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Catherine was by the bar when a guy came up to her she saw his face before it came to her  that kika did said his name is josh she saw him with Brayden a few times she said they are partners she didn't know if she was talking about drinking partner or pool partner his fishing partner maybe, Catherine acknowledged him by turning to look his way then turn away,
"I couldn't help but  you noticed you sitting alone  over here"
"Should there be a problem is it a crime, people can't be a lone anymore" Catherine said with out looking at him,
"I'm just saying"
"What ever you're saying I'm not interested" she turn his way then away,
he lean closer to her ears
"My friend Clark wants you to meet him by his car"
Catherine look at him saw him smirk,
"Brayden?" She asked
Josh nod
"Why didn't you just say so?" Catherine said  slapped him across  his chest hissed and got up, she walk away then turn back "don't tell anyone Ok" she beg josh
Josh nod and smile at her,
Since it was Sunday night brayden didn't have to preform tonight he has some time to spare and he was so hoping to steal her away, he was leaning on  the  rail of a building near the club when Catherine came out step into his arms he squeezed her to him kiss her, " let's get out of here"
"Where we going?"
"To my place"
They went by Josh's  house not very far from the night club they got there and Catherine look a round it wasn't a big fancy apartment it was just a  two bedroom with a bath room a small kitchen and dining area Maybe all together around the size of his parents living room, he came up behind kissing her shoulders his hand cuffed her breast and his thumb play with her nipples making her moan aloud he turn her head to claim her lips he pulled  her to the bed room where he roughly love her sweating all over her kissing  all over her his hands touching her making her climax,
"Oh Catherine you're so damm sweet" he whispered in her ear  sucking on her ear lobe, her body shiver and she cried out gripping the spread he push down on her and her body stretched beneath his as he kiss her softly on her  cheek,  she was burning and he was throbbing inside of her making  it even worse he finally started turning again making her ache he rolled next to her laying  on his back their face turn to each other, he turn to his side hug her with a arm and a leg he came in and kiss her,
"Happy belated birthday" Catherine said
Brayden laugh loudly,
"What?" She asked
"Its been some days some long days"
"Yeah but we weren't like this then"
Brayden nod smile "thanks" he said kissing her again
"So when was it you  saw your boyfriend?" He asked
"Why you asked" Catherine asked lifting her head to  look  at him,
"It was just a simple question you do have a boyfriend"
"Yes but don't mean you and I have to talk about him"
Brayden held his hand up, "I could use a shower how about you?"
"I'll pass"
"I'll be back" he said kissing her more he climbed out of bed going to the bathroom Catherine was dressed and ready when he got back the once messy bed was back to normal
"Ready?" He asked
"What did you expect I have to go to work in the morning"
"Oh I didn't remember you're now a working girl" he smile Catherine look down on his naked body her eyes lingering on his manhood hanging down his thighs he got quit a hand full there they did said it about tall guys and the prove is in the pudding she look  up to his face and saw him smile, he move to her wrap  his arms around her kissing her neck,
"I bet you don't do it so often with anyone else" she eases him away "Then why you trying to drain me?" Catherine grumbled
Brayden smile
"What if I told you I like what you got"
"I wouldn't care less, i know you're just making use of it because it comes easy,  and you don't have to buy it"
Brayden laugh,  "I don't really buy sex"
"Then what?" Catherine asked
"You said  it yourself I don't like girls" he smirk at her got in his clothes,  "let's go" he said leading the way to the door, they walk to the car in silence, he opened the door and she sat down he got in on the other side
"Should I drop you home?"
