was jeana they weren't expecting anyone else Rachel move to go get the door, from the living room they could hear her talking to jeana Catherine turn to see her look at Brayden who was standing before her,
"Mom, dad, grandma she's here" they stand to meet her
"This is jeana" Rachel said
"Hi jeana" they said  in unison as they shook her hand,
"This is mr and mrs Moore our neighbours Kady's and Catherine's parents and these are their grandchildren,  Nicolos and Kady's children
Jeana smile I know you must  remember Nicolas and kady"
Jeana nod
Kady and Nicolas smile up at her,
"And Catherine"
jeana look at Catherine who held her head  up  she said nothing makes Brayden look at her,
"Get her a drink honey" Leah usher Brayden to get it for Jeana, she invites her to sit for some time before dinner serve
Brayden  bring the drink and sat on the side of the couch that kika sat in next to Catherine as they get into talking each time that Catherine lift her head Brayden was looking  at her,
They get into a conversation involving Jeana
"So how comes I'm meeting you for the first time?" Leah asked
Jeana smile look up on Brayden who turn to look Catherine's way who has her eyes on him,
Catherine believe it's because her boyfriend refuses to, when a man refuses to introduce you to the family he isn't interested and she bet that he wasn't she wasn't sure for how long they've been dating  but it must be long enough,  Catherine clear her throat
Kady look at her with  wide eyes hoping she doesn't say a word more so because she hold it saying he's gay,
"Well he haven't met mines, not an such case"
"You've been seeing each other for what few months?" Thomas asked
"More than a year, almost two"
"And you never let us meet her" Leah said
Brayden got up and went for a drink he then came back,
"I was waiting on the right time"
"Oh" Leah said looking at her son then to Jeana
"Maybe  we should  eat now what you all think?" Leah said
"I was starting to wonder if you weren't longer going  to serve food" Catherine said
"Well we came to know Catherine how well you love your food and isn't a shame to eat so we wouldn't starve you" Leah said hugging her at the shoulder leading the way to the dinning room Violet smile as she followed Brayden went after her and the others followed,
They sat down each family on each side Thomas and leah at each end  of the table as they pursued to eat Violet blessed the dinner as Catherine couldn't wait to dig into the casserole, much  as she knows Brayden made it,  it was good too good to ignore like she's ignoring him much as she wants him to love her she could ignore that but not the casserole and the fish she dig into that too,
"Go a head there's plenty for everyone" Leah said
"It's unbelievable how much she eats and won't even gain any weight" kady said
"That's because  I exercise" Catherine said
"And to think you don't see your boyfriend often so not many sex is involved" kika joke
"Sex the less of that the better for me" Catherine sigh,
"You say that as if it's a bad thing" Rachel said
"It is, guys are into sex for their own fun and I'm not giving them too much fun" she grumbled Brayden look at her and they met eyes,
"Let me hear you tell that to your fiance" kika said
"My what?" Catherine asked
"You're getting married I hear your other half proposed"
"He's not my other half"
"Who is he then your whole?" Kika asked
"Well if he's not my whole where is the sence in it" Catherine said
"Yeah you may be right, so you been dating for over three years?"
"Yeah something like that"
"six years" Kady said
" Oh really" kika roll her eyes,
"So what about his parents?" Rachel asked
"Not really my type of people you know those people who think because they got a little more money than your family and you're not into a big successful job like their son and you suddenly feel like they're  looking down on you"
Rachel laugh,
"You know"
"Yeah I got an idea I think my first boyfriend family was like that" Rachel said
"Your first boyfriend you haven't always  been with Ricky?" Catherine asked
Rachel shook her head
Catherine shrugged it was unbelievable to heard that, she saw Rachel as a one man girl guessing she was wrong, if you're the good sister and has two guys in your life imagine how many you got kika"
They all laughed
"So I'm the bad sister ah?" Kika question
Brayden fold his lips as he try not to laugh as the others did,  he and Catherine met eyes and he rolls them,
"Well I'm the bad sister,  I don't date them for long well Darren is my third boyfriend the first  steady boyfriend the longest I've date, 
"You do love him right?"
