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Catherine leaned in the mirror to look at her face rubbing both palms over it, she sigh at herself she was probably the first to get up this morning for she decided to go on a job hunt today she got up from six it was now six fifteen and on a Tuesday it was like she missed out all of yesterday staying in one corner thinking of him why do he plague her mind so much,
The sound of a dog barking got her out on the front porch she thought at first it was a stray and it managed to squeeze itself into the yard, on getting to the front porch she noticed the red mustang park at the gate like it always did then she noticed the barking came from the yard she look to see a shadow by observing she saw it was him two days ago flashed to her mind when she soak him with water made him remove his shirt showing off strong abs and chest,
She couldn't stand there anymore to let it show how emotional she was becoming seeing him  half naked
"Why is that Mutt making so much noise, can't you make it shut up" Catherine yell waking not just her family but the neighbors all coming out on the porch
"What is it now?" Leah asked in her sleepily voice
"This idiot has the stupid Mutt barking so loudly I can't get to sleep"
"Oh dear I'm sorry" Leah said to Catherine, "honey please get the dog to stop barking" she told Brayden
"It's part of his delight ma" Brayden said
"Yeah not when it's going to bother someone"
"Yes son not when it's going to bother some one" violet said
"It's ok Paco calm down" the dog stop barking whine and ran off to the house
"Where do you live anyway do you have any idea what time of morning it is are you on breast?"
Rachel hide her giggle
"What do you care you won't have milk to offer crazy old barren"
"Gramma's baby" Catherine hiss stepping madly back inside,
Allison got off the porch and went to the side of the yard "I'm so sorry you must label us as the worst neighbors" she said
"Don't worry about it Allison we won't let them spoil our relationship" Leah said both she and Allison smile Violet too they wave as they head back inside,
"What did he mean by that word?" Catherine asked on her return from the bed room after taking a shower and dress up"
"What word?" Kady ask
"He means you can't have children"
"But I don't want to have children"
"He don't know that but when he see you don't he's going to think he was right"
"Don't worry he is old he won't have any himself so it means he's a, a barren too"
"The poor guy must be wondering why you picking on him so much" Alison said
"Yeah right, anyway I'm off to seek a job hopefully I'll get something"
"Just be polite while seeking it" kady said Catherine smile hug and kiss her she bid them goodbye leaving the house she was walking by when Brayden came out he couldn't help but to noticed she wasn't dress outrageously today like she was mostly
"Catherine" kika called
"Hey kika, how are you, how is your cute boyfriend?"
"He's fine he just asked for you few minutes ago, I had to told him you and my brother kicked it off again"
"Can one person make you soooooo crazy?" Catherine ask brewing
Rachel smile
"Anyway I'll see you later, you not going out tonight are you?"
"No I got some stuff to do tonight maybe later you can come over and we talk"
"Sure see you then, bye Rachel" Catherine said wave then walk away
Brayden look at his sister shook his head "she's so irritating gosh!" He said then got off the porch he got in his car as he drove off speed by Catherine he would love to stop and gave her a lift but they were already at each other's throat and was sure she wouldn't take it if he offer,
Catherine mouth open unbelievable she thought "did he really drove by me?" She asked herself frowning at him for being selfish and self centered she shook her head "men" she said continue on her journey she got to the bus station to wait for the bus that was going to downtown Nashville she got off at the first stop and took to the side walk stopping at every door and building that look as if it could hire her, first day she turned up empty and tired but she managed to stay up with kika for a hour and a half before they both started yarning and said good night,
Her brother didn't show up to the time she leave their porch and she wonders about him, second day she didn't get employed just the same Thursdays one man took her number saying it was for a baby sitting job that she wasn't intrested to do, Friday she found two decor companies marilyn hill interiors design and julie couch interiors design both said they would give her a call, but she thought she would kept looking until they did, she kill the Friday afternoon by Darren who told her he was available for a few hours after leaving there she did some walking around in the park,
Saturday she call Darren just to talk but because he was with Molly he ignored her call, it was Molly's birthday weekend and they took a trip to Montana they had left Friday evening and won't come before
Catherine didn't call again since she did and didn't get him,
Brayden was celebrating his thirtieth birthday today and the family called to wish him a happy birthday he didn't go over as he didn't want to spoil it by getting in an argument with his family's neighbor as it was all they does, he went fishing and later head to the bar after his stage performance he and his buddies play pool drink and have a good time before he went by to see Jeana have some love with her, Sunday he swung by for just a short time by Catherine came to realize he was there he was getting in his mustang to leave, she was invited to the evening service with violet so the entire family went together Catherine wish he had shown up but he didn't leaving her disappointment once again,
"So your son don't go to church?" Catherine asked
"Who Brayden?" Leah asked
"He has his time"
"He have not God it's a wonder he's so stuck up" she hissed
"Catherine" kady called to her
"What?" She said to her sister"I have freedom to speak" she said walking away
Monday morning she went out again looking for jobs she later got home with out any good news,
"You'll find something" Alison said
"I hope I do for I dont want to be left a lone while you all went to work"
"You don't worry you'll get something" Alison said
later Catherine and kika sat on Catherine's porch as last week they sat on kika's
"About Rachel she doesn't have a boyfriend?" Catherine asked
"Rachel is married her husband lives here but he works every day he's a government agent so he works late and have to leave early"
"Oh so I may never get to meet him, is he cute like your boyfriend like Dalton?"
