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Catherine knock, at the sound of the door Darren ran toward it he burst it open with out asking he appears with a smile that disappeared on seeing it was Catherine he wasn't expecting Catherine she already said she wouldn't come and he called to invite molly for lunch he was chilling the red wine and making some burgers for them he wasn't expecting Catherine to be here, "Catherine! I thought you wouldn't come"
"I change my mind"
"You can't just change your mind I'm expecting to meet a client I wish you had call first that I save you the trouble"
"What trouble?" Catherine asked
"So you wouldn't come"
But yesterday I could come what changes?" Catherine asked going by him to go inside, Darren followed her in,
"You said you wouldn't come, since you wouldn't come I booked someone to talk with"
Catherine sat on the couch she barely sat when something rub against her legs he feel for it just lifting her leg it appeared to be round her finger went into a small circle she pulled it up to see a ring the same ring her boyfriend told her weeks a go belong to his friend who was getting married next week a whole month as gone since he said next week, "you still has the ring what did the wedding cancel?"
Darren took it from her shove it into his pocket
"Well tell me"
"It's other people's business why must I tell you?"
"Well something must have happened the best man still got the ring it's obvious something happened"
"The wedding postpone'
"Why don't I believe you Darren?"
"Why don't you believe me Catherine?"
Catherine shrugged
"Anyway I'm going to rush come by next Friday ok" his phone rang and he trimble for he thought with all his heart that was Molly calling to say she's down the bottom and he's to meet her for them to walk up together, it was she on the phone and Darren became quite nervous "look baby I won't make it today" she told him
"Why something happened?" He asked
Catherine turn to look at him,
"My father swing his shoulder out playing golf he is in the hospital"
"Give me a little time and I'll be right there" he hang up grab his coat to go through the door but when he look at Catherine sitting there looking sexy and pretty he started thinking of getting under her skin, he was in so much haste for her to leave for if Molly came to see her it would be a problem he couldn't explain her to. Molly and he has so much to risk now if Molly should ever walk out his life, but he sure could use Catherine's love there's none like hers he especially love her legs wrap around him,
"Catherine" Darren said Catherine look up at him he put the jacket down and took the shirt off resting them on the couch to sat next to her Catherine look at him and cringed "What?" She asked
Darren sat looking with a stare, she was really pretty he recognize that the day they met and that beauty kept growing like the sweetness in her inner thighs,
"I know I must go" she was about to get up when he held her back
"Now I can stay?"
"My client is in the hospital I'm to go but since he's been attended by doctors I'm sure I don't have to rush"
"I have to thought"
"Come on Catherine"
"Come on Catherine" she mimic him, "don't come on Catherine me"
"I will soon make a lot of time for you"
"Who cares about time you are to tell me something but you're not telling me anything"
"What am I to tell you?"
"I know you're hiding something but I'm no mind reader so i can't say what"
"Is this about the ring Catherine?" He asked getting to his feet he took it out sat back next to her, "if it is about this ring I can explain"
"You don't have to"
He took her hand he knew what he had to do to calm her it was going to cost him a new ring but if he didn't get some of the sweetness she has he's going to hurt, she pulled from him, he took it back,
"The day you came here unexpectedly was the weekend I was planning to come to Toronto" Catherine look at him with narrow eyes,  "I was going to asked you to marry me then"
Catherine pulled from him again "so why didn't you"
"I was too shock to see you I got nervous then I wanted it to be romantic" he got on his knees, "Catherine will you marry me?" He bravely asked
"What?" Catherine said with a chuckle, "I am sure this's not what you want"
"It's more than what I want" he said sliding the ring on her finger kissing her hand he came up to kiss her lips he smiled at her for a minute there she could see Brayden smiling back at her make her heart shiver as she thought of him his lips his hands his kisses were the sweetest and his hands were like magic no matter how hard he love her it felt worth it, "Catherine I love you"
"I hear you said it so often and at once i really did believe it"
"Come on" Darren said  kissing her neck Catherine didn't came with the intention for them to have sex thought she knew he would want that much as he always but today she just wanted to leave let Brayden see her leaving thought maybe he don't give a hoot she actually did leave he got what he wanted or what he got Maybe it was what he got for she gave it up easy easy he must believe now how free and cheap she is but she still didn't know why she gave up to him he didn't even show interest until she climbed across him and the only reason he did show interest is because he feel she's free and easy,
"Stop" she said making another attempt to stand but Darren held on to her backing her into the corner of the couch she knew he wouldn't let her leave without him getting in her pants  she and she wasn't letting him not today even though knowing too he wouldn't be long, "Will you stop harassing me  I have to go move away so I can leave" she push him and got up "Catherine please" Darren said
"Not today what if I had leave when you said I was to, I don't know what game you're Darren but I'm not in the mood for it today" she look at the ring on her finger then at him hissed and left him
"Damm it Darren said when he realized she was really gone and left him with out giving him her love,
Brayden dropped by his parents in the late evening Catherine wasn't yet back from her boyfriend he can't believe she even went then to stay this long, he began to think of her  that guy touching her touching Catherine in a way that made him grieve he hissed a loud at her for even going,
"You ok boy?" Leah asked
"Who me, ah yeah I'm good"
"You act as if something is bothering you"
"No nothing is bothering me" he said but his expression tells a difference story
"Is it about bringing by your girlfriend on Sunday?"
