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Brayden stretch and look at the time it was six in the morning he roll over and then got up he was looking to sleep a little later for he felt tired seeing the long week he had gone through thank god who kept him through, tonight was his last night performing at the club for next week he'll leave for his album tour to Europe he won't come back until the middle of October he had gotten last night to spend sometime with Catherine after his performance they kill time at josh he only wish she had let them stay the night he was looking to get more time later hoping to get more time later he wasn't sure he need more of her company for he'll leave for an entire month, he has gone on multiple tours some times for months but he didn't have this reason to be in a hurry to get back for he wish now it could be canceled give him more time around Catherine, he smile at his thoughts, but it would worth it, his phone rang he reach for it he had forgotten he and Catherine haven't exchanged numbers and he wouldn't get a call from her,
He opened the line to find it was Jeana calling from a new number
"Je Jeana"
"Who did you expect her?" Jeana asks in a mimicking voice
"Who you talking about Jeana?" Brayden ask much as he knows it is Catherine
"You know it's Catherine
"She don't have a number for me"
"You're admitting it that there's something between you two?"
"I'm not admitting to any thing"
"You don't have to, but you don't have to lie about it neither"
Brayden sigh,
"So you're leaving soon I'm thinking we could spend sometime together"
"I'll have to pack I'll call if I can"
"You don't have to pack today"
"Why is that?"
"Today is only Saturday"
"I'll call you"
"I already got the call" Jeana said "bye Brayden" she said then hang up Brayden toss the phone a side went to the bathroom grab a shower he didn't feel up to exercising this morning a matter of fact he didn't feel like doing nothing, nothing if it didn't require laying on Catherine's back breathing in her neck his body already felt free judging the amount of sex he got overnight he thought of Catherine and how she was feeling he wonders if apart from using up the two condoms they had if there was more if she would allow it, she didn't seems to have a problem only when she's mad for something which she's less now he can't help the need he has especially when he saw her dress in her shorts and mini skirts the belly blouse that exposed her navel ring she's not the first girl he saw in navel ring for almost every girl he knew wore navel ring but her's was sexy, sexy than any one else,
He still wishes to see her later just a pity he might not get to tonight,
There was a huge party at the decor company Saturday night to the time it got over it was already late so the club was out for tonight which she miss for she miss seeing Brayden not every night they get to cuddle but she like just looking at him hoping he'll come over in the morning,
She was just getting up Sunday morning when she heard the mustang on hearing it she got out of bed she got to the porch and every one was there her family talking to the neighbors on their porch,
"Don't you people ever sleep?" She asked turning to go back in,
"Good morning miss Catherine" Violet said
"Morning mrs stone she said with a smile "morning" she wave and the others wave back
She and Brayden met eyes,
"Catherine we're going to the beach later are you coming?" Kika asked
"Ok later I'm going back to bed"
"We're going to church" kady said
"That's nice see you later" she close the door as she goes in Brayden laugh make them all look at him he shook his head and went in side, later when they got ready to leave Catherine came out dress for church, Brayden smile, he wasn't going to church today when they were ready he hug them "I'll call" he told his grandmother
"You take care"
"Will do Grams" he kiss her cheeks "catch you all later" he said as he got in his car, he didn't tell Catherine he was leaving for Europe and won't be back for some time, she was thinking that when she got back from church he would be at the house, but he left there for middle town did some fixing up it  was just a normal day for him as he prepared to leave tomorrow he ignored Jeana's call, he wasn't in for it with her, Monday morning early he left Tennessee wishing he had seen Catherine before he leave they haven't exchanged numbers as yet for both are too busy to share their love they forget all about that, Catherine came from work she work only for half a day since her project was done she head straight home after stopping to grab a few things at the market, already her mother had did the shopping on Thursday but she wanted to just grab a few things, her mother was in the kitchen putting together for soup she never like nothing more than soup that was on a Saturday she didn't really mind soup for she love soup not as much as she love casserole but soup was good on a whole for her food was good she loves to eat and bet every one who knows her knows that but she was surprised she was making it today
"you shop?" Kady said as she too enters the kitchen
"Yah it's not really so much as shopping it's a few things"
"It is still shopping" Alison said as she empty the bags Catherine didn't really pick up food at the market for she didn't cook so it was pretty difficult to know what to buy for that purpose so she took home vegetables and meat for burgers and to fix sandwiches she took home milk thought she wasn't a fancy milk drinker she live for her coco tea that's for sure and she ate a lot of moco lata and pan cakes "thanks honey" Alison said
"You're welcome" Catherine said "why are we having soup today did we miss Saturday?" She asked
"Remember Saturday we had ordered up pizza for your sister and I were both tired" Alison said,
"You need a cook that don't get tired for I don't want to have soup on Monday i preferred it on Saturday"
Nicolas laugh on coming in to hear her, "but it's true" she grumbled as she join the children at the at the table "where's the father of this house?" She asked
"We went by to have a small game of mini golf with mr Clark, your father is still there" Nicolas told her, said
"Oh I'm going to see kika, she's home right?"
