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Catherine was up early she felt relieved the pain wasn't complete gone but she was able to hold it she had to go to middle town for her new assignment was assigned to her this morning julie had call to see if she was ok and if she could go, the pain was less hard this morning, she thank God for she couldn't stay another day in bed, she walls her way out of bed to the shower the to the kitchen she still couldn't eat but she felt better
Kady smile at her "I can see it on your face you're feeling better"
Catherine nod,
"Guess the ginger tea helps ah"
"Every tea helps, thanks"
"So welcome I'm glad you're ok I wasn't use to you like that I was worried"
"We all were honey" Alison said
Catherine smile hug them all as she turns to leave
"You ain't going to eat?"
"I'll eat later" she left them there,
"But you haven't in a while...." Kady try to say but Catherine was already gone out the door,
Middle town Tennessee was like a new earth it was pretty like all the rich lives here, it was Catherine's first time and she has to check the list again to see the address there wasn't a name so she had to work with a telephone number and a gate number, she got off the twenty nine bus and took a cab to fifth Avenue twelve street houses thirty two
It was close to the beach and it was quite a beautiful place a two floors house she rang the gate bell it opened and she just went right in, the door to the front porch open since Brayden was expecting someone from the decor company at this time he went to the door as to greet who it was Catherine lift her head her eyes widened when she saw who it was standing there "Brayden" she said
"Catherine" Brayden said Paco bark upon her, "it's alright Paco she meant no harm" Catherine look down on the dog next to Brayden's feet,
"what you doing here?" He asked
"I was told to come down for an overview for some redecorating"
"It's my job"
"You're here from?" He look at the paper he took out his pocket, "julie couch's decor?"
"I guess I am, may I?" She beccan to go inside,
He step aside for her to come in, Catherine walked in, watching the dog"
"It's ok he won't hurt you"
"Mutt isn't really my cup of tea"
Paco bark, Catherine jump, Brayden quiet him "sit" he said
Paco left the room sliding under a door down the hall way, Brayden smile
"So you're feeling better?" He asked
"I'm still standing"
"Pain not gone?"
"Not completely, It's there but just with discomfort"
"I'm sorry Catherine I didn't realize it was so out of control"
"Don't blame yourself I don't want to think it was the movements that caused the problem"
"Maybe because you didn't use a condom and you should have pulled out"
"How could that be a problem?" Brayden asked
"I don't know, why as there wasn't any use of condoms this happened, but just let us for get it, I'm much better now, so what's the deal?"
"what deal?"
"I'm here to take notes"
Brayden over look the paper he had scribbled on "I figure for now it's the living room, furniture, new paint color, he look at a paper he nod, "that's about it"
"Ok" Catherine said looking around the living room, it was lovely big spacious but dull really dull
not enough life no painting or pictures and the couches were just couches,
"Can I get you anything?" Brayden asked
"Nothing" Catherine said her head in her note pad as she wrote,
"So what exactly do you want?"
"Not me" he answered he came back to her hand her the paper with a listing of few items needed,
Catherine view it carefully then nod,
"There are a certain boundaries"
"Boundaries?" Catherine asked
"Yes, I have a feeling there are things here you're not to touch"
"Ok, I know boundaries and know how to keep them"
Brayden smile and nod, "I can leave you?"
"You're leaving?"
"I have stuff to do"
"I'm not going to be long the job doesn't really starts until tomorrow I am just taking notes,
Brayden stood aside while Catherine wrote on the pad,
Brayden stood his distance he wasn't sure what the problem was and how he want to kiss her hold her love her, but weren't he scared,
"So what?" Catherine turn to face him where he stands in the middle of the door frame leaning against the close door,
He make a face'
"You've been keeping your distance"
He laugh shook his head he came back to her put his hands to her hips, "you don't want all that drama do you?" Catherine smile
"Not really but if we keep such distance how will we know if there's going to be drama or not"
Brayden widened his eyes,
"I feel for it" Catherine said putting both arms around his neck bringing his head down to kiss him, feeling him becoming hard against her, "mmnnm" she said
He lift her up climbed the stairs to the master bedroom,
He done it no differently but it was good, he pulled away she roll to her side smiling at him,
"You ok?"