"I don't know but he's not bad looking, probably has a kind of face like what my brother Brayden has"
"He does, I don't think he got that looks like your brother has at all" Catherine said kika look at her,
"What I meant to say is your brother is ugly" she said
Kika laugh, she don't think Brayden is ugly they always believes he's the most handsome of them all but she didn't mention it to Catherine"He's about that high and built like Brayden though" Catherine didn't object about the hight but she was sure he wasn't that cute
"Oh ok so he's a tall guy with muscles?" Catherine asked
"Not the type of muscles my brother has he's more in shape he does his work out"
She wasn't expecting him to be that muscular it takes Brayden to keep such body no man she met  didn't have that body and she is sure she isn't wrong,
"So hopefully you will have better news tomorrow when you go out looking for work" kika said
"I hope so too"
"What exactly are you looking for anyway?"
"Anything" Catherine said she didn't really want anything she need to do decor she has started with the office space for her parents Sunday they had spent the day and plans to go again this Sunday to finish up it wasn't such a hard place for it was used recently it just needed a coat of paint and furniture she chose them and her parents bought them and she decided what should go where and it's almost done,
"I have a feeling this is going to be a better week"
Kika hug her I hope it is" Catherine smile, she walk her to the gate she call on the porch before Catherine went in by this every one in the house was sleeping she fix a sandwich and have some coco before going off to bed,
She was up again early to go off on her job seeking no one was hiring she was starting to believe Darren now that jobs were hard to get here but she wasn't giving up Wednesday she step out once again in faith thought nothing special happened she decided that she was going again Thursday morning
"So nothing yet ah?" Kika asked when she stop to see her
"Nothing yet" Catherine frown
"Don't give up yet"
"Not just yet" she said with a smile
"Guess what later invite your sister and her husband to the club I promise you'll have a good time take your mind off a little of the thoughts"
Catherine smile "I will see about that" she turn as she saw the red mustang came up park and he got out he came and went by her turning to look at her once he was at the porch
Catherine frown and Brayden make a teasing face at her one that cause her to shiver,
"I'll see you later" Catherine said to kika walking away, but how comes tonight you're going to the club isn't it Wednesday?"
"The club rock all week and it's just to free your mind" kika said
"Alright later then" she said looking at Brayden who was standing there still
Kika look at Brayden who widen his eyes and head into the house,
Much as she turn up empty handed today again she didn't feel all that disappointment she was ready to go to the club to have some fun and put the thoughts of the day behind her,
The club was lively like it was on her first visit the guy with the mic seems to know his thing Catherine could only tell it was the same guy by his voice and his high he was a amazing singer she love his voice and his songs too she enjoyed dancing to them feeling the trill after his stage performance the DJ took over and people were moving to the dance floor a bit more now her sister included and kika who some guy asked to dance as she had refused to dance with anyone,  watching was more interesting,
Tonight wasn't Brayden's night he normally runs from from Thursday to Saturday but the guy was down with the flue so they gave him the night after changing he went to the bar for a drink, Catherine turn when Brayden came upto the bar and order "the regular" he said and the bar tender pour him a whiskey with lemon Catherine watch him make that big drink and got a refill he didn't left the bar same time he sat on the bar stool next to Catherine trying to think of something to say to break the fuse between them,
Catherine got tired of club soda and have a whiskey just one a small shot when the woman came to talk to Brayden  she left the bar to avoid them she was outside when he came out he was a lone when he did, he saw her and paused to look at her thinking of saying something but refused to force himself on her, Catherine watch him getting in  his car leaving the club a lone she went back in to say she was ready to go home so they leave together
Thursday night they visit the club again they had not gone two nights in a row, tonight she enjoyed the guys performance even more but when he left the stage she left the bar going outside she step out and felt the cold air blew across her and look at herself  remembering there was no Jacket she was about to head back in when she saw the red mustang park right across from her he was just getting in she wondered what he was up to and wonder if he'll ignored her if she be the bigger person and go talk to him, she cross the street getting in on the other side "ah she said as she sat in the warmth of the vehicle she turn and saw him looking at her wife mouth
"What? it's cold outside" Catherine said
"And what does that have to do with you in my car?" Brayden asked
"Maybe you haven't noticed I'm barely dressed"
Brayden overalls her and chuckled, "You should think about that before you dress like a hookah"
"You have no idea how hookers are dress, you don't like girls why would you noticed how they are dressed"
"I like girls alright but it's the ones like you I don't get a long with"
"Like me ah what a barren?"