Nicolas nod,
"I'll be soon for dinner" she said making a face kady smile as she watched her leave taking the children as she head to the front door kika was in her room she was called there while the two children sat with Violet and Leah Rachel was in the kitchen came out when she heard Catherine, Rachel was unsure why but Catherine became one of her favorite people something about her she really likes and she love seeing her talking with her her husband love her a lot as far as she can tell the entire family does she got a long with every one except for Brayden she couldn't tell why but leave it to them to figured it out,
"Catherine" she said from the door way she smile at her "how are you?"
"I'm ok" Catherine smile back Rachel move closer to take a seat next to her as they sat talking a while catch her she finally got up to say later,
"We're going to the club coming?" Kika asked
"Club tonight isn't it Monday?, Yeah I could, why not"
"Ok" kika smile
"Ricky out playing golf too?"
"Ricky had to work" Rachel told her
She nod left with the children,
She wondered if Dalton had mentioned seeing her leaving that morning if he told kika and ask that she didn't say anything then kika said it to Rachel telling her the same thing but she's going to tell Ricky and who knows she might bring it up while the whole family were together then they all going to know she's having sex with Brayden doesn't matter anyway he please her and she's in love,
After dinner Catherine and kady did the dishes, they later got ready for the club Catherine came to notice first the guy on stage wasn't the guy she was use to he was doing country that the only thing that grabs her his songs were unfamiliar not that they didn't sound good but she like the melody of the other guy, what make it worst for the whole time she didn't see Brayden having no idea where he was, they weren't there longer than midnight before leaving next morning early she got out of bed head to the front porch she thought she heard his mustang but she figured it must because she dreamt of him,
she went to work on came home later hoping to see Brayden but she didn't, a whole week went by and nothing of him then there went another still nothing, Friday she swing by to see Darren as he asked her to she knew what he wants but it wasn't what she wanted she wasn't in the mode she just came to see him for she needed the distraction thinking about Brayden was weighing her down she was tired thinking of him more than when she work she wish to asked someone for him but much as she wants to know she didn't asked,
Darren couldn't believe she hold back on him like she did again she done this before"what happened?" he asked
"Where?" She ask him
"You holding back"
"Maybe I'm not in the mode"
"You said that before"
"I'm going to go obviously you're not having any fun just talking with me so I'm going to leave"
"You going to leave me like this?"
"Call me" Catherine said she walk to the door he watch her to it, "my family send their hello I told them you don't really care but they send it any way"
"What make you say I don't care"
"You never say hello you never visit so what"
"Catherine you know time is upon me I only got Fridays and it's when we get to spend it together"
"I'm still sure having me here is a sacrifice"
"Catherine" he said but already she was out the door, Darren look down at his hardness buffing out in front of him,
Catherine didn't feel him and it's been so since she came first and saw his reaction it has been a while and the only place in his apartment she get to go is in his living room on his couch for sex like that was the only thing he was happy having her there for she knew men and she wasn't judging him wrong it was what she sees,
She was about to get on the bus when he rang
"I didn't leave anything did I?" Catherine asked
"Yes you leave me hanging" he chuckled
"That happened sometime"
"So Friday again hoping you'll be in the mode by then"
"Can't make any promises"
"You once never had to promise"
"I just feel you didn't welcome me the way expected and I can't help to feel you got someone else in your life,
"What you saying?"
