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Catherine lay in bed when she heard Brayden's mustang came in the drive way she heard his dog barking, she heard his grandmother came out greeting him then she didn't hear anything again it was only seven o clock in the morning on a Saturday she probably would be up getting ready to leave for work, doctor gave her two months she wasn't sure if she will go back to julie for she haven't started her job there all that long they haven't talk since yesterday, her phone rang and she finally call saying she'll send her pay cheque and asked if she needed anything, she mentioned that they were going to miss her she should get well soon, Catherine thank her julie appreciate her commitment and her hard work she was good and it was why she was keeping her job space for her,
Kady took breakfast for Catherine had to eat to take her medication at eight "thank you" Catherine said with a smile
"Anytime" kady said turning out the room,
"By the way Darren had called earlier I took the call said he was calling since yesterday" Catherine nod, "I'll call him"
kady nod leave the room,
Catherine tries to eat but couldn't get in a lot she pick a little here and there, with what little she ate she shallow the pill and took her antibiotics but soon as it went down passed her throat she had to rush hopping quickly to the bathroom she bring it back all up making the unfamiliar taste in her throat even worst, she try not to tell her sister she couldn't keep the medicine down or anyone for that, for that matter for they probably want to take her to see a doctor, she took some rest having her sister, her niece and nephew coming in to look at her,
"Let your aunt rest" kady told them taking them from the room, but they were soon back in side, Catherine giggle as they went under the bed hiding from their mother
"Leave them be" she flash her sister away, she came back a little later, "here for them?" Catherine asked she look up and her sister was holding up a basket of flowers she rest it on her bed, in side were some cards, a lot of get well cards from the office she received, and one from the couple whome she thought she just finished the job for, they had forward it through her office,
Brayden wanted to see Catherine but didn't know how he didn't want her getting upset again, besides that the questions from his family hers maybe he really wanted to know if she was ok,
Sunday morning the same thing happened to Catherine after taking the medications, Monday morning nothing changes except for having plenty of abnormal feelings obnoxiousness she tried more of the medication then she decided to throw them in the bin and pray a bit harder she'll get better with out pills,
"You could go see her if you want" Violet told her grandson when he came inquiring about Catherine,
He shook his head,
Violet nod,
"Did she say what happened?" Brayden asked
"Just that she has an accent at work, why?"
"Nothing just checking"
"It's not hard to tell son that you like her maybe you should try talking to her"
Brayden laugh "grams that is the worst advice you ever gave me" he knew Catherine would never want to see him,
Violet smile touch his face,
Brayden wonder if he really could go see her, it wasn't that he wouldn't love to,
"You not going to see your girl?" Dalton asked he was with Brayden to themselves on the porch
"I'm the last person she's going to want to see right now" Brayden said
"Let me guess she's mad about what happened at the club the other night?" Dalton asked
Brayden nod
"She loves you I'm sure she's going to get over it soon"
Brayden smile
Dalton Pat his shoulder
Brayden came over every day since Saturday just to see Catherine but he haven't seen her she didn't even comes out on the front porch
Saturday afternoon he came over, he didn't know his family wasn't home he noticed too that the car that was always park there wasn't now,
He wanted to see Catherine it seems she was a lone seeking the opportunity he went over, on getting there he knock "come" Catherine said Brayden push the door walked in Catherine  hissed when she saw him and turned away,"What you doing here?" She asked
"Just wanted to see how you were doing, how are you doing?"