Brayden smile shook his head as he hang it,
Catherine sat to admire him he was just too charming to ignore
"What you want?"
He asked
"I told you it's cold outside"
"I'm leaving"
"Then take me"
"We're not going the same place"
"Take me home still"
"Are you crazy?"
"You can determine that" but If you want to think so"
Brayden shook his head started the car as he had no choice but to take her home he didn't want it otherwise anyway,
"You are actually cute" Catherine said after looking at him for a while
Brayden look at her
"You're not going to say anything?"
"What you want a thank you?" He hissed
"You know Brayden It's your fault why we don't get a long"
He didn't even know she knows his name
"Why my fault?" He asked as he pulled to the side of the road on a long lonely stretch
"I don't know, why we stopping?"
"Maybe for you to stop talking nonsense and get out my car"
"You don't expect me to get out here right?" Catherine asked looking around it was dark and lonely spooky too if she's to be by herself,
"Do it look like I care?" Brayden ask,
Catherine slap him across his chest"watch your mouth" she said
"What you did that for?" Brayden asked
Catherine grinned at him, "you smell so good do you always?"
Brayden chuckle and shook his head, "want to get out now I have to go home"
"Where is your home?" Catherine asked
"I don't see how that becomes your business"
She look at him with a smile
"Get out" he said
"You're not nice" she said
"I know I've known that all a long"
"You're really the reason we don't get a long" Catherine said she rub her palm together and grinned "wow this heat are you the one bringing it?" She teased
Brayden shook his head and smile
"You know if you want some of me you can just asked for I bet you don't have a girl friend" Catherine smile touching his arm Brayden shook her away,
"What? I know you don't have a girlfriend for you don't  like girls, but come on you don't think I'm pretty?" She said touching him once again
"Not even for a second all I see you as is a whining bitch, and even if I have no one im not interested in you" he said
"Oh come on boy I'm sure you'll find  the experience excited" she said taking his hand between her thighs
Brayden could feel the flesh she has it was many it make him jump below he pull away
" Is this a game you're playing?"
"What game? you want to think it's a game,  ok" Catherine said climbing on him easing in to kiss him once her lips came on his he relax to the sweet taste of her kiss, she lift his hand to her chest rest them on her breast "Make love to me" she whispered
"No I'll take you home"
"Come on handsome a girl in heat and you're just going to turn her away?" She asked rubbing his cheeks kissing him
"What you trying to do, are you drunk?" Brayden asked removing her hands from him, "move over so I can drop you home and go home myself"
"Not before you show me what you got, don't spoil the mode now" Catherine said she laugh "Drunk you asked if I'm drunk, drunk on what?" She look at him with a smile "don't worry I'm into this, don't you want me"
He too was caught up in his own heated emotions and of course he wants her he got feelings  for her but wasn't sure he wanted to do this with her, "I have no condoms if you really want to" he used that as an excuse though he didn't really have he didn't prepare for any such thing tonight his girl friend wasn't in town and he had no plans to hook up with anyone tonight,
"I'm sure we can find one somewhere" she told him kissing him as she guid back his palm to her breast, brayden rub on them kissing her neck with soft kisses he pull down the blouse to suck her nipples that got Catherine over heated she could feel him hard against her inter thigh as he make love to her his lips claim her breast another time making her moan a loud she grip his hair holding him to keep him on her breast shifting his head to the other she moan again saying his name she brought his head up kissing him deeply, she reach for her bag to look for a condom and instead found two in the heat of her wants she put the bag down and didn't see that her phone fell out, she grin at him as she held them up "aren't you a lucky guy?"