"Anyway mom was saying I should invite you to the party they are throwing a party for Jenny, I haven't told them yet you won't come I'll let them see when you don't turn up"
"Next Saturday?" Darren asked
"Ok I'll be there I'll text you for the address in the week"
"Ok" Catherine said knowing he is going to say something come up only to make an excuse not to she was a woman and was able to tell you boyfriend change for he should be more happy to see her you've been living far apart and finally I moved closer to you and you haven't taken me out not even once and being your woman all I'm worth is sex on your couch, Catherine frown as she says goodbye then hang up she sat comfortably as the bus takes her on that short distance to the train station she started thinking of Brayden how she haven't seen him wondering why for she got so used to seeing him,
Another week passed and nothing she went to the club Thursday gone back on Friday, Saturday she was there not even the sweet singing guy who entertains her was there, she haven't heard the family mention him since she haven't seen him, she meant to ask about him but bite her tongue she felt lonely for once in her life she felt like she was actually missing him, she didn't have a number for him so she couldn't call to check on him,
Thursday she was in the club when she saw Jeana she came to sit next to her at the bar,
Catherine look her way and saw she smirk she turn away looking at the liquor shelves
"You seems lonely did your boyfriend left you hanging?"
"You know my boyfriend?" Catherine asked
"It is just that you're sitting here while everyone else is having fun you seems to be not having a good time like you're moping or something"
Catherine turn around to face her fully looking at her, "yah say I'm not  having a good time maybe I'm moping, you are here to show me a good time, is that it are you inviting me to your place for a romantic night to take my mind off whatever I'm moping over, you got a dick somewhere?"
"What you think I am a bitch?"
"What you are not a bitch?, to think I am wrong, for if you're not here to offer a good time I don't see the sense of talking to you"
Jeana held her hand up, "I was only trying to make conversation"
"my apologies for not showing any interested" Catherine said as she got up to leave her there, Jeana hissed with a frown "Bitch" she grumbled as she watch her she was going to let her be so sorry she got in to any thing with her man she wasn't stupid she knew something happened between them much as her boyfriend didn't want to admit it it is so obvious, Catherine catch a cab and went home she called kady to say she left on reaching home she with the others were just about to look for her for them to leave,
"She left, Catherineis home" kady said
"She is?" Kika asks
"Seems she wasn't having a good time" Jeana said with a smirk makes Ricky look at her
He's been observing her from the other night as if she was trying to say Catherine was into something with Brayden he wants to think so himself but they show no sign towards each other apart from can't stand each other, he wonders why he's the only one in the surrounding who noticed apart from Jeana that is but she being Brayden's girl and all it's a possibility she could see him drifting,
"She has her moments" kika said turning to leave
"Say hello to Brayden for me when he calls" Jeana said
"Brayden is away?" Kady asked
"Yeah he's out doing some stuff"
"Well no wonder my sister is so disorganized she has no one to fight with" she said make them laugh,
Catherine was already a sleep when kady got home so she didn't bother to wake her up,
She left early leaving a note on the refrigerator "got some little finishing up to do at work be back later to help with the decorations" kady reads "yah, yah so much for not working on Friday" she grumbled
"Your sister is working?" Alison asked
"I thought she would be here to start with the decorations"
Kady shrugged
"Your father and I got an appoint"
"Don't worry mom"
They kiss and bid goodbye "see you dad" kady said
"Yes dear"
"Later grandpa" the children said as he came and hug him,
"I'm going to be sometime late" Catherine said on calling later in the night,
"You should be here hours ago Catherine" kady said
"I know I'm going to see to it it's done the party won't be before four"
"But you have to go to work tomorrow"
"I know, I'll come later"
"Ok" kady said hanging up she sigh as she sat down watching the time, Catherine decided to walk around town little she wasn't sure if she was looking for Brayden or what but she ran into Jeana which she sees as a bad thing, "what?" She asked when Jeana stopped in front of her she was on her way from the club at midnight while Catherine was waiting outside the club neither kika or the others were there tonight kika had gone to Dalton's family and Rachel and Ricky went out kady was home busy preparing for her daughter's birthday party and she was to be home doing the decor for her, but she was more interested in seeing Brayden she can't believe she isn't seeing him it's three weeks,
"We don't have to not get a long, for we do have onething in common"
"And what is that?"