Brayden look at his mother he plans not to asked her so that can't be the problem he already plan to say she can't make it,
Catherine sat down  on the bus and reached for her phone in her bag she has been on the road killing time ever since she left Darren she gave a feeling Brayden would stop by and she didn't want to stay at Darren's either he wasn't going to stop pestering her for sex and she wasn't going to give him for she wasn't in the mood,
"What you're not with your client!" Catherine asked on answering the call for it was Darren who called
"I can't believe you leave me like this" he said
"Like what? You had work and I've kept you long enough" she grumbled,
Darren look at the time and see it was late he should be at the hospital with Molly but he had this huge aroseness and he was sure Molly won't give him no love tonight not when she's going to be worrying about her father,
"It's just to keep the business a float" he said
"Yeah I'm not business type so I guess you won't worry about keeping me a float" Catherine said a man up front of her look at her,
"You know how much I enjoy you Catherine"
"I don't know" she said moving towards the door when the bus stopped, "I have to go now" she said and was about to hang up
"Call me ok" Darren said
"You call me" Catherine told him as she got out the bus she stood watching the bus down the road she sigh she lift her hand to look at the ring on her finger thinking if only it meant something but all she could think of it as now was just a ring she thought of life as she left form there and started walking to the train station, she thought  of how she and Darren been together for a while and how tight he was towards her he might had given  her money but it was only if she asked and it was just something small she never hold back on him when it came to giving her body, except  for today it's not that she asking him to pay for sex for her  body wasn't for sale but knowing they been talking and he knew she knew he knew she needs a car and has been saving towards it and never once thought he could help her, he was just that person who want to keep all his money in his hand it is no wonder he haven't visited Toronto in a while, she was giving up on paying fare to get to him he didn't even asked about her job how she's getting on with  it, didd he even know she has a job she guess he's interested in getting inside of her and nothing else,
Brayden left his family once more after some  hours sitting on the front porch waiting to see Catherine comes but nothing he walk off the porch towards his car he open the door before he gets in his mom called, "why not just wait on dinner?" Leah asked
"I got something to deal with" he said getting in the car he started it up kill the engine once again look around once more but  no sign of Catherine he wasn't going to get to come back later in the night for he got work at the club, he sigh for he knew she wasn't going  to turn up there tonight he started the car left there but kept an eye out for her he got to middle town where his home is he wasn't sure where she was for Tennessee was a huge place he pulled up at his house Paco came off the porch to meet him as usual he gave him his attention before they entered the house and he feeds him pour a drink of if whiskey for himself then when Paco was done eating pour a small amount in his plate watch him lap it up whining and wagging his tail happily, he went out back for a short time to catch  a view of the ocean in his back yard and smell the air this was really something beautiful he love the sea life like it was the only good air he breathe now he found he was feeling the same way for Catherine who has him singing a new tune he is in love with her and for the first time he felt an intrested in settling down really settling down,
"You're here" Alison said when Catherine came in the kitchen,
The children ran to meet her she bend to hug them both kissing them he walk further in side with both children next to her and came to lean on the counter
"What happened to you?" Kady asked
"What happened where?"