"I might"
"What you mean?" Kady asked
"That I might"
"She has issues with guys" kady explained
"I can tell" Leah said making them laugh
"It's the guys that has issues with me"
""They will have issues when they fall for a crazy woman" Brayden grumble
Catherine frown and make a face
Brayden shook his head
"Don't say she's crazy" Violet said
"He can say what he wants" Catherine said
"You know Catherine I would love to meet your boyfriend oh your fiance, maybe you're to invite him over" kika told her
"Maybe for Thanksgiving" kady said
"Catherine look at her
"Thanksgiving is months away" Rachel said
"He's  that busy so I'm going to have to make my appointment from now"
The others laugh even Jeana puts on a smile,
"You would  think he's a country musician that is off on tour for a whole year and sometimes unable to pick up the phone to check in at home" Catherine said
"What you know about musicians especially country musicians?" Kika asked
"I keep up I  know  a few things like I know some trending songs"
"You listen to many   country songs?" Kika asked
"Many so many I know them by heart" Catherine said
"Now that you're in Tennessee you'll  get familiar with country music a little more"
"She's more  familiar with country music than any other,  already she got a whole  number of collections of her own" kady said "she's country crazy when she heard mom and dad were moving to Tennessee my sister went while"
"So you're a country music fan ah?" Ricky asked
"What about country music you like?" Dalton asked
"The men" Catherine said"I love how they roll" she said
Ricky and Dalton laugh
"Well Nashville Tennessee has a lot of handsome sexy male" Catherine grin"
"Oh what about your boyfriend he's from Nashville isn't he sexy?" Kika asked
"He's not Tennessee  birth and he sure not country boys sexy mmmh no way, he's not even like your boyfriend sexy" Catherine shrugged
Kika grin at Darlton she rock over at him "He's sexy alright" she said kissing at him
"You like men that are sexy so do I and I found one for my delight" Rachel said
"Of course he's not bad at all" Catherine said
And they giggle
"I have a sexy man too" kady said touching Nicolos "no one said he wasn't but I wouldn't be having my eyes on him like that he's brother in law" Catherine said
"Brayden chuckle and shook his head he kept on eating
Jeana look at him
Catherine frown
"By the way congratulations on your proposal" Ricky said
Catherine smirk her eyes met Brayden's and they both lowered their head, she took a while before  lifting it again as she kept on eating,
She and Brayden reach for the bowl of fish at the same time he allows her to took it up watching  her helping herself  to another heavy serving, and in no time finish it,
"So Jeana you're not from Tennessee are you?" Leah asked  making sure she didn't feel left out,
"I've lived here my entire life" she said
"So how did you met my baby?" Violet asked taking his hand as he was right next to her,
"He is no baby, who baby a grown man he must be in his late  forties" Catherine grumbled"
Rachel laughs
"I'm forty that's half your age grandma" Brayden said
Catherine hissed
"Still younger than  that fake ass budgie I saw you the other night with at the club"
"What you talking  about?" Brayden asked knowing well he was with no one else at the club, Jeana look up at him "I got no idea what you're talking  about" he said  to Catherine looking on everyone else "I don't know what she's talking about"
"Don't say you for got her already or maybe  I'm just  mistaking that probably it was your boyfriend"
Brayden shook his head, "you're crazy" he said
"You make me" she said
"Sorry I didn't realise I would make you so crazy but it's just me returning a favour"
Catherine hissed
"They've been like this since they met" Leah whispered to Jeana
"I just like you" Catherine said
"All the better I can't stand to anyone working up my last nerves"
"As if that hurts" Catherine said
"You whine like a big" Brayden said
"You're a pig" Catherine said
"Catherine" kady said
Ricky and Dalton smile
"He started it, didn't you hear him calling me a pig, well he's a pig too only we won't be rolling in the same mud"
"I'm not mad about that it's not as if you are that enticing" Brayden said
"What did you say from your mouth I want to hear you say that and it's going to be the last thing you say from that mouth"
Brayden laughed "you're crazy" he said getting up
"Try me  and I'll show you crazy" Catherine frown
"Anyone for dessert?" Brayden asked getting up
"No thanks I'm already full with your attitude I might just barf if I'm to consume something else" Catherine said
"What's your problem?" Brayden asked "besides that I wasn't talking to you"
"You know my problem you're my problem, ah you not talking me oh that's fine with me" she hissed grumbled something else he didn't hear,
"What was that?" He asked Catherine look up at him and hissed,