"As you can see, I have a broken ankle and a mutt bite"
Brayden look at her foot plaster at the ankle bandage a little above where Paco teeth had rip her flesh,
"Catherine I'm sorry"
"You should be"
"I'm not talking about the accident for that was completely not my fault"
Catherine look up at him he smile as he take a seat across from her,
"Your dog bit me"
"It was by accident he's not a viscous dog"
Catherine hissed,
"I know you know that too you two been getting a long"
"You must be misunderstanding I haven't been getting a long with no mutt" she hissed
"Catherine I try to explain that it is over between jeana and I, I wasn't expecting that she would just come do that, I, I try to tell you, baby I'm with you I want you"
"Men always trying to talk their way out of things"
"I'm not doing that" he said taking up her phone from next to her, he quickly save his number in her contact, taking her number, "now you can call me" he said
"Who said I want to waste my time calling you"
"Catherine I love"
"Yeah right" Catherine frown,
"Let me prove it" he said easing off the couch taking her face in her palm kissing her softly, she ease back to look at him, "Catherine I love you" he said kissing her deeply,
Catherine sank her fingers in the couch as emotions swept through her body his lips soft on her skin as he trail kisses down her neck and chest, his mouth claim one of her breasts nipples as he plays with the other using the tip of his finger, he lace his finger into her underwear rubbing his finger around her opening Catherine pulled his head up kissing him moaning against his lip, she help him with his pants soon as he was loose from his underwear he lifted her legs entered her Catherine called out his name not only did that hurt the way he thrust into her but he had grab hold of her sick foot, she ease him back to look at him, he became aware and apologised,
He started to turn his hips but Catherine stop him once more, "where is your condom?" She asked
"In my pocket" he said with a smile, Catherine frown at him pulled him in for a kiss he sank into her, it almost felt as if it was more that just a week she became so weak for him she reaches a climax quickly, she came on the sound of the car in the driveway Brayden pulled from her losing the chance to have a climax he quickly fix himself and remained standing, Catherine pull her dress down unaware of the bleeding and the pain in her leg they came to the living room Nicolas leading the way he widen his eyes on seeing Brayden
"Brayden" kika said every one came in looking shock and astonished,
"Grams I came by just now but you weren't home I came over to see you but you weren't here either, I'm just going to leave"
"What's the sence in that?" Alison asked "you came to find your family and now that they're here you're leaving" Ricky wonder too he look at Catherine who look around barely keeping her eyes up,
"Your foot is bleeding" kady said Catherine look down surprised it was so she felt sharp pain thinking she never would have if kady didn't see it, Ricky look at her and at Brayden,
"I'll go look at it" she force herself off the couch hoping nothing was left behind, she hopped away to her room with out looking back
"Will you be ok?" Kady asked
"I'll be find"
"Let's sit I'll fix some crackers and some cool lemonade"
Brayden sat down Catherine clean herself and came back,
"Is it fine?" Kika asked
"It will be" she sat next to kika who was on the couch she was few minutes ago,
"You probably shouldn't hang your leg down dear" Leah said Catherine had to stretch it next to Brayden while she lean on kika's shoulder watching him, she love him so much it was hard staying angry at him
"So how long did the doctor gave you?" Leah asked
"Two months"
"Will you be able to go back to your job?"
"Yes my boss said my spot is secure"
"Where exactly do you work?" Rachel asked
"Julie crouch's decor"
"You do decor?" Kika asked "that's your thing?"
"That's my thing that's what I'm into"
"Are you good?"
"Why did you asked?"
"For I would love you to set up for us when Dalton and I open up his business"
"You'll need to hire me one on one for if you call the company I might not be the one they send"
Kika shove her they both giggle,
"I thought you love music?" Rachel said
"I love listening to music but I will never try singing I leave that to the people who can actuality sing"
They laugh,
"Like that guy at the club" Catherine said
Brayden look at her
"I see how obsessed you're with the guy at the club" Rachel said
"Just his music that's all" she said
"You never saw him once off stage?" Kika asked
"I might never notice"
Brayden look at her
"Here we go lunch" Alison said resting the tray down on the coffee table, Catherine being the first to take a sandwich since since it was made from lettuce and cheese but couldn't get pass that one, while they all eat Catherine watch
"Is it because of the little weight you're adding you stop eating?" Kady asked
Kika overall her with a smile,
She wonder why she wasn't eating like she use to she miss her food, really miss her food she decided to tell her doctor on her next appointment about that,
"When is the next appointment?" Violet asked just as Catherine thought about it,
"I'll see the doctor on Monday"
But every one will be busy on Monday" kady said
"Yes dear" Alison said "who will accompany you?"