"No I don't want  to leave  them looking for me tonight"
He nods drove her to the club,  they just came to a stop when kady call her,
"I'm just catching some fresh air" Catherine said
"Ok we'll be shortly out"
"I will see you soon" Brayden said Catherine nod
He leans in  kiss her deeply she touched his cheek rubbing a long it smile at him, he gave back a smile in a sweet charming way, she got out and he drove away she saw josh got in before she walk across to stand by the door of the club,
Kika came out she with the others Catherine turn to look at then she didn't notice that Ricky had joined them he hug her to him and swore he smells his brother in law perfume on her,
Kady thought she smells him near turn to look but he wasn't around thinking it was probably one of the men who walk by, though she didn't think any of them would smells the exact same way,
"I haven't  seen brother anywhere" Dalton said
"He probably took off with josh you know you barely see one with out the other" Rachel said
"I saw josh earlier and they weren't together" Ricky said
"And he wasn't playing pool?" Kika asked
"I saw him once at the pool table talking with that guy in the purple" kady said
"That was josh" kika said
"He left and the guy you say is name was josh went to the bar and he was there for a while he came out just minutes before we got out"
Catherine turn and look at her sister hoping she didn't see him talking to her,
"It is getting cold or is it just me?" Catherine asked
"Ok we're ready" kika said taking her hand leading her away "see you back home" she said Catherine wave over her shoulder,
Brayden dropped josh at his girl friend then went home Paco was waiting on the porch bark happily as he step up "hey boy" he said rubbing  his head Paco whine happily he  went inside and feed him some chicken having some for himself he took another shower  then lay in bed he let his mind go free as he thought  about Catherine,
"I'll see you tomorrow" Catherine said
"Have a good night" Rachel told her, "you too kady"
"Goodnight" kady said
"Goodnight ladies" Ricky told them "bye Nicolas" he and Rachel said
"See you" Nicolas said
Kika hug Catherine to say Goodnight Dalton hug her "I might not see you before I leave but next time"
"Take care" Catherine told him, he nod bid goodbye to Nicolas and kady
"Bye" kika said as they all went inside Catherine took a shower and fall into bed it took her seconds to fall  a sleep
Brayden managed to falls a sleep after some thoughts getting three hours of it he was turning over when his phone rang he ease up looking  for it found it in his jeans pocket on the floor, "yeah" he answered
"hey you" the someone said he came to realize it was Jeana who he haven't hooked up since he started hooking up with Catherine what ever is going  in with them felt good he wasn't sure it will last but he sure knows it's good her being so sweet and all "Jeana" he said sitting up,
"I noticed you haven't call me"
"I've been busy"
"Will  you be busy later too?"
"I haven't yet make any plans for later"
"Will you come see  me?"
"Then I'll see you later" she said
Brayden hang up he lay back with a sigh he was there for half hour just staring out on space Paco bark making him raise up again he got up to look out the bedroom window and saw him running down to the beach he wash his face wet his hair then went out "hey boy" he said  whistling for the dog that came back running to him he got down to pet him "hey boy" he said again,  Paco rub happily against him barking "want to go for a run, want to fetch?" He asked the dog it bark once again jumping about he found a stick laying on the side of the beach throw it Paco run off chasing the stick barking Brayden ran after him he was out there for some time before he went in feed himself and the dog before heading out he spent some studio time trying  to put some song together he grabbed a shower at the studio change into a clean shirt going to see jeana, he let himself  in with  the key she gave him he was about  to climb the stairs when she came down walk in his arms and started  kissing him
"I missed you" she said
Brayden scratch his head,
"What?" Jeana asks
She smile and drag him up the stairs in to the bed room closing the door,
Catherine  climb in bed she took her phone to call Darren she didn't know why she bother to for since she wasn't feeling him so much anymore she was too caught up into Brayden, not that he might mind for he doesn't really make time for her he just used her for sex that on his couch, knowing that his girlfriend was living this close to him and he didn't care to come by once, it's like he's doing her a favor inviting her to his place he couldn't let her stay longer than the time they take to have sex that he wasn't that much into, thanks to Brayden she got her needs fulfilled he's a lot rough but he knows how to touch her she feels good with him she was really expecting Darren to be her only  boyfriend thought Brayden isn't her boyfriend they were having sex she remember him saying "what if I told you I like what you got?"