"What you doing walking around with condoms?" Brayden asked
"Aren't you happy I do?" Catherine grin kissing him more "I love your lips" she said
Brayden ease her out to look at her "tell me"
"Alright" she shrugged "they're for my boyfriend"
"You got a boyfriend?"
"Are you going to spend the whole time asking questions what did you expect a girl friend?" She ask, he shook his head lift her skirt to take off her panties turn her back to his chest as he went on to enter her sinking into her
"Really?" Catherine asked
"Yes" he said pushing into her his lips on her back wetting it with each kiss,
Being caught up emotionally he let go and let himself go he make love to her like he haven't to another woman in a long while his emotions dragged him to be a little to rough he could hear her pain in each moan the way she tried to grip on to the dash board the way she said his name he didn't even know she knew his name but the way she said it make him become more heated, his thumbs on her nipples rubbing them making them hard like the point of a needle his lips in her neck as he kiss and stuck on her skin they used the two condoms with fulfillment,
Catherine rest back in the seat looking at Brayden she thought she played with fire she wasn't expecting this at all but it was good she actually like it a little bruise won't throw her off,
"I hope you're alright" he said
"I didn't think you care" she said smiling
he shook his head and smile, "so can we go?" He asked
"There's no more condoms for us to go another round so yes we can go"
he shook his head starts the car they drove to her place in silence as they both think about what just happened,
"Thanks" she said as they stop at her gate,
"Yeah ok"
She lean in to kiss him  rubbing her hand across his cheek, "hook me up again pretty soon" she said poking  his cheek before getting out the car, he watch her to the door before driving off, he took a deep breath smiling as he was pleased he sure is going to hook her up again,
When kady find her sister was missing she try to ring her but her phone wasn't picking up, she was told that she was spotted getting in a car after kady describe her to the security, they wasn't sure what car but figured she went home
Catherine took a shower and curled up in herself as she drifted into sleep she was in deep sleep when kady push her door she can't believe she came home and didn't tell them she went out to tell kika that Catherine was asleep kika breath a sigh of relief glad she was ok,
Brayden wonder if she would remember any of what had happened and think that they will be back to fighting tomorrow again he didn't see that coming but was it something he smile as he picture her with him in the way they were her body was milk smooth and she was sweet too too sweet he can't wait to get another chance again if there will be another, she did said to hook her up again but he want to believe she was drunk he drop on the floor with all the thoughts there was until he finally fall a sleep, he was up early in the morning the what he would normally do before going on the road while cleaning his car he found the phone knowing it has to belong to Catherine since she was in his car last night and before that it wasn't there Josh was the last person he drop off at his girl friend the day before and he call him from his cellphone since that he decided to take it to kika and told her the bartender said she left it at the bar,
"Have anyone seen my phone?" Catherine asked on coming in the living room for she woke up in the morning and couldn't find it,
"No" kady said
"When was it last you saw it"
It came back to her that when she went in her bag to look for condoms it might have fallen out she wasn't all sure, she roll her eyes thinking on that, she can't believe she behave so badly in front of him now she's going to look like a whore he already said she dress like a hooker oh boy how will she face him now, she run her palm over her face,
"Maybe it was left at the bar" Nicolas suggested
Catherine wasn't sure and she was still expecting that call from the places she was looking for work,
"Maybe kika found it" Catherine said going to the front porch all their neighbors were on their porch and the red mustang came up same time,
"Catherine" kika called with a giggle "you ok?" She asked
Catherine smile "morning everyone" she said
"Hi dear" violet answered
"Hi Catherine" leah said
"Morning" Thomas answered
"Hi Catherine" Rachel said
"Did you make it home alright?" She asked
"I did" Catherine smile she shift her eyes from Rachel to Brayden who step on the porch, "look kika happened to see my phone any where?" She asked
"You lost your phone?" Kika asked
"I'm not sure I just miss it a few moments ago"
"I don't know I haven't seen it, you Rachel?" Kika asked
Rachel shook her head she haven't seen it at anytime
Catherine sigh "well I'll continue to look" she said
"I hope you find it" Rachel said
Brayden took the phone from his pocket and handed  it to kika  "she left it by the bar" he said Catherine could hear she wasn't expecting it to be so for she didn't go in her bag no time at the bar the drink she bought she pay for it from her pocket, and once he has it, it has to be that it fell in his car,