"I'll be fine it is just to change the bandage"
"I could drive you" Leah said
"Thanks Mrs Clark I already pay for my cab service" she smirk Leah nod
They spent a little time talking while Rachel assisted leah and kady in the kitchen,
"I never saw you cook" kika said
"I'm the head chef at the sandwich store and I made pancakes"
"She's the master of junk food" kady said
"When you got married who is going to cook for your husband?"
"I am only rowing boats now when I started driving ships then I'll think of who will be the captain"
Brayden laugh shook his head leave Catherine to come up with some thing unusual,
They look at him and he just stop laughing,
"I'm going to get my car first then I'll think of ships"
"You going to buy a car?" Kika asked
"There are some great deals on cars now it's getting close to Christmas"
"I need just a little more money to get the one I want"
Kika nod,
Just in the middle of their conversation
Catherine's phone rang Darren call she took the call "yes" she said frowning
"Catherine you ok, I've been calling you since last week"
Kady could hear him asking believe she would say she didn't got the message, "didn't your sister tell you?"
"You know my sister she's a messenger if you see me haven't returned your call it's not because I didn't hear you call" she told him she just wasn't up to calling him she wasn't up for talking with him right now she was having doubts of their relationship and was fixing it for she found love with Brayden he's giving her the time giving her the warmth showing love someone who let her feel wanted believe it or not Brayden gave her a new whole feeling of self,
"Catherine you and I need to talk"
"What about what happened?"
"Nothing happened it as been a while I've not seen you, I miss you"
"Oh yeah you do?"
"Yeah come on what you think I wouldn't?"
Catherine didn't want to say nothing wrong like it is over especially in front Brayden, "so how are you? Your sister told me what happened"
"I bet"
"Sorry I haven't been to see you yet but you have an idea why"
"Yes I have an idea"
"Work is killing me"
"I know that feeling" Catherine said being sarcastic,
"I'm with my family now and we got company"
"Call me later, Catherine I love you"
Brayden lift his head to look at her,
"Yeah, bye" Catherine end the call then sigh
"What happened between you and your boyfriend?" Kika asked
"He's too busy and I need time" Catherine smile
"What about when you use to love him from Toronto, and weren't getting time?" Rachel asked
"Good question" kady said
"In relationships there are many complications I was far from him then i miss him then and had to wait to see him, now I'm right here and its as if we're longer distances than before" Catherine said
"For you I think you don't know how to love" kady said
"I love you, and love your children, I even love your husband" Catherine said Nicolas grin, "you know I love you right Nicolas" he nod,
"What is love anyway, love doesn't come from the mouth it came from the heart"
"You know what I think about you Catherine you got savage love, like your heart as been broken millions of time"
"It's men on a whole they commit with just words and one special body parts, I love you let me prove it and guess how by having sex"
Her words make everyone laugh
Brayden have the feeling it's because of what happened with them earlier,
"Of course love can be proven with sex" Rachel said
"What? I don't think so" Catherine said
"At some point it can" kady said
"I don't see it possible"
"Maybe you are to give men  a chance" Kady said
"I've given them too much"
"Have you gotten your heart broken by the wrong guy?" Kika asked
"All guy is wrong, for me that is I just don't know"
"I know you got love honey and when you do find the right person you won't have to asked things will fall in place" Clinton said
Catherine frown made a face wondering what things,
"Your father is right dear" Alison said
Catherine nod having the feeling Brayden was that guy they bond so perfectly he fits her and she fits him, no matter how they fight loving him has always been good
The conversation went on over dinner, beef soup that Catherine spent the entire time playing into she just couldn't eat and she didn't know why,
"Thursday is Thanksgiving and my sons and family will arrive on Tuesday" leah said
"Oh yeah" Catherine said "from the pictures I saw they look cute"