"I wouldn't care less" she replied but deep down somewhere she cares for him for them for what they got going what she don't quite know but it was the chemistry that matters,
Because Brayden stay the night at jeana he just head to the beach from her place which was close to the sea where the boats docked it didn't took more than forty five minutes to get there,
Catherine first assignment was concluded, complete and graded come Wednesday she was given a new one a woman just bought a new home and needed it to be decorated it has nothing yet and it might  take some time, she spent some hours writing down what was needed what to go where she place the orders after completing the list and send it in a copy for the woman and one for her work she left in the evening to start working to head back in the morning,
Brayden swing by the family stay a while Catherine wasn't home until the time he left he haven't seen her since Sunday and he couldn't stay for the guys were getting together down on the pier tonight make some music and drink,
Thursdays begin his official club night where he has to preform he has the feeling Catherine wouldn't be coming out tonight she's now a working girl and has no time to party though she still did made it the other night,
"I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow" Darren said on calling Catherine she was just coming home from work complained to him how tired she is and will sleep for the whole day on Friday,
"You're putting me off again?" He asked
She didn't see why she can't and shouldn't for he was busy doing his own job that he claimed to have no time for his own self, "may be next time" Catherine said
This was when he became disappointed when he needed her love and she refused him, but she did for tonight she has plans for her and Brayden much as she  was tired tonight for she did a lot of work today as they had started the decorations at the house which is a seven bedroom upstairs and down stairs it was a big house but she believe in a few weeks say maybe a month she'll be finish, they join together for the club tonight Catherine having the feeling Brayden was going to be there and would like to see him she needs him to ravish her she need his body on her's, she won't be working tomorrow and will get all the sleep she needs, she didn't spot him on their arrival for he wasn't at the pool table, Catherine watch out for him while watching the guy on stage  from the bar she was intrigued by his voice and the melodies that came from his voice make her think back on Brayden she haven't seen him since Sunday she look around  once more turning back as the guy was at his final song getting off the stage as usual the dj continued the music playing some songs she got up to go out but when she turn Brayden was there Ricky greet him and he greet Dalton and his sisters kady and Nicolas he look at Catherine who look at him,
"Well hello hello" Jeana said
"Jeana!" Rachel said surprisingly for it's been a while,
"Jeana I almost forgot about you" Dalton said kika bounce him "I didn't realize you still lives in Tennessee"
"I'm still here" she said with  a grin
"Who's she?" Catherine asked Rachel who she stood behind,
Jeana over heard,
"Jeana,  Brayden's girlfriend" she said
extending a arm towards Catherine, Catherine look at Brayden then back to the girl, she didn't took her hand kady took it instead "nice to meet you Jeana"
Jeana look at Brayden with a smile hugged his shoulder Catherine didn't miss his eyes "I'm kady this is my husband Nicolas and that's my sister's Catherine"
"Hi Catherine"
"Hi yourself" Catherine said in a low tone ignoring her out stretch hand once more and stood looking at it, "I'll be back she then walk away Brayden turn to watch  her walk away wondering if it is jealousy, Catherine  sat outside around the stone top table all she could hear was her voice saying "I'm his girlfriend" thinking she must be someone he is in love with he introduced her to the family she thought they had nothing more than sex they're a secret she was taking this way too seriously she knew it, she knew it all a long that he was just pleasuring himself but to think of it she was pleasured too he might love her hard left bruises but it was something good for her it was worth it every minute of it she just wish though before he makes it all about him she wish to hold him more holding him is so much better,
"I need my phone" Brayden said
"Where is it I'll go get it for you"
"I might have  left it in the car it's fine I  will get it"
"But baby you know I have no problem  getting  it for you"
"I know" he said "but probably I need to get some fresh air too, after that performance my lungs felt tight"
Ricky thought he saw his brother in law earlier with his  cellphone was about to say it but didn't he wasn't sure if it was a reason to get away
"Hurry back" Jeana said
"I sure will" Brayden said before  leaving the spot almost running, he got out side to look around circle his eyes around the parking lot of the club looking for Catherine he saw someone to the far end of the parking lot sitting a lone he went over throw his legs over the bench and sat next to her,
"What now?" Catherine asked
"You ok?"
"Why shouldn't I be ok what because you're in the club with your girlfriend I shouldn't be Ok, you think I'm jealous, I have a boyfriend if you forget"
"I don't forget you have a boyfriend but we do got something right"
"We have sex" she said
"Is that all it is to you sex?" Brayden asked
"What else?" Catherine asked getting to her feet
"Catherine" Brayden called
"Just leave  me a lone"  Catherine said
"Catherine" he called there was something in his voice that make her name sounds extra sweet coming from his lips make her wish to just run to him, but instead she stormed away leaving him there,
"Catherine' oh damm" he cursed he followed her but by he was to catch up she had join the others he came back to them, "did you find it?" Jeana asks as she wrap his arm around  her neck,
"Find what?"
