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"Hey" Catherine called  out on getting to the front porch all her neighbors were there and they wave except for him who gave her the cold eyes one she ignored "Catherine" kika said leaning on the rail to talk with  her "how are you?"
"I'm actually doing great how are you?"
"I'm good" kika said
"Ok" Catherine smile "Hey Mrs stone"
"Hey Catherine how are you?"
"Not as good as you"
"No child you must be better my body is old and look at how young and pretty you are" his grandmother's words make his head lift Brayden look right at Catherine
"you're the lucky one plenty don't get to or won't get to see your age" Catherine reply
"You know you right child" violet told her
Leah turn and smile at Catherine who wave at her and she wave back,
"Well we are off" kady said coming to her sister on the porch "wish me luck"
"You're already lucky you got me as a sister right" Catherine said
Brayden look once again when she said that he wondered what type of sister she was if she's as sweet to her sister as the way she looks
"Yeah you're so right" lady said
they both giggled and share a hug,
"Look who's looking handsome" Catherine tease her brother in law, she straightened his tie and smile at him Nicolas nod and smile back,
"So how do you feel?" Catherine asked
"Like I already got the job"
"I told you, you got good personality the job his yours" she kiss his cheek "love you both" "Catherine" Alison said as she came out the house all dressed up,
"You are going out too?" Catherine asked
"Yes your father and are are looking a place to do something"
"That something I thought you would do it from home"
"We think it would be better to do it else where from home dear" Clinton told her as he came out, the two children behind him only they weren't dress for going out,
"Don't worry I'll be fine I'll take good care of the kids"
"We know you will Catherine" kady said hugging her once more then the children she held them both as both car leave the drive way, she wave to the neighbor's and went inside with the children, Brayden got up with out a word he bend to kiss them and walk off their porch he got in his car and left he did have to put in some studio time and didn't see the sence of waiting for her to come back to her porch which she might not,
The sound of the mustang leaving  got Catherine to her feet she leave the children on the floor to peek out the window she could only see the back of it as it drove down the road she went back to join them, "how say we play out door for some time?" She asked
"Yea, yea" Jenny and Jeremiah yelled Catherine smile as she got up leading them through the kitchen to the back porch where they play a little she was swimming with them when she heard one of the car came back then her sister calling for her then for the children who answered she and Nicolas came out "you two don't learned how to swim yet?" Nicolas tease seeing them both held tightly to Catherine in the middle of the pool, "I was just about to go in" Catherine said
"Don't just yet I'll come join you" kady said they both walk back toward the house
"Shouldn't you be telling me something?" Catherine asked they both smile at each other but neither looked back to acknowledge her,
"You got the job didn't you?, I know you got the job just say it" She said
"She got a lot of confidence in us" Nicolas said
"That's her job" kady said  kissing  him, they change and went by the pool Nicolas dive in and took the children from Catherine who went to her sister who was tight lips "you don't need to say" Catherine said getting up she left them there and went in she was fixing tuna sandwiches when they got to the kitchen
"Sandwiches?" Alison asked as she and Clinton came in through the door, "shouldn't you be starting dinner?"
"I was just about to, you know some people just like they don't want to have children they don't want to cook either" kady criticized Catherine grin,
"Did you find a place?" Catherine asked her parents
"Yes we have" Clinton answered
"It's  a nice building  but with need to be set up, and since you haven't started looking for work just yet we're hoping to have you decorate for us" alison said
"Oh Yeah I would like that" Catherine smile as she hug them both,
"So you two how did it go?" Alison asked Nicolas and kady
"They got the job they haven't told me but I know they got it"
Nicolas smile
"We got the job" kady said grinning at her sister who roll her eyes she came to hug her back to her kissing her cheek "what ever" Catherine grumbled
"That's so wonderful congratulations you two" Alison kiss them both
"Congratulations" Clinton said as he embraced his son in law and kiss his daughter,
Catherine open a wine and they celebrated at dinner, "A toast to my very talented brother in law and to his wife my favorite sister"
"Do you even have another sister?" Kady frown
They all laugh,
"To success and growth to my lovely parents happy retirement" Catherine said
Kady giggle "Happy retirement mom and dad and thanks for taking us with you we love the experience so far"
"Yeah...." Catherine said grinning
They spend a little time up tonight talking before they went off to bed Catherine was the first up she knew when she opened her eyes she heard the red mustang and got up to go on the front porch it was at the gate but she didn't see him, kika came from the house and he was behind her,