"Well they are, cute it runs in the family just look at my boy" Leah pointed at Brayden Catherine look at him overall him he look at her and caught her eyes he really was handsome more than the girls were beautiful he has his own looks a little like the father but the others look like mrs Clark
"Of all the children Brayden is the only child that looks like his father" Catherine saw the small resemblance
" better looking" kady said making Thomas smile
"Well he's young" Violet said
"And grumpy" Catherine said
Brayden look at her saw how the others look at him with a smile,
Kady serve pecan pie for dessert and Brayden left right after for he had to go to the club he didn't have to say it his family knew it,
The evening ended with with the Clark's family saying goodbye,
In the morning they all went to church even Catherine Brayden couldn't make it today but while they where together at Catherine's house he came he found the house empty thinking what a way to go, he call Catherine up she saw baby on her screen realise it was Brayden she turn the volume down, "we have some unfinished business come over now come to the kitchen door" he hang up
"Hello, wrong number" Catherine said she got up soon as she hang up hop to the kitchen
"Is every thing ok?" Kady asked
"Yeah my feet need some stretching"
"You should do that but don't be on it too long" Violet said
"I won't" Catherine said hopping off Brayden open the back door she barely step in when he pulled her to him kissing her he lifted her on him taking her through to the bedroom way down the hall,
"I love it when you carry me" Catherine grin
"Then I can do that more often" he said
Catherine giggle
he lay  her down to get her naked before stripping himself the love was hard and intense but Catherine love the way he love her she made a lot of sounds as if she was alerting the neighbours,
He haven't had the chance to climax yesterday doing so twice today he lay on her belly with his head on her
"Oh Catherine you amazed me"
"Did we come to some sort of agreement that you can have sex with me anytime you want to with out a condom"
Brayden look down at her face,
"They're still in my pocket"
"Oh yeah keep them there and next time we do it they'll just magically get on your thing" Brayden laughs a loud Catherine smile  hug him and kiss him,
She was gone a roughly a hour an over now and she got up to get dress,
"So you need me to take you to the doctor tomorrow?"
"Don't you have to go fishing or some thing"
"Not really, I have fish at home"
"Oh so you got fish from all those days you've been out fishing, you left for a whole month"
Brayden wonder why she believes he was fishing for that time, "yeah about that some times I'm away for months"
"I'll wait for you I promise" Catherine said
They both smile,
"I'll be alright for tomorrow maybe the next visit" "lLet me know how it went" he said
She not and  kiss him softly before she leaves,
Brayden smile what he love about her is that when she's mad she's mad and when she's not she's the most lovable person he could ask for, he was glad she wasn't fighting about Jeana now
she went in back through the kitchen door taking some lemonade as she make her way to the living room, Ricky look up when she came in bringing Brayden's scent with her it didn't seems anyone was noticing, she sat back at her seat on the single couch with her feet stretched on the hassock
Brayden call his grandmother
"Hey baby" she said
"Hey grams I came over but you are all next door so I'll just come back later"
"I thought I heard your car but was expecting you to come over"
"No not today I was there for almost the whole day yesterday, I'll come later"
"Love you grams pass it on ok" they ended the conversation Violet shook his head,
"All of a sudden my grand child started acting weird" she said
"What did he say?" Leah asked
"He send his love for everyone"
"Ok" they said
They all have dinner together again Catherine could only eat small amount mainly her vegetables and a piece of meat, the heaviness that block her stomach makes it difficult to eat and be comfortable,
Catherine time was nine am for the doctor's appointment she got there on time,
"Miss Moore it's good to see you, come take a seat"
"Thank you" Catherine said as she sat down
"How is your leg?"
"It is feeling a little better"
"How you feeling?"
"And the medications?"
