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Catharine look up on Darren as he opened up his door to her
"You made it" he said
She shrugged then nod
"Come on in"
This was a better greeting than her surprise visit make her wonder why he was so welcoming today, he waits no time to get her on the couch and they made out it wasn't any better than it was the last time Maybe because her mind was else were like on that guy from next door Brayden she thought his name feeling crazy to be having her mind on him like that,
Darren smile at her "I needed that" he said
Sex with Catharine has always been the best she got it all sexy and sweet but what she didn't have is the money that Molly has to offer he can becomes company owner anytime now all he has to do is marry her by her dad retires and the company will be all his and she has a portion of money once she got married she'll gets it he didn't let either her or her father knew that he came up on the papers for he don't want them to think it is because of the money it was part of it for that kind of money don't come in your hand easy and to loose it would be a bad thing,
"I bet you did" Catharine remarked Darren looked strangely at her she smile and turn from him, he climb over her to get dressed she got dressed too as they returned to the couch to sit down Catherine eyes circle the room it was a nice place judging from the setting of the living room and he has good furniture inside she wondered what the rest of it looks like as he haven't offered to show her a round, with such a living room she think it must cause a lot to maintain it,
They have small conversations mainly about Darren and his work
" my mom and my sister said hello"
"Oh well hello to them" he said jumping back in to work related talks
"If you're company manager you could give me work at the company until something turns up"
"I can't do that" he said with out thinking
"It won't be permanent"
"Having you their is going to be a problem"
"What kind of problem?" Catherine asked
"Catherine you know they at the office going to give you a hard time"
"You won't have any idea of how you handled yourself signing up for a insurance take commitment and if you slip the company could get in a whole of trouble"
Catherine shrugged thinking to herself when she lost her commitment if this wasn't the same man before who told her that she can do just about anything once she puts her mind to it,
"Decorator is your thing stick to it" he chuckled
Catharine thought if he was going to say the word he could at least use it in a better sentence
If he doesn't want to have her working for him she can't let him give her the job and decide to start looking for one soon as she get started with the place for her parents, she didn't want to be her parents handy man sitting there doing paperwork that is if it was definitely a family business but for that they can always employ other people to work for them,
"I'm pretty sure you'll get something soon that is why I didn't think it was wise to move leave your job now you are here with out work"
"Darren it's going to be ok I'll get something I'm sure" she said calmly
"How will you manage till then?" He asked
Catherine look at him and frown "my parents got their retirement funds and insurance is covering them both I'm sure they will allow me to live under their roof with three square meals a day until I get a job, I did came here with some money for my company did pay me for my years of service but I'm going to buy myself a fancy car I don't want to spend it all on a car so I'm saving some more"
"How long is it going to take to buy a car a mean a brand new car that functions well and you won't have to be going to the mechanic often"
She has that one particular one in mind that she would love in bright blue she pictured herself in it, "I'll be able to manage don't worry about it, thanks for the chat Darren and for inviting me" she said getting up,
"When you coming back?" Darren asked
"I don't know I wouldn't want to come rushing over here when you're going out for a business meeting incase you're not busy and get some time you let me know, I'll see myself out" she turn and left Darren sigh he could never let Molly knows he's doing this for it will complicate things what he felt for Catherine was love having her in Toronto was good for he knew he could get to see her on weekends though it's been a long while he haven't gone there but her being here is going to be a huge problem Knoxville and greensville are hours apart and Molly could be anywhere at anytime he can't let Molly ran into them,
Catherine made it home around dusk she walk her way up again she came to the neighbor's and it was either they were all inside or they were all out the red mustang wasn't park there like she would want to see him and she wondered about him,
"Aunt" jenny said as she push the kitchen door and went out on the back porch,
"Hi" she greets them all bend over to kiss the two children who grinned
"What to eat?" She asked
"We don't know" alison said
"When are you going to find out it seems by you are to I'll die for hunger"
Nicolas laugh
"Have you ever cooked Maybe you are to try cooking let someone else get to eat"
"I know how to make a sandwich and I'm good on that you all sit around and wait for me to cook and you all going to see what happens"
"We all going to die for hunger we know" kady said getting up to go to the kitchen Catharine stretched out where she was and smile up on her
"I'll give you a hand" Alison said getting up
"Thanks mom"
The sound of the mustang coming to a stop next door make Catherine wish she was on the front porch instead of the back she wondered why she's still so intrigued by him knowing he was that guy and they will never gets in to anything something about him that she found rather attractive she began to imagine them engaged in such ways she bite in her tongue wipe sweat from her forehead she wanted so bad to go out but he was soon to be gone she wonders why it happened like this today again it was like a repeated day thinking the next time she's around on the back porch and heard his car she's going to just get up and go see him,
"I hope you're ready to eat"
"I'm over ready I can't be this hungry I'm going to loose weight"
"And you don't have much and to think you eat that plenty, you should grow some ass" kady said
"Yeah what ever" Catherine grumbled her sister has all ways tease her about her ass and some time looking in the mirror at herself she see she could really use some she wasn't going to confess it or anything it's just a thing she admits to herself
"It's not because I'm not eating right"
"You don't eat right Catherine you just eats a lot" kady grumbled
Catherine made a face walk a head of them to the kitchen she was setting the table when they came in
"You said who was ready to eat what were we going to eat from our hands?"