"Hey Catherine" kika said
Brayden look then turned away
"Morning kika going out this early?" Catherine asked
"I've a test at the college" kika said
"Oh well good luck"
"Thanks" kika said
Catherine smile
"Tomorrow is forth of july I'm wondering if you want to go to the parade in Melrose the event will start at two" kika said to Catherine
"Sure we will love to" Catherine said
"So we will  leave at noon"
"So I'll see you then"
"Bye" kika said as she got in her brother's car she saw him lean down to look at Catherine through his rearview mirror
"How comes you never talk to Catherine?" She asked
"What's there to say to her?" Brayden asked
"Hello could be a start"
Brayden  hissed "I'm fine with out her hello" he grumble he start the car glance at Catherine one more time before he turn the car and head down the road,
Brayden wondered why his sister never asked her why she never talk to him but he let it slide, he drop her at the college then went to the studio he could only think of her of Catherine thinking how he was going to make music with her on his mind so much, he wondered if said hey to her one time would hurt it wasn't like he didn't like her for she was so fine he haven't seen fine so fine before thinking how tongue tied he gets around her he never reacts to ladies like that before what about her that makes him so nervous, for some time he sat thinking about her and few words came to mind as he thought to make a song of it,
🎵Hey girl what's your name girl I've been looking at you and every guy here's doing the same girl I'll be a shame girl if I let you just walk on by, cause I'm all caught up in your sweet smile girl like you come around once in a while so hot got to give it a shot got to get a little bit of what you got🎵,
He marveled at how good that sounds and think of something else to put in,
🎵I know you don't know me but I can't leave here lonely knowing I didn't even try to make you mind you might think I'm crazy girl but who could  blame me you looking so find got me all tongue tied and the only line I can think to say is hey girl🎵
"Yeah alright good one perfect" The guy behind the mixer  shout as he gives him a thumbs up he thought it was good, he put a smile on his face,
Catherine stood on the front porch looking it was late evening and she was expecting Brayden to come at this hour as he been doing for the few days she's here,
Brayden avoided going to his family home and spent some time on the beach he wasn't use to going so often anyway soon they would start noticed it flashes back to earlier when his sister asked why he never called to Catherine, Catherine he thought her name over he didn't know a lot of Catherine and she must be the prettiest one she must be the prettiest woman he saw in his entire life and he wants her but if he can't approach her to say hello how will he to tell her he wants her,
"Happy fourth of july Mrs stone" Catherine said on seeing violet on their front porch
"Happy fourth of July dear" violet said Brayden heard her voice and came out when she saw  him she bid goodbye to violet and went in side
Violet look at her grand son who shrugged,
By midday as plan they all gathered to go to the events in Melrose as it would  be hosting the parade and many other events up till ten, Catherine was hoping to have a good time she didn't see his car wondering if he wasn't going to go with his family anyway she wasn't going to miss him in getting their her eyes look over the entire place for him not like she could spot him in such a large crowd she wondered of him soon she started to wonder what Darren was doing this day on fourth of July she didn't call him since she went there he did leave a miss call two days later she didn't feel like answering she didn't know why she was feeling this distance from him when they are now just two hours apart, her eyes finally spotted the red mustang park across the road he got out and walk to a group of five two women and three men she saw him shoulder hug one of the guys and stood next to him talking she became convinced now he's that guy, she felt her heart sank for she was thinking at some point  in time they would make amends and probably form a better relationship started better than when they just met,
Catherine  seems to focus more on Brayden than on the actual event he was walking around  with the same guy the entire time until they disappeared by around eight they gathered to go home Catherine didn't have any fun she was distraught 
"I knew it" Catherine said soon as they entered the house and head into the kitchen they all turn to face her
"Knew what?" Kady asked
"That he's gay"
"You talking about Brayden right?" Kady asked
"He is I saw him with his partner today they were together at the parade the whole time"
"I'm sure it's nothing"
"Nothing ah!" Catherine said with a hissed
"Did you kept your eyes on him the entire time at the parade, I thought you didn't like him" Alison remarked the others look at Catherine she roll her eyes kady and Nicolas giggled "I'm going to say goodnight and grab a shower" she said turning from the kitchen
"I might as well put up the children" kady said
"I'll help you, come on you too say goodnight" Nicolas said  clapping hands together they ran to hug Catharine then their grandmother and grandfather then ran to their father who pick them up to take to their room,