"You left  to get your phone from the car" Ricky remind him"
"Oh yeah, yes I did,  I have it right here" he said with a smile feeling  his pocket once his eyes  reach Catherine his smile disappeared
"I'm going  to head home my stomach is actually starting to get sick" Catherine said
"What happened to you?" Kady asked
"Nothing I'm tired that's it" she turn to leave
"Catherine wait we can't let you go a lone" kika said
"I'll be alright"
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely" she smile at kika  hug her, say goodbye and walk away,
"So you think it's wise for her to go a lone?" Brayden asked
"It's none of your business" Catherine said on hearing him and turn around,
Brayden held his hand up defensively,
"She don't know her way  around" he said in a low tone,
"I bet it's so much better than I care to know you" she hissed she walk away  this time not looking back,
"Why she mad at you?" Jeana asks
Brayden look at her then to the others he knew now why she was angry now but she was always angry at him except  for when they were hitting it off she was all into it, he hope that they will  resolve it soon and be good once more,
Catherine was in bed when Brayden came she heard his mustang and his dog she believe the dog was to seek her attention  but she didn't  get up and go out, she could later hear them talking from the porch her family with his  she got up took a shower  got dress and went to the porch
"You're going out? I thought you said you wouldn't go anywhere today"
"I change my mind" Catherine said
"hey Catherine" violet greet her "you're looking fine how are you?"
"I am bitter but better" she said,
Violet laugh "three bs" she said
Leah shook her head, "I'll see you all later"
Catherine said  walking away
"Catherine" kika called when she reach her gate
"Hey kika" she replied
"You're going out?" Kika asked
"Might as well every one is busy with their people I need to get busy with someone"
Ricky laughed
"What am I not  right?"
"You going to see your boyfriend?"
"Maybe he'll have some use for me"
Brayden narrow his eyes as she look his way he shook his head in disbelief of her attitude,
She walk away
"Will you go to the club later?"
"Maybe" she said as she kept walking, doing so slowly pausing  when she heard Brayden's phone ringing
He look at it at the time refused to answer it,
"Work?" Violet asked
"No grams" Brayden answered
"Must be Jeana" Rachel said
"Who's Jeana?" Leah said
"She's the girl friend of your son"
"She's not really my girlfriend"
"That's not what she said" Catherine said every one turn to look at her she left with out looking back make Ricky puts a smile on his face, "I love that girl" he said
Brayden look at him,
"So baby, when do we get to meet miss Jeana?" Violet ask hugging his shoulders 
"Grams I don't know I've not thought about that and I don't want to talk about it" it was enough that Catherine is back at being mad at him again this time over Jeana,
"But there must something serious if you two been dating for a while"
Leah said
"What you call a while ma?" Brayden asked
"I've known her long enough from the club" kika said
"Maybe you should invite her here"
"What here?" Imagine they must be kidding right for he live by himself and she doesn't know where he lives and he never take her here with in the time they've been talking why would he take her now, now that he's building something with  Catherine, Catherine he thought of her with a frown she's gone off to her boyfriend he can't believe it he ran his hand through is head tightening his face as he thought of her with that other guy,
"What you mean if here yes she could come have dinner"
"I'll invite her" Rachel said
"You don't have to I'll tell her"
"How about Sunday?" Leah said
"That sounds quick"
Kady smile
"Yes I'm sure Alison will be free this Sunday right alison won't you and your family join us?" Leah asked
"Yes we sure can" Alison said 
"That's good" Violet agrees
"Great I'm going off so see you all later"  Alison said  going back inside she and Clinton
"So kady Monday, Monday you'll finally go off to work ah?" Rachel asked
"Yes I will"
"In going to the salon in the afternoon want to come"
"I would love to, but the children"
"I have no where going" Nicolas reminds her,
She totally for got he wouldn't join them to go to the salon smile at him,
"I'll be ready" she told Rachel
Alison and Clinton left the house for the office from what the starting was it seems they were going  to do well in this for lot of people seems to need counseling and depends on your financed they both believe that they did the right thing for they've grand children to benefit.

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