"I'm fine"
"I really should be heading off"
"Then drop me off"
She got up to dress herself as she look around the bedroom it was even worse that the living room
"This bedroom could use a little life"
"I'm not the one you should tell"
"You're the one I'm talking to"
"I'll see how I could get back to you about it" he came to her hold her to him kissing her,
"How are things with you and Jeana?" Catherine asked they were in his car driving down middle town heading downtown Nashville
"We've been holding off"
"You don't see much of each other anymore"
"It's been a while"
"Ok, am I the reason?"
"She's been complaining"
"You think Dalton tell anyone?" Catherine asked side eyeing him
"I don't know you scared someone else knowing?"
"Like our families?"
Brayden chuckled
Catherine sigh
"I am in love with you Catherine it might be too soon to say, with you having a boyfriend and all"
"And hall way?" Catherine asked
"You're wearing a engagement ring"
"I don't think he's my boyfriend anymore, it's been a while too"
They look at each other with a smile,
"So you might not get married?"
"Who knows it depends on you"
"I already told you woman how I feel about you I'm in love with you" he said
She took his hands "I am in love with you, I was so hoping you would say it before I did, that is if you mean it"
"Like I've never meant anything before"
Catherine smile,
They went into silence for the rest of the ride, he pulled in to the drive way of julie couch's decor, "So I'll see you tomorrow" he said
Catherine nod,
he lean over to kiss her before she got out the car.
Tuesday bright and early she was at her new job she haven't bring the entire team to work with just the guy who took her places, she introduced him to Brayden.
He smile excitingly as he shook hand with Brayden he was familiar with his music but meeting him in person he wasn't expecting that "wow it's such a pleasure to meet you" he said Brayden nod's
Catherine wonder why he was so excited to meet him but didn't ask
while he took a walk outside
Brayden indulge Catherine into make out them give her her space,
Wednesday morning the same thing happened,
"I think the go ahead is granted for the master bedroom"
"Just remember the boundaries"
The doors that kept lock were the boundaries Catherine wondered what these people has to hide, but since they were close she leave it like it was,
The week went by almost too quickly but already Brayden could see the living room lighting up they had took out the few furniture that were there and decorated the back porch he never thought of doing that so he could have a place to sit while he watch the morning wave or the sun going down when he's home,
Catherine didn't play dress up this Halloween she wasn't in the mode but she went with her sister, Rachel and kika took the children trick or treat, they went to the costume party Catherine being the only one not wearing a costume,
"Who are you supposed to be?" A girl kika knew asked
"Cleopatra" she said
Jeana look at her,
"That's a nice dress"
Thank you" Catherine said
Jeana look at her again
She was really rocking the dress it was a white dress with long split on the sides cross shoulders and a knot to make it sexy,
The Halloween weekend got over and it was back to work.
Catherine work tirelessly that week Friday Brayden invited her to come relax on the beach with him they had a little fun running around and playing with each other,
"So how do you feel now?" Brayden asked as he hug her from behind his strong muscles embrace her in ,
"Like I'm in love" she whispered
They both giggle
"I was talking about your feelings" he said holding her some more to him
"I know" she said giggle as she swing up her legs Catherine ran away from him and he chase her along the beach both enjoying the time together
"Ahh" Catherine said lifting her head off Brayden's chest to look in his face he smile at her rubbing her nose.