After a couple of drinks Brayden head to his place he came to his porch and his dog Paco greet  him out of the darkness he wag his tail against  his bear legs whimpering happily he use the light from his phone to see his way no lights were on since he didn't come home for he had leave early he plan to do some redecorating he had it in mind for a long time now with the intention of getting sensors lights for the porch for times when he is late or might be gone for some time, for not every time the neighbors are around for they too do some traveling now and then for they were tourist, he so often  put it off for he wasn't sure where to start but one day he eventually will with the living room,
He lead the dog into the house turning on the lights head up to the kitchen five steps up from the living room there was a box of pizza left in the refrigerator since last night that he preheat and fed it to Paco he have some casarol from the fridge with some wine sat at the table and talk with his dog as it help him kept his mind off her, her the neighbor,
Catherine dial Darren's number he picked up on two "hey I was trying to get you" he said
He call once and didn't call again and yet he was saying he was trying to reach her, Catherine thought but she didn't mention it except for rolling her eyes,
"Oh yeah I saw  that one time you call, I thought you might be busy so I didn't call again"
"I'm really busy for I'm getting new clients every day now, I'm really trying not to be so busy now that you're in town I want to stay more time with you"
He didn't show her that impression the other day she went out the way to surprise him it was as if she being there was a crime of passion,
"Oh yeah" Catherine said with a smile it was a very cocky smile timed too for somehow she  knew he was putting out something that isn't there it was a gutted feeling as if the part between them has caused her to be replaced but if that is the case she didn't see a reason not to say if it has become a problem and he had move on its life she just has to move on too,
She ain't gonna lie she loved him at one point Maybe it is because they shared a relationship that he understood what she don't need and actually want the same like they didn't want children and that was find with her it goes to  shows that they will both be careful for it not to happen,
"I'm actually free on Friday" he said for he was both the other girls in his life were engaged Tammy was having  a girls things with her girl and Molly took a cruise with her parents as a small family tripped
Catherine wasn't all that convinced he really wanted to see her,
"Are you inviting me by?"
she agreed to go for she didn't want a lot of questions from her family for they already think she's hang up on men but think what the used they are not lasting,  she ended the call with a sigh hoping she was making the right  decision to go back there,
She thought about it for a full hour
"I talk to Darren overnight" Catherine told kady they were in the kitchen together in the morning
"You going to see him?"
"He invited me, he said he will be free" Catherine smirk pretending to be all happy to go,
"When is that?"
"That's tomorrow"
"I know when Friday is" Catherine remarked
Kady smile
"You'll stay over?"
She shook her head not feeling like it, they got up and leave the kitchen for the front porch they just about came out when kika did,
"Catherine hi" kika said calling to her on the front porch she and kady wave at each other
The sound of Catherine's name get Brayden on the porch the way Catharine looks over her shoulder she could tell she turn to see him standing there looking out on his car, he pretends not to notice she was there
"I was wondering if tomorrow would be a good time for you to go to the club?"
"Tomorrow Friday?" Catherine asked
"Yes" kika answered
"I had made some plans if I'm able to"
"Ok" kika said  as she started to wonder if Catherine was avoiding going to the club with her,
Catherine hope she wasn't thinking that she was avoiding her if she hadn't told Darren already she would say yes,
They did the shopping it's usual time on a Thursday
Thursday night they were invited to the neighbors for cocktails which Brayden was glad he didn't have  to be apart of for she was going to be there, he couldn't be able to sit for cocktails in the same room with her  no not tonight
Much as Catherine miss seeing him she was glad he wasn't there she wasn't going to be able to stand seeing him knowing he wasn't a lover of her sex, the other day she bend over on the porch and he was there she was wondering if he was checking her out but she knew now he wasn't,
"So how was the job interview?" Violet asked
Kady forgot that she had mentioned going in front of them smile "it when ok" she said
"You got the job?" Rachel asked
Nicolas nod
"Whoo! Congratulations" she said with a grin both kady and Nicolas thank her
"Congratulations" Leah told them Thomas nod "more drink is in honor" he said making a refill for each one,
"Another member to the school family" Rachel said
"You work too at Brentwood high?" Kady asked
"It's  at mcgravock high in middle Tennessee" Rachel said
Kady nod, "so kika you still study?"
"Yes my final year I'm hoping to become  a criminal lawyer" kika said
"Isn't being  a lawyer a scary thing?" Catharine asked
"Not when you're looking forward to it"
Catherine smile nod at kika
"How about you what do you want to do?"