"Thank you Brayden" kady said " At least say thanks" sheb urged her sister,
Catherine look at Brayden for sometimes her eyes linger as she remembers his sweet kisses and love her body shivered, she felt kady nudge her, "Thanks" she said shakily turning to look at her sister and frowned at her,
"Yeah you're welcome" he said
Catherine was barely handed the phone when it rang, Darren called
"Hey Catherine" he said as he came on the line
"Hey" Catherine replied
"Are you stopping by today?" He asked trying to buy sometime to get some of her love,
There was no way Catherine could go to Darren today after last night with Brayden she was tired and sore and wasn't in the mood for Darren,  and to think about it she might not go back she was caught up with a new feeling now after last night and she just need to relax and reminisce,
"I think I'm going to past"
"Why I was hoping to see you"
All he wanted was a hour on his couch nothing else she has gone to see him three times now and he haven't invited her to his bed room once she couldn't even stay the night with him it's like they didn't have a relationship apart from sex,
"Another time ok" she said hanging up she look at Brayden who came back off the porch she was standing close to the fence,
"You going job hunting again today?" Kika asked
"No I'm tired I'm just going to rest" Catherine told her,
"I'm tidying my room soon as you're done resting you can come over"
"Ok" Catherine said she watch as the others went in behind kika each waving at her she smile and wave back she turn and only she and Brayden were left standing there,
She turn to walk away
"Catherine" he call
She turn to look at him,
"You ok?" He asked
Catherine smirk then nod, "yes I am ok" she smiled, "you?"
"Haven't been better" he said
Catherine smile once more then walk away she was on the porch when he was driving a way,
She sat for breakfast with the others staying quiet as she think back and reminisce about last night she would lie to herself if she said he wasn't good he was aggressive but it was worth it she can't believe she pushed on him like she did but could she be blame and if she didn't she would have never been able to experience such a fantastic ride, he took her from behind she was more hoping to rub him down but maybe another time,
"So why aren't you going to see Darren today?" Kady asked
"I don't have to go all the time" Catherine said
"Have you invited him?"
"He's always busy"
"But he got Fridays off" Alison said
"I'm sure if you asked he'll come" kady said
"Ok I'll invite him next week" she said
"Next week I'm to take the children to school" kady said
Catherine almost didn't realize that next week is going to be the last week in the month of July August will be Thursdays coming soon the her sister, brother in law and children will be heading to school and her parents will start working comes Monday she was to go add the finishing touches Sunday evening for again she was going to church with violet and the others she hope this time he will come Brayden will come,
"I've not been so tired in all my life" Catherine complained as she sat on the floor in kika's bed room looking around
"Maybe it's because you party two nights in a row" kika said
Catherine chuckle she knew it wasn't really the two nights in a row but Brayden has the tendency to weaken her with the good love he gave her last night
"Thursday again ok" kika said
Catherine smile and nod "Is that him?" She  ask pointing to a picture on the wall,
"You mean Brayden? Yes that's him"
She move closer"
"He's not all that grumpy you know?"
"I didn't say he is but he doesn't like girls and he's not polite"
Kika smile she wonders why they didn't like each other,
"Is that your sister's boyfriend?"
"That's Tony my brother"
"You got more brothers?" Catherine surprisingly ask
"And this is Jessie my other brother"
"Ah!" She opened her mouth
Jessie is a pilot he lives in Canada and Tony he lives in Colorado he's a national guard of the us army you'll meet them soon, they came like for Thanksgiving and normally leave after the tree lighting ceremony, then they return for Christmas and stay for the new year celebration"
"Don't worry you will get a long way better than you do with brayden"
Catherine laughed she started remembering last night again with a lingering smile, "I don't think so" she smile
"What about your boyfriend?"
"What about him?"
"I haven't seen him here yet"
"He said to be too caught up in work"
"But you do go look for him"
"Yes but today he asked I didn't feel like it, so your boyfriend coming today?"
"Tomorrow he's stopping by his parents tonight"
"They live in Nashville too?"
"Middle town"
"Ok" she noticed Brayden didn't live here and wish to asked but she didn't show that much interest to seek all that information from his sister, she did asked him last night he said it wasn't her business but in time she will know for what happened between them last Night she was sure it was going to happen again and she will get to know all she need to about him.

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