Kady laughed "thanks I didn't realize neither of us hadn't set the table"
Alison shrugged she herself forgot "She's going to eat too nothing is wrong if she set the table" she said with a smirk they all sat to eat making conversation as they always,
Brayden stretch himself on the floor of his living room between his furniture his head rest on his arms he relaxed to his thoughts as a picture of her came to mind "why do I think about her so much?" He asked himself, "it's not like I even like her we don't like each other, so why do I think about her so much?" He hissed at himself getting up he went to the bar to fix a drink making it strong to make him forget about her but the drink make him become more thoughtful of her and he was even getting a raise which wasn't good for once that happened he have to get love for it could hurt him bad, he took a shower to cool down and went for a walk with Paco to the beach to clear his head he distract himself with the dog it was three in the morning and he only a few minutes made it home from the club he does his shows on a weekend starting Thursdays throughout Saturday he was tired as hell more to the way he's been working his brain around her she's a hard job weighing him to weariness he was sure as soon has she's done tiring his mind she's going to just walk on it he don't see himself getting close to her in a million years and wonder why don't they get along, he sigh ran his hands through his hair, to keep from being more frustrated he throw out something for Paco to run after and chase him into the moon light he was too tired to get up at seven in the morning and roll to his belly in the middle of the floor,
Catherine stretch herself it was already seven fifteen on a Saturday morning and she could hear her sister's children running around making noise,
"Can you make them stop?" She call out from the room "ahhh!" She growls
"Keep it down guys your aunt is trying to sleep" kady whispered
They giggle kept on running around Catherine got up and came to the kitchen
"You got up"
"What other choices did I had?" She grumbled as she sat on the stool around the counter
"Sorry" Nicolas said
"It's her fault she was the one who wanted kids" she whispered kady slapped her and giggle
The children came back with their grandmother and ran to their aunt she reach down to cuddle them both,
"I love you guys so much" she said
"Even though you guys are the reason for her lock of sleep" kady said
Catherine nod and smile at the two children "even though you guys are the reason for me getting less sleep"
Both of them giggle
"You miss your morning stretch darling" Alison said offering her tea she refused as she was going back to her room to shower and brush her teeth,
Brayden sigh as he climbed to the kitchen for his coffee hours already passed him by but it was something he had to have he woke up in the mornings and would have a cup of black coffee then he would exercise before going on the road sometime a lone other time with Paco his friendly dog he was the best he looks out for him like a best buddy should
Today was Saturday the only place he wanted to be today was at his parents to see that girl next door yet still today he avoids going by there,
As Catherine had promised to go to the club with kika she look for a nice outfit it was mostly revealing things she wore shorts up her hips belly blouse and so tonight with her hip shorts she wore a heel booty up to her knees a brown one with tube top that mainly cover her breast though she thought she might get cold she she didn't mind,
Dalton Dallas kika boyfriend Catherine met him tonight for the first time she didn't think of kika with a boyfriend wondering how she never saw him here before
"Welcome to Knoxville" Dalton shook her hand she smile
"He's cute you got taste" Catherine whispered kika grin at her, "how comes we haven't met before?"