Much as she love decor and it was her dream to work in a top recognized decor company she didn't just say, " just about anything"  Catherine said
"I figured if you keep looking something will turn up"
"I believe so too" Catherine said
She wondered what the others used to do before retiring but didn't make it a priority to  asked
The evening spent talking life's challenges it seems the Clark's family has face challenges her family didn't face much challenges for she and her sister got through life ok went to good school off to college
from college they both got employment kady a professional teacher she now assist her husband she a fancy interior  decorator now she's hoping to get back into a top company but maybe she would take other work until then,
When the cocktail got over they were getting ready to bid goodbye
"It was nice having you tonight normally it was just the family" violet said
"Brayden could not come  tonight, but  it's funny he hasn't call up yet" Leah said checking the time which was late
"You know our son probably still out shooting pool" Thomas said
"He Maybe working over time' violet added 
Catherine can't believe he is a no show wondering if  he ever missed the family cocktails or he didn't come because they were there,
"He might call later to asked how it was?" Kika said with a smile, 
"It's probably my fault I'm the one scaring him away" Catherine said
Every one look at her kady pray she wouldn't say one bad thing about the guy to his family,
"Why you think that dear?" Violet asked
"Because he already don't like me,  he probably knows I don't like him"
Leah laugh, " that's not the problem at all dear I'm sure he'll be here next time" she touch her shoulder
violet look at  Catharine with a smile
Well she  do think so for she wouldn't look at it to say he is probably shy, he always called to the others  so she was ruling  out shy she  bet he acts the same way around every girl she didn't have to talk to him yet still she wondered why is it bothering her  how he acts around girl she  don't like him when you  say you don't like someone let nothing they do bother you Catherine told her self but he was sticking to her mind like a longterm memory
"I'm sure you two will  gets a long better when you came to know each other" Leah said
Oh she wish they could get to know each other better but what is the use when he doesn't have feelings for her kind,
"I'm not interested in knowing him" she grumbled while the others didn't say anything
Kika smile "so we are on for Saturday?" She asked
As Catherine was thinking to herself that she didn't want to give her the impression she didn't want to hang out with her
"Saturday will be good"
"Great then" kika said
"Ok" Catherine said and kika embraced her she walk to the door with them to say goodbye watch them to their front porch before going back in
Violet sat down pick up her phone to call her grandson
"I'm sure Brayden is ok" Kika said  but to be sure she call him he was half way sleeping on getting the phone
"Grams" he said
"You didn't stop over are you ok?"
"I was tired after the show" Brayden said
Violet lift her head to look at the others standing over her "ok get your rest"
"In the morning"
"Love you baby"
""Love you grams"
Violet hang up "he's ok got a little tired so in the morning,
Brayden try not to go over early he did his work out went jogging then fishing he got there around ten just about the time Catherine was ready to leave he was stepping up on the front porch when Catherine came down from their front porch they look right at each other with  a stare he felt his body react to the sight of her she wore a short up to her thighs and blouse to expose her belly button she wore a navel ring and her nipples pushed up against the silky white fabric she wore the sweet smell of her perfume lingers in the air
The size of his shoulders and his firm chest make Catherine thought of getting comfortable against him she could sent his maleness from where she was standing wish to be closer
"Brayden" Rachel called as she came to the porch "oh hi Catherine"
"Hi Rachel" Catherine said turning to her with  a smirk she then look back at Brayden wave to Rachel then walk away
Rachel look at her brother and smile remembering just what Catherine has said about not liking him him not liking her,
"Brayden you're here?" Violet said soon as he came in the kitchen behind his sister greeting them
"Grams" he hug her
"Sorry I didn't make it last night"
"It's ok we had fun with the neighbors"
"Catherine want to think you didn't come because she was here she say you don't like her was it something you say"
"Who's Catherine?" Brayden asked
They all turn up their eyes he smile,
"What could I have said we haven't ever exchanged words, she don't like me and I have no time to waist, she's crazy anyways"
Violet look at her daughter and at both her grand daughters Thomas was sitting at the table with his paper  lift his head from it, "neither of you should dislike each other you don't know nothing about each other to come to that conclusion, and dint say that she's crazy, she's not crazy"
"Easy for you to say" Brayden said
"She's a nice girl" Violet said
"I don't like the way she looks at me as if she's some how better than me"
"How do you look at her?" Thomas asked
"I don't look at her" he said Violet shook her head Leah smirk so did Thomas as he get back to his papers,
Brayden didn't want to be the only one liking her thought saying he doesn't like her ain't going to make  a difference for he did like her in fact this is the strongest he felt for someone in a long while but they both were having  a silent battle and he wondered why she doesn't like him what impression he gave her to cause that.

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