It was week two in November and Catherine grew overwhelmingly tired where she had to fight her way out of bed to get to work, she got a small come back of the tummy ache and wonder if it's the countless activities with Brayden when they weren't having sex they were engaged in other things, thought it didn't completely went away but it came back for a hour or so, having the feeling she was having way too much sex and haven't had a decent meal in nearly a month, she didn't know why but the feeling in her tummy make her have no appetite, she was thinking too she work too much since of late,
"This is amazing"
A voice said from behind Catherine "I never thought I would be saying this about this living room, "you're good, "I can't wait for my husband to view it" Catherine smile,
"You must be Catherine"
"That's right"
The woman nod,
"Well I won't stay in the way but keep it up"
Catherine wave her fingers,
They wrapped up a little early and leave her there she wanted to just finish setting up the the things of the living room small items like cushions and vase for the center pieces a clock on the wall,
Tomorrow they would work on the bed room which won't be hard for not many things were there, Catherine decided to explore wishing that after the masters bedroom she could get the go a head to do the entire house, it was a nice house on the beach but it needed so much more, it was a five bedroom apartment three including the master bedroom and two on the down stairs, the kitchen was a few steps up like the dinning room she would love to give them a make over as well hopefully in time, the close door wasn't lock Catherine push it just to take a peek it was the entertained room the one room the only room that has a look before the living room change over, she found the music collection that was neatly stacked by letters a-z the awards and fancy records, she took up a CD and noticed the songs they were songs she heard at the club the guy with the nice voice,
Brayden came through the front door and saw the door to his entertainment room open,
"I thought we set some boundaries" he said Catherine turn quickly into Brayden who took the CD from her
"Is that the guy who sang at the club, I recognized some of the songs on the cd"
"Yes it is, why?"
"Nothing just wanted to be sure"
"Let's go" he said leading her out the room pulling the door behind them,
"I should be going?"
"Why stay a bit"
"Why should I"
"I'll fix you something"
"Ok" Catherine said wasn't sure if she would be able to eat she followed him up to the kitchen and he fix a casserole, a cheese and ham casserole he knew how well she love it it, was a lot but she couldn't eat much not to the feeling in her stomach, she wasn't sure if it was because she force it or if it was because she have sex right after she eat but in the morning she throw up leaving her with this extremely bitter taste in the back of her throat,
The bedroom was much easier than she thought it took just a few days to fix Brayden was astonish his neighbors were please more than he was he didn't tell Catherine to her face but he was looking into setting up the entire house,
"Should we give it a try" Brayden said coming up behind Catherine in the bedroom,
She giggle, she ease away from him "Just go I need to finish my work"
"I need to work too" Brayden said pulling out a condom from his pocket
Catherine giggle she rest the things down from her hands moving towards him "just once" she said lifting his shirt,
Brayden giggles he nod "just once" he repeated as he kisses her,
"Ah Brayden, Brayden Clark, that's your full name?"
"My middle name is William" Brayden said
"Oh ok Brayden William Clark I think you're trying to drain me of my last breath" she said patting his chest, "not that I mind it for its so amazing with you"
Brayden laughed lift her head and kissed her
"With you it's more than amazing with you it's perfect" he kiss her again and they lay there neither in a hurry to get up on get on with their evening but because Brayden had to perform at the club tonight which was Friday night he force himself away from her get up and get on his way,
It was a week and some days before Thanksgiving and Leah sons and their family were flying in for Thanksgiving so she invited the moores from early,
Catherine had worked extra hard Monday and Tuesday Wednesday when all the final additions were made to the bedroom she send on her team she took a dip in the large pool then she came inside to fix a sandwich she was up in the kitchen when Brayden came in "getting comfortable are you?" He teased
"I'm just making a sandwich"
"Sandwich oh nice get me one of those" he run up the steps
lean in to kiss him, Catherine finds that her body just creeps with emotions, they made out like they always,
"I should go" Catherine said after just one bite of the sandwich
"You not going to finish that?" Brayden asked
She shook her head, as she pursued to leave
"You just stay the night"
"Really so you can have some one to ride when you feel like it, I can't handle that tonight
She left him there with a smile on his face no matter how sweet they're there is always a time she pushes him away but it didn't matter he just love her for who she is and she didn't need to make herself any one other than who she is to be,