"I'm unable to keep them down"
The doctor nod,
"Well your test results came back you're doing ok inspite of the fall, the baby is fine"
"Wait a minute, baby, baby did you say baby what baby?" Catherine asked with a frown
"Miss moore" the doctor smile, "weren't you aware you're eight  weeks long"
" Eight weeks pregnant are you sure?  Oh my god this can't be happening" she said tearfully covering her face "I don't want this I can't be a mother, I can't have this baby"
"It's ok to feel the way you feel miss Moore you're a first time mom it might feel a little stressful"
"You don't understand" Catherine said
"Are you afraid?" The doctor asked
Catherine sigh it wasn't afraid she just didn't want motherhood she explained to the doctor,
"I am sure once you became a mother you'll love every moment of it, I see you as a person who's good with children"
"I am but with my sister's children and other children but not with my own children, I vow not to get pregnant, I can't have this baby, doctor can't I do another test maybe it's a mistake"
"No miss Moore the test isn't wrong but I can do it again for you"
"Yes please" Catherine said
The doctor didn't say more she  dress her foot and let her take the pregnancy test let she do it twice after viewing them she sat crying she can't believe she's pregnant
"Miss Moore   I'm going to make a date on when I can see you again she gave her her next appointment, "We'll talk more about the baby on your next visit" Catherine nod she wasn't sure now what to do, she left the doctor's office feeling like a sinking ship, she took a cab to middle town unsure if Brayden was home, she got there knock on the door the dog bark as he and Brayden came to the door, Catherine look at it then up on Brayden, "you're here, is every thing alright?"
Catherine look beyond him,
"I'm a lone, "what happened?"
"I'm pregnant that's what happens, how could you even let that happen" she blur out,
Brayden eyes widen, he scratched his head
"Eight weeks"
Catherine look up at him, she got tears in her eyes,
"Want to come in and talk about it?" He asked
She shook her head turning to leave,
"Catherine you came all the way to just say it and leave you could have called me then"
Catherine turn around he was now on the porch,
"I don't know why this is happening to me, I never wanted anything like this to happen I'm angry with myself for being so careless"
"Catherine common in let us talk about it"
"I don't want to talk about it, I only want to get rid of it"
"What you mean get rid of it?" Brayden asked
"Brayden you're not stupid I'm sure you know what that means" she hissed pulling her hair crying,
"Catherine let's talk about it"
"Brayden talking won't make it disappear" she walk away again
"I'll fix you something to eat"
"I can't eat"
"I'll make you tea"
"I'm not in the mode" she was walking
"Catherine what you plan to do?"
"I know exactly what to do" she said
Brayden bite his lips and curse under his breath he started calling but she didn't answer he sigh,
Catherine walk in the house kady heard the door and went to look and saw her "Catherine you're back" she said
Catherine try to wipe the tears sop and nod
"Are you alright?" Kady asked
"I just want to be a lone" she said closing the door although her sister was standing there the minute the door close she took the tests out to look at her again she loo at the card the doctor gave her toss them and began to scream crying out loudly
"Catherine are you ok?" Kady asked trying to open her door Clinton, Alison and Nicolos heard and come to the door
"What happened?" Alison asked
"She just came in crying and it's as if she's gone crazy" kady said
"Catherine honey how did it go at the doctor?" Alison asked
Catherine cry out remembering the doctor said she's pregnant
"Catherine open the door" Alison said
Catherine didn't want to face the world at least not   now she just don't believe it she was the last person she was expecting to hear she's pregnant hissing for it's Brayden's fault
Brayden drove over to the family hoping to see Catherine he walked in the kitchen to find everyone there,
"Hey baby" Leah said kissing his cheek "you alright?" She asked
Brayden nod but his think was far he wondered what Catherine was planning on doing,
She didn't come out the room when they try to talk to her "I'm alright I just want to be a lone" she said they leave her she lay on her back with some awful thoughts that got her crying again, she heard Brayden's mustang and felt a ness in her throat but the feeling otherwise for him  was high as if loving him was all she wanted,
"Catherine" Kika call from the front porch of their house
Kady went out
"Hey kady how's Catherine?"