"You seems to have had a real bad day"
"It isn't my day that's bad it's just my mind that's crazy" Catherine said  going to the counter drawer pulled it out to help herself to her father's wine  collection having one drink of gyn  she then got up to go take a shower when kady turn the ring on her finger shows "how my gosh he did?" Kady said coming closer to Catherine lifting her hand grinning at her Catherine didn't see it at a big deal but Alison join in to kady's excitement
"Congratulations honey" Clinton told he hugged her kissing her cheek
Catherine force a smile,
"Congrats" Nicolas hugged her kissing her forehead,
She left them to take a shower to rejoin for dinner
Catherine later went to bed to avoid going out tonight put the children  in her room so kady and Nicolas could go out,
"What happened to Catherine?" Rachel asks
"She's baby sitting" kika said having talk to her earlier "some excuses right" kady smile
Brayden spot them from the minute they came and there was no Catherine he knew it would happen that she would not come them he wonder if she had came back from the stage he could see Jeana talking to them, kika and Rachel did the honors as they both went on to invite her to dinner on Sunday, she was glad for she was going to meet her super star boyfriend's parents he got off stage and join them right away,
"What's popping brother in law" Dalton said knocking Brayden's upper arm
He nod looking around for Catherine although by now he would see her,
"Hey" Josh said coming over to check Brayden
"Hey Josh"Rachel and kika said
"Hey man"
"What's up man"
Dalton and Nicolas greet with a hand shake
"Hi" kady wave her hand
"What happened to your friend?" Josh ask
Brayden look for wasn't expecting Josh to asked about her
"Who Catherine is?" Rachel asked
"She's baby sitting tonight" kika said
"Oh ok" Josh said
"At least she didn't spend the night at her man" Brayden though he sigh, they all look at him,
"Well I'm going to take off catch you later" he said
"Wait for me" Jeana said when Brayden walked away hurrying behind him,
Jeana didn't mention it to Brayden that his parents had invited her for dinner on Sunday and he haven't said a thing himself he was silence makes her wonder of his thoughts what he was thinking  on she touch him and he look at her she was looking for him to stay but he drop her home then left he was in the mood to mope about Catherine and didn't want to do it on Jeana's time so he went home she plague his mind all through out the rest of the entire night he was restless he got up in the morning sure he didn't get an hour sleep he got up to go to the boat staying the whole morning,  he was down town Knoxville after  leaving the boat he was meeting up with some one who was looking to him to perform at  a party sometime next week but he asked him to meet today as he stood there his head in his phone,
Catherine came out the decor company and start walking with one of her coworker who got off at the same time as her, as she has to walk down to catch the bus home, the guy standing by the way side look so much like Brayden his height the tone of his skin the same muscular built and the hair but with his head down it was not easy to tell but she doubt any one could look that much like him unless it was one of his brothers she kept looking for him to raise his head, Brayden lift his head and look across the street he spot someone looking like Catherine walking in the company of a man as he was about to call to her she saw it was him and hurry to get on the bus  she sat at the window seat  looking out at him he lifted his hand in question why she won't talk to him she frown then turn her back
Brayden sigh as the bus drove off and he got back to the position,
Later she was at the club after his performance he was at the pool table Jeana sticking to him like glue Catherine watch got tired of it got up and went out side him being the one to notice she did went after her she saw him coming and started walking to the nearest direction
"Catherine stop" Brayden called but she walk on he ran to catch up to her grab her arm,
"Let me go or I'm going to scream"
"Why you so mad at me?"
Catherine look narrow eyes at him "please baby let's talk"
"I'm not your baby and what's to talk about, why you even want sex from me when you already have Jeana leave me alone Brayden" she pulled away  turn around stop at the cab that came by got in "Catherine" he said trying to lean into the window but she quickly rolled it up the driver look up to see it was him, "hey b" he said
"Hey man" Brayden said shaking hand with him, "how are you man?"