"We have something for the same guy"
"And what guy is that?"
Catherine purposely opened up her mouth then covered it with her fingers she laugh carsasly  "Brayden is your guy you could have fool me" she said
"He's just having fun with you"
"It's a two side thing I'm having fun too" Catherine walk away
"Two timing whore" Jeana said
"You couldn't even get a job being a whore for you don't got the body for it" she left her there and Catherine went about her business Jeana was hurt she was right Brayden don't want her he used to but since Catherine he shows little interest if any at all she sigh as she watch her got in a cab, she went home to drown in her tears,
Every one were a sleep when Catherine finally make it home at two in the morning before sleep she got down to decorating it was five o clock when she finally lay down it took her a hour before she could fall a sleep thinking of Brayden of the fight she has with Jeana she could easily deny it and walk away but she called her a whore she wasn't a whore she had more than three boy friends at twenty six and she share sex with two guys but she was no whore she still considers herself to be a woman of class she hot a PhD in decor what does Jeana have only a boyfriend who doesn't want her, the thought of Brayden brought here to sleep she got up at six forty getting a little under a hour sleep,
"Wow! Just look at that" kady said coming to the living room to see the place all fixed up she grin happily
"You know your sister will come through for her niece and nephew" Nicolas said coming behind her kady grin at him,
Catherine text her home address to Darren thought she knew he won't come she didn't want to hear she didn't invite him so she did, she climb from her bed when her sister came in the room she never sleeps with a close door for she sleeps a lone "thank you" kady hug her,
"You know it was nothing right"
"So what time did you get in?" Kady asked
"At two"
"You went to see Darren" kady said
It wasn't something done often but she lied "yes"
"He's coming right"
"He said he will"
"I should get to my job, the one that pays not the one you have to do at home under human surveillance and got no pay"
Kady laugh Catherine smile as she walk to the bathroom, she later came into the kitchen, "who's birthday is it?" She asked
"It's my birthday" Jenny said
"It is?" Catherine asked
"It is" Jenny said
"Oh really, can any one else confirm it that today's Jenny's birthday?" She teased
Jeremiah nod "Jenny is having her birthday" he said Catherine smile kiss them both, she grab a bottle of water and pack her plate with filters and scrambled eggs with a large bottle of orange juice she went back to join the children by the table, she finished eating then kiss the children goodbye "happy birthday my princess" she said kissing her niece,
She giggle at her aunt as she hug her at the neck,
"Catch you all later" she said
"Remember we starts at four"
"I'll be ready" Catherine wasn't sure if she said the right time at one point she wonders if she said three, she had hired a clown and Donald duck her niece's favorite, she only had to be present at work today for she didn't have any assignment she finished up her last place yesterday and hope to sit out next week so she can get rest,
She got back from work a head of time help to set up the tables soon as everyone started gathering Donald duck and the clown came the children got so excited as they both ran to them,
Kady held her chest she wasn't expecting her sister to do that,
"You didn't go into your car money did you?" Kady asked when she pulled her to the kitchen
"This is such a good party" Rachel said
"The decorator is hot I love it" kika said
Catherine didn't say anything so kady didn't boast that it was her one and only sister dearest who did it,
Catherine noticed no signs of Brayden as they all were gathered together she didn't bother looking out for Darren for she wasn't expecting him, she was looking to Brayden thought guess he leave her hanging again as Jeana said she wonders why Jeana came up with that what did they do around her she was sure Brayden didn't tell her that for he strikes her as the guy who wants to be on the safe side he was going to see Jeana a little longer as he is thinking of getting stronger with her but they were just getting to know each other and under the circumstances they get together he's putting one foot in one out, she likes him and want to stay with him like him enough to forget Darren and move on with him caring not what Jeana thinks, it was good her instincts were wrong for if he was gay she would be absolutely disappointed and disappointments didn't work well with her a bit.

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