Thursday morning Catherine walk on the front porch kika being the first to greet her as she bid goodbye and leave her family she stopped by the neighbors to talk with kika she haven't mentioned the job she was doing where Brayden was she didn't want to make them aware that they were getting it on, if Dalton didn't already spill the milk, she said goodbye and was geting off the porch "but Catherine you're growing ass it is finally getting big" Rachel said
Kady laugh she's been teasing her for a long time about having none, Catherine shook her head, "you must be a lesbian first you're admiring my tits" she grab them and felt a tenderness for Brayden haven't given her any ease since she started working at middle town he do it to her in the morning and if giving the time in the evening as well, "now you're checking out my ass, shame on you Rachel" she hissed turn around and left, Rachel giggle as she watched her walk away,
Catherine and Brayden make out again when she got to work for she got there a head of her team, after her work team leave in the evening she stay back, they have another dose of love Catherine turn and held him tight "I swear Brayden if I didn't love you I wouldn't let you ride me so often"
Brayden look at her and giggle,
"And the fact that you do it so well" she smile rub his cheek as she got up to leave,
"So you going to the club later?" Brayden asked
"I want to"
He pulled her to him kissing her deeply as if ready to take her back to bed, Catherine pushed him away,
They were at the club Thursday night Brayden was standing with them, they were all together kika and Darlton, Rachel and Ricky, Nicolos and kady, Catherine and Josh with his girlfriend, when suddenly out of no where Jeana came hug Brayden and have him a long kiss Catherine eyes widened,
Brayden was shocked he could only look at Catherine with a side look, she fold her arms to look at them Jeana pulled back grinning around,
Dalton look at Catherine, Catherine shook her head at Brayden went by them head outside, she couldn't believe what just happened he told her it was over with them so how could she still be kissing on him in public, it was only some hours ago they made out so hard that he left her tired and weak
"What happened?" Brayden asked when he finally got Jeana away from him after watching Catherine heading to the door,
"I miss you" she said
Brayden widened his eyes at her pulling her away from the others they turn to look at each other, Rachel shrugged, kika made a face,
"That wasn't call for" Brayden told Jeana
"We use to kiss so what's the problem"
"You know what the problem is Jeana, just stay away ok" he hissed at her turn and left her there,"Catherine" he called once he was finished with Jeana and went after her, she saw him coming and walked away she was getting in a cab she totally ignored him,
"Damm" he grumbled
"Leaving?" Kika asks when they came out to see him,
"Yeah I am I was going to come say it" Jeana came out he look over at her walking to them
"Them I'll see you" kika hug him,
"Yeah give my love to ma and to dad, kiss Grams I've been busy I haven't got to see her"
Kika nod,
"Did Catherine leave?" Rachel asked
"Haven't seen her" Brayden lied he went away feeling mad at himself and at Jeana for doing that stupid thing, it was the most uncalled for thing anyone could ever done, imagining how angry Catherine was at him, how will he explain,
Catherine knock on the door Brayden run to answer it,
"Good morning I'm here for the final adding and to collect some belongings"
Brayden step a side to let her in, she walk inside and took the stairs to the newly formed master bedroom she start picking up some small items off the bedroom floor and off the side tables,
"Catherine baby I told you nothing is going on with us anymore" he was speaking of himself and Jeana
"You damm right about that" Catherine snap and felt her tummy ache, "it's so over between you and I you told me Brayden you and jeana were don in putting so much into this and you lied to me,
"I didn't lie to you I swear Catherine I didn't expect that what she did was totally unexpected"
"You men never expect anything but expect this we are done here, I'm leaving thank God: she turn on her heal but before about to get past the door Brayden grab hold of him, "please let's talk I didn't lie to you"
"I'm not your place to just take what you want then do what you want lie to me and think it's all ok"
"Catherine I haven't lied about jeana there's nothing"
Catherine held her palm to his face "save it" she said rushing from the room taking the stairs like a mad bull taking hasty steps her feet twisted slip and she stumbled down the stairs falling hard Paco heard the scream came rushing into the living room grab hold on her foot and his teeth ripped her flesh "He bit me!" She cried out,
"Oh jesus!" Brayden said gripping her leg
"Leave me" Catherine told him shaking him away,
"Let me help you""
"No!" She said scrambling to her feet barely making it off the floor,
"Catherine" Brayden said
"No" she told him holding out a hand, "stay back"
"What happened?" The couple from next door rush through the side door,
The woman look from Brayden to Catherine
"That mutt he bit me" Catherine said