"Stop you two you're acting like love birds teenagers" Rachel said
"Me no way I bet he don't understand what that word meant only love he knows to show his loving gramma"
"You're saying it as if it's a bad thing" Violet said
"No mrs stone it's not a bad thing I barely know you but I think you deserve it I myself have fallen in love with you" Catherine said "it's just him I can't stand"
Violet nod with a smile touch her hand,
"Like I can stand you any better than you can stand me" Brayden said
Jeana look from one to the other
Brayden shook his head and went into the kitchen then came back with dessert "It's pecan pie for dessert" Brayden announced as he came back to the table with the dish,
"Did he just  say  pecan pie? oh my gosh!  I'm sure I can make room for that" Catherine said Brayden actually smile as he gave her a dish she look up at him and frown, "you're nit that special you know" she said
"You're" Brayden said
"I know right"
Ricky look at Rachel and grin
Catherine dig right into her pecan pie, "Mmh  this is so goooood!" she said  chewing while her eyes roll Brayden watch her with such need wanting  the chance to get his hands on her to kiss her to touch her but has no idea when that will  happen not with her this angry at him,
"So when was it you saw him at the club  with this fake ass you mentioned earlier?" Ricky asked
Catherine smile shook her  head "that was just me trying to start trouble"
Brayden look at her, she didn't see him with  any one and she don't actually believe  he is  gay not any more,  at first she did wanted to believe it was so maybe because she was being rebellious  but after what transpired with them it was a must for her to change her mind about  that no man who's gay give that much love to a woman he definitely got it with all his strength and all,
"I'm glad for the invitation" Jeana said as she was about  to leave,
"Thanks for coming it was good having you" Leah said
Thomas agreed and shook her hand Violet gave her a small hug,
"Ok so take care"
"Brayden going to drop you?" Leah asked
Brayden look at his mom he has no intention on doing that he wanted to stay and see Catherine to see if he could get her to herself for even  a minute he want to set a few things straight and if he ran off behind  Jeana he won't get to see her, she turned look at her then to his mother  he knew  she was looking  to see him drop her home and he didn't  want to disappoint her, "I'll drop her" he said bringing  Catherine eyes to him he knew this was going  to make her a little  more angry but what to do, they all bid goodbye to her Catherine  followed  behind them to the front  porch to lean against the rail watching them off both Brayden and jeana saw her watching Jeana turn to look at Brayden before the car drove off,
"You actually think my brother is gay?" Kika asked after all was over and her family went home, Catherine  look at her and smile "so?" Kika asked
"What does it matter, Is this the part where you try to convince me that he's not?" She asked
Kika smile, "I have the feeling  he's not but I has to have something if were going  at it" they both giggle,
"I think  she likes you" Jeana said breaking the silence between  her and Brayden
Brayden look at her not catching up on what she was saying,
"Your neighbour"
"Yes her"
"What makes you think Catherine  like me"
"The way she looks at you"
Brayden hissed "nonsense"
"It's  not nonsense you maybe pretending you don't notice for maybe  you like her too"
"You didn't notice how we're like  butter against sun you really  think she likes me"
Jeana look at him then turn to look out the window,
"You're  not going  to come  in?" She asked  when Brayden  pulled to her gate
"Your entire family is home" he made an excused
" That has never stopped you before"
"I'll call  you" he said before turning  the car and drove off,
He wanted  to talk to Catherine so he drove back to his family having  that feeling  she would  still  be around  with his sister which they were while the others retired Catherine  prayed he would  return  thought  it was a little late and he never  normally came back this late,
She just bid goodbye to kika and was going  towards her gate kika had already closed  her door for Catherine said  she would  be ok and that he would  call her when she got in, Brayden  pulled  up as she was about  to reach  her gate he came and stop next to her got out his car and blocked her way,
"Move" She said as she tries to go by him but he blocks her,
"Catherine talk to me" Brayden said
"I'm talking to you saying to move"
"I drove back so we could talk"
"Well you wasted your time I'm not in the mode for you now" she said  in a low tone,
"I know that you're not in the mood"
"Oh so  why you bothering me then?" She asked
"For I am in the mode come on  cut me some slacks will you"
You should  tell that to jeana"
"I'm here with  you not her"
"Are you saying I'm to be grateful?"