"She's gone mad" kady said
Brayden look around
"How did it go at the doctor?" Rachel asked
"I don't know she got home an lock herself in her room screaming like she's crazy and not talking to anyone,
Brayden went to the kitchen and called her much as she wasn't answering earlier she pick up,
"Catherine what's wrong with you?" He asked
Catherine started crying
"Why don't you come let us talk about it"
"I don't want to talk to you Brayden"
"Should I come or will you? Make up your mind" he said hanging up,
Catherine got up and walk out the room every one of her family were on the porch so was Brayden's family she barely stood at the door when it open, he let her in and they  went down to the back room, "you alright?" Brayden asked
"Could I be?" She asked angrily
Brayden raised his hand to calm her, "I'll make you tea, you want some tea?"
"Alright" she said hanging her head, she sat on the bed and he went  back inside the kitchen he had close the door behind him although he didn't expect anyone to come down there he fix the tea and take it back to her he hand it to her and sat next to her,  "you act  as if getting pregnant is such a bad thing"
"It is for me I don't want this"
"Relax" Brayden told her  Catherine sat over and  extended her feet in order not to have it hanging down, brayden had  fix her some ginger tea  and  he watch her drank her tea she was done and rest the cup on the bedside table,
"You alright?" Brayden asked
"I'm not alright I don't think I'll ever be until I'm over this"
"So what plans do you got"
"What plans?"
"You're keeping the baby right?"
"You must be crazy"
"Come on Catherine this is my first chance of fatherhood, I might not have this chance again, don't take that from me"
Catherine look at him, she sigh lay on her back cover her face, he lay beside her cuddle her his face buried in the side of her neck breathing on her making her anxious to have him, "please baby I'll do anything you want"
"Don't put this on me it's like asking me to go down the side of a mountain with no ropes or nothing to hold me in place, I don't want to hav a baby"
"Catherine having a baby can't be that bad, "I'll be a good father ill be there every step of the way"
Catherine sighed "why didn't I stick to Darren if I had nothing like this would happen"
Brayden laughed and sigh soon the tears were coming again and he let her cry and complain
"Catherine" Brayden said taking her face between his palm he look her in the eyes he rub her face, "you're so beautiful Catherine mother hood sure will fit you if  you should have this baby I want it to be a girl  so then I'll have not just one but two beautiful women in my life" Brayden  said with a smile kissing her,  "Catherine i love you let me make love to you"
"You men prove love with sex don't you all" she grumbled
Brayden smile they made love twice and he was gently to her like a baby this time they cuddled as they encounter love
Catherine lift her head to look at him, "you could actually do it so gently and all this time I was going through hell you let me"
"Things change I'm a different person today than I was yesterday today I'm a father"
"Very funny" she slap him then sigh "I'm going to go crazy"
"A little but I'll be with you, I promise"
"Of all the promises you break Brayden I'm not expecting you to keep any" Catherine said she rest her head in his chest, he hug her to him as they lay talking,
"Catherine I'll do anything you name it and it's done"
"Make this baby disappear" she said she sat up and started crying again"
"What now?" Brayden asked
"I just don't know if I can go through with this" "of crouse you can"
Catherine shook her head
"I'll pay you name the price"
"About what you said" Catherine said in her tears
"About what?" Brayden asked
"You'll do anything you have to get me that car" she said she didn't mean it for she wasn't going to pressure him for nothing she didn't think he could afford
Brayden laughed "A car what can of car would you like"
"The new Hyundai a blue colour" Brayden laughed,
Catherine slap him and smile they lay together and time passes them there Catherine dose off a little but Brayden was still next to her his sweaty legs twinge around her his arm across her tummy, "what time is it?" She asked easing up to look at him,
"Still enough time to lay like this" Brayden whispered making Catherine smile she would love nothing more than this little moment right here staying close to him she knew she should get over  before the family became worried for she was locked in her room and wasn't coming out instead of making the move to do so she lay some more wrapped in the comfort of his arms.

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