"Well you got to get her to a doctor" the woman said
"He can't touch me" Catherine said
"I'll help you" the man said taking her arm the woman wraps a towel around her bleeding foot they both help her to the car,
Brayden followed behind them "Catherine" he called but she turn her back on him, he held his head and sigh as he watched his neighbours drove away with her,
"I'll call you" the woman shout back,
Brayden lift his hand he couldn't think of anything now he wanted to call his grandmother to tell her but he wasn't sure how to explain the situation,
He pace the floor back and forth scratching his head,
They finally reach the doctor and was seen right away, Catherine held her breath while the doctor look at it she had to do an extra that shows that her ankle was broken the wound was clean, it wasn't an intentional bite as the doctor explained the dog seem to had been frightened by her fall, Catherine had the feeling it was for they get a long she's just mad at Brayden and when she's mad at him her reaction isn't one normal she got two injections one for the infection the other for the pain,
Brayden's neighbour call to let him know which hospital they were he rush there quickly by then she was coming out, Brayden meet her out front and try to talk to her but she shook him off, "I'm warming you stay away from me"
"Catherine I hate it when you're mad at me" he said
But she walk away and left him there,
She decided to took a cab that take her to her gate,
Her family wasn't home when she got there the Clark's were on the porch Leah, Violet and Thomas she hop out the car to the porch with the help of the cab driver,
Leah saw her got out the car hopping "Catherine dear you ok?" She asked "oh good lord Catherine what happened?" She asked as she came off the porch to Catherine helping her off the young man's shoulder,
"Thank you" Catherine said to the driver, "a little accident at work" she told Leah,
Leah help her inside to the sofa and gave her a bottle of water,
"Oh Child" Violet said on letting herself in accompanied by Thomas
"She had an accident at work" Leah repeated what Catherine had told her,
"Oh dear" Violet said joining her on the couch she help her to stretch her feet and gave her a cushion to rest it on,
"Thanks mrs stone" she smile at her,
"Yes child so is it broken?" Violet asked
"Yes it is" Catherine said It didn't seems there boy had call for they didn't seems worried they were just acting with concerns for her, "Thank you too mrs clark"
"No problem dear" Leah said they both sat down
"Did you get your medication?" Leah asked
"They're in the bag"
"Ok" she said
"Can I fix you anything?" Violet asked
"Some tea would be find" Catherine said with a smile violet went into the kitchen and fix her tea they sat with her until they heard her sister's car came in the drive way with her husband and Children,
They push the door and found the neighbours with Catherine,
"Hi" they greet,
"Catherine" kady said coming to the couch "what happened?"
"I stumbled at work, my ankle got broken"
"Oh my" kady said hugging him the Children came to look Catherine hug them both, "I'll be fine"
"Your foot got blood on it"
"It's a small flesh wound"
"Oh boy since you got to Tennessee bad things are happening to you" kady complained
Catherine giggle
"What else is there to happen to you?"
"It's ok I'm just getting use to Knoxville, Nashville Tennessee" she smile thought of Brayden seeing him with Jeana make her frown she took a deep intake of breath then let it out, she got mad at him for she was in love with him it was nothing else she was in love but didn't think he even know that, he had expressed his love so much and so often and she believes him but soon as something happened she's back to being mad at him and stop believing he really loves her,
By late evening both her family and the neighbours were gathered in the living room except for Brayden, Dalton and Ricky Dalton call just as kika was with her and talk with her saying how sorry he was to hear
Brayden avoid going around for he figured she told them but knowing his family they would call already,
After leaving her Leah did call for since she didn't heard from him or since she didn't see him, she told him about Catherine
"She ok?" He asked
"She said she is knowing Catherine she's a over comer"
Brayden wish she over come the incident with him and jeana it wasn't his fault if only she had let him explain none of it would happen, he sigh,
"Life is like that accidents happen"
"I know, I got to go so see you tomorrow"
They bid goodbye Brayden went to pick up the things that Catherine had left behind, since the company was notified someone was going to collect them,
Saturday he left leaving the neighbours to see to who came for him,
"Give her our love" the woman told him, her husband nod in agreement for Catherine to receive their love,
Catherine didn't know they weren't the owner of the house and that the house belongs to Brayden, the couple were there most of someday they were more excited about the decor and Brayden never mentioned liking it, but Catherine believe it was the best job she ever did with any place at all back in Toronto and here and she had got a lot of complement since she got here.

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