"I'm good"
Brayden nod "take care of the lady for me" he said
The driver smile look at Catherine "your lady?" He asked
"No!" Catherine said
"Yes she's my lady"
"I'm not your lady" she retaliated
"You're upset we'll talk about it later" he told Catherine "take care of her" he told the guy,
"Will do b" the guy said smiling round on Catherine again before starting to drive Catherine relax as the guy turn his radio on she didn't need to asked if the voice on the stereo is the voice of the guy in the club until one song he sang there came on she thought his songs were pretty romantic she love his voice,  love his songs make  her fall in love some more with Brayden wondering for how much longer she's going to stay angry at him,
He wasn't gone for long for Catherine left just as he caught up with her so he went back inside to play more pool,
Kika and the others were about ready to leave when they noticed Catherine disappeared from the bar where she sat,
"Not tonight again" she said
"What is it?" Rachel asked
"Catherine is gone"
"I saw her twenty minutes ago got in a cab" Brayden said make Ricky look at him,
"But why does she even know who she is driving with at nights" Rachel said
"She'll be ok it's some guy I knew pretty well he's just working"
"Let me call her kady said ringing her number "I'm ten minutes away from home" she said
"Why did you leave with out letting us know, if Brayden haven't seen you getting in a cab we would be looking for you"
"But just like he told you and you call you could do just that when he didn't tell you" kady shook her head, "you think you got the answer for everything don't you?" Kady hang up
Catherine smile to herself "turn here" she said to the guy who did that he drop at the gate got out to see her to the door,
Catherine smile at him thank him she close the door watch him through the window as he got back in and drove away
She walk in the kitchen to get tea fix some hot coco and sat at the counter she took her first two sip then rest the cup on the counter she started thinking of Brayden it was hard being mad at him but could she help it, like she can't help the way she feels about him romantically he's great where that his concern he is so over powering so strong soooooo hot, she shivered at the thoughts Darren has nothing on the guy nothing at all Brayden was cute light skin tone soft and cuddly she lift her hand to look at her finger with the ring was it even necessary for her to accept it thought she didn't he puts it there and she leave it there well it is a nice ring not that she's crazy for stuffs like these but what could  it hurt, she yarns stretch and rest her head on the table as her thoughts lead her,
"Is it all good?" Brayden asked  the guy who drove Catherine home
"She's fine I see her to her door"
"I should  probably  tip you" he pulled  a hundred dollars from  his back pocket itself hand it to the guy he pat his shoulder then he left
"Did Jeana leave?" Rachel asked
"I'm right here" Jeana said from behind  her she turn to look at her then back to her brother wondering who it was he was so interestingly inquiring about, she knew it couldn't be Catherine for they are like butter in sun she didn't asked maybe it was just someone he knew, she hug him "see you tomorrow" he said 
"Yeah get home safe" he hug kika tells her the same "gets home safe" he brace shoulders with Dalton and Ricky "see you in the morning"
"Bye you all" jeana said she with Brayden sees them to the parking lot see them off before Brayden decided to drop Jeana home and head to his place he feel to be a lone tonight in his own corner to think the drive to jeana's was quiet not even as much as deep breathe
"You've been  awfully quiet" Jeana uttered Brayden acknowledged her by turning to look at her then turn back to the road,
"What happened?" She asked
Brayden shook his head,
Jeana rest her hand on his tight close to his groin he look at her and she grin " maybe after we make love you'll feel better"
He parks the car took her hand off him rest it on her own lap "I am not staying" he told her
"You're not?"
"I'll call you later"
Jeana knew he wouldn't but she nod lean over to kiss him before getting out, she knew once he got in he wasn't going to call he never did and sometimes she call he never answered,
Brayden left and head home,
"So did Catherine mentioned that her boyfriend propose?" Kady asked
"He did? That's sweet" Rachel said
"She chose not to tell me" kika said "I'm sure she will tell you in due time" Rachel said
"yeah she I'll" kady said  as they grew  in to silence,
Brayden park at the front of his house his dog rush out from the porch to meet him he gives him his attention as always
before they went inside it was almost  four in the morning and he knew he wasn't going  to sleep he pour a drink fall on the sofa with Paco at his feet, he relax as he rub his feet across the dog mind on one someone "why the hell women has to be so difficult paco" he said
Paco lift his head and bark twice then whines he whimpers then lay his head back down Brayden smile to himself wondering if the dog was facing something like he was he knew he has to find away to end this war between himself and Catherine for he wants her and it isn't hard to tell she wants him he felt the way she shakes and shivered even at the sound of her name coming off his lips.

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