Catherine asked trying to walk away
"I'm not saying  you should be anything, just talk to me ok" he said
"Why you want me you said I'm not enticing so what you want me  for"
"You said what you wanted to say too"
"Well you didn't hear me say nothing about you not being enticing"
"I'm sorry there I said it I'm sorry Catherine I love you"
She hissed trying  to leave  him there once more,
"Catherine" he called
She wonder why he has to put such sexiness to her name  when he let it roll off his tongue like it does her  body trimble, and trimble more when he reach for her hand,  she let him held on to her  pulled her to him brace her against his car putting his body to hers making  her feel him he came in and kissed  her one  she welcome for she was longing to do that,  she didn't  see it coming anyway but  before  she knew it she gave in she held him tightly around his neck sucking onto him as if he gave her the air she breathes he gripped her butt cheeks squeezed her to him his hardness pushed at her like hard steel she wonder if it was made of it, getting  his hand reach  in her pants feeling  on the  nakeness of her bottom giving her a sweet feeling  making her wants him more but she was angry at him and didn't want to just give in to it she bet he already  thinks she's easy but if she was him she probably would think that too look how easy she gave it up to him she think it at all times thought he was easy too for look how easy he took it,
"Couldn't  it be a dress" he grumbled in her ears 
"No for I made it too easy for you and to think you don't even want me" she said easing back from him,
"What make you said that?"
"For it's reality"
"Come on Catherine of crouse I want you" he said kissing her neck his hands running up her back, "let's go around the back to my room" Brayden said kissing her he was hard she felt him
"No" she said
"Sneak me in  to your room" he said
Catherine shook her head
"Let's go somewhere then" he said kissing her
"Brayden stop" she ease him a little  further away this time,   "I'm not going anywhere, you know what Brayden when I'm in the mode I'll get back to you" she walk away, leaving him
"Catherine come on why you making this very moment about you?"
She look at him shook her head then left him there and went inside Brayden sigh watch her through the door before  he went to the porch of his family,
Catherine barely reach inside  when her phone ring,
"Hey what happened?" Kika asked for she's been gone a while since she left and said she would call,
"I rush to the bathroom"
"Ok, you alright?"
"I'm good just tired"
"Must have over eaten" kika teased
"There's no such thing for me" Catherine said
Kika giggle "I will see you tomorrow" "love you" Catherine told her
Kika smile "love you too" she said she barely hang up from her when her brother let himself in "you're back?" She asked 
"I'm just here to pick up my belongings"
Oh ok" she said her brother have never been back here so late just to pick up stuffs he left  behind, he turn  to go in the room kika didn't know why it crossed her mind to think Catherine was out with  him why it took her so long to call after  she leaves much as she said she rush to the bathroom she just had a feeling she would call from the bathroom,
Brayden  grab his bag came back to the living room went to the kitchen took what he got there  "see you tomorrow" he said
"Hmmm be careful" kika said
He nod when he was out the door she went to the window to look out his car was park more to the neighbours than to their home, she wonder  again  if by chance they were talking then she shook the thoughts  away thinking  it was rather stupid not after they don't get a long she doubt they'll ever have one normal conversation, she sigh as she saw him drove off she close the window and head to join Dalton in the bedroom by now she knows he must be sleeping for he'll leave early tomorrow.

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