"He is working in Boston and only comes every other week" kika explains
Catherine nod as she look over at the cute guy once more he wasn't her brother cute or was he that sexy for her brother got looks hot looks that after taking one look at him she's dreaming of him,
"Where is your boyfriend is he coming out or are you meeting him over there?" dalton asked
"Neither" Catherine answered
He drove them to the club they got to the bar and ordered drinks kika has for herself a viva splash Dalton has a gyn and Catherine a club soda she didn't want to be with a hard drink as kika wasn't having any they sat at the bar as the guy there did his gig Catherine observed the words thinking how nice he sounded she knew country singers to be the bomb and this guy was singing to please he did like four rocking songs before leaving the stage then it was the DJ who play to keep the night going they were still by the bar Brayden after getting off stage change and came to get a drink Catherine first noticed him as he came getting Dalton attention by touching his shoulder both giggle as they embraced "man it's good to see you" Brayden said he haven't seen him in a little while the two last time he visited he was on tour that was for five weeks
"Looking good my brother" he said Catherine roll her eyes thinking how he never admires her and here he was telling his brother in law how good he looks,
"You too man" Dalton said Brayden pat his shoulder squeezed it and shake him before hugging his sister he look at Catherine a quick overall before turning to the bartender Catherine watch as he ordered a double shot of whiskey with lemon juice and ice he drank it in one gulp ordered another that he sip on slowly watching her from the corner of his eyes as she stare at him,
"What you guys drinking?" Brayden asked
"Another gyn for me" Dalton said
"I'm drinking viva water and Catherine is having club soda" kika said
Catherine wasn't looking for him to buy her a drink but he told the bartender to give them why they wanted he told them he would catch them later then went to join the crew around the pool table across the floor, he went and rest his arm on the guy who was bending over to take the shot she wonders what he said make the guy straighten up smile then gave up the pool stick to him he took the shot seems it was done well for they giggle and the guy hugged his shoulder another guy went around count out some money hand it to him and he gave it to the guy,
Kika saw Catherine watching the pool table as Dalton too as gone to join them,
"they hustle each other all the time him next to my brother that's Josh my brother's partner that's Luke, moses and leon Nina moses's wife, Althea Luke's wife and Mona leon's girlfriend"
"They're not married?" Catherine asked
"Not yet but I'm sure they will someday"
Catherine smile
"So what about you , don't you want to get married?"
"We will but when I get out of college and get a job we want to work to buy a house and Dalton want to do his own business, he's into manufacturing"
"Oh that's good I hope you both get what you wants"
"How is the job hunting going?"
"I haven't started the right way as yet but I'm going out there again won't stop until someone hires"
" I'm sure someone will"
They both smile Dalton came and pull kika to dance with him after two songs with her he asked Catherine
"I don't dance like that" she said
"Are you sure?"
"A hundred percent"
Dalton nod then head off to the pool table once more he was left with Josh and his brother in law when the others dance
From a cross the floor Brayden watch Catherine as she look out of space, that was before a song she seems to knows comes on and she seems to like, it was one of his song and he wonder if she don't know he's the one that did that song, he watch her as she dance
"She's pretty good" Luke said
Brayden nod
"Your sister's friend?" Luke asked
"The family neighbor" Brayden answered
Luke nod "she's hot"
"I'm not blind but she's playing hard to get"
"Who?" Josh ask
Luke shoot his mouth "that's B's neighbor" he said
"Family neighbor" Brayden said
"Family neighbor" Luke nod they smile
Catherine, kika and Dalton were ready to leave and were on the outside Brayden leave his friends to come out and to say goodbye to Dalton he accidentally stumbled into Catherine and step on her foot look at her without saying anything he was too nervous to speak
"I know you know what you are to say" Catherine snapped at him
Brayden looks at her again but said nothing
"I know you don't like girls but do you have to make it so obvious" she hissed turning away from them,
"You two don't get a long?" Dalton asked
"Get a long I don't her" Brayden said
"And she's living next door" Dalton said
"She's crazy" Brayden said he look at him turn to look at Catherine "I'll catch you later on" he left and they got in the car Catherine was quiet for she kept thinking of him she knew she wasn't to do that wishing she haven't glad she didn't have to talk to anyone until they were at her gate to bid goodbye they see her to the door before backing up to their gate,
"Oh!" Brayden sigh running his hand through his hair as he think on her he should have said sorry he should but it was like he was afraid to open his mouth to speak to her he didn't meant to upset her, he didn't know what she means when she said he didn't like girls, of course he like girls but not so much like he is liking her that he could hardly speak around her and afraid to speak to her he falls asleep with her on his mind waking up like he never before he was hard and hurting he felt if he didn't see her he would go crazy
Catherine on the children were on the lawn she was watering the newly planted orchid her mother put in the earth just yesterday when he pulled up she frown on seeing him much as she did her heart skipped a beat hoping to get his attention
On hearing Brayden's mustang at the gate his family came on the porch he saw as they did and look over nextdoor to greet Catherine who was watering the plants he got out and was heading towards the porch for the gate to the walk way left open just as he was about to reach the porch Catherine lift the hose pointed it towards him wetting him to a soak,
"Oh my" Rachel said covering her mouth as they all turn to look at her
Kika screams
Kady heard and came to their porch with the family
"Catherine" she call running to turn the pipe off took the hose from her dropping it to the ground "Catherine what you did that for?" She asked "I'm sorry" she said to Brayden who by now started removing his shirt
"It's ok it's just a little water" he said looking from kady to Catherine who stood to admire his hard sexy chest she turn to look at her sister before going off in to the house,
Kady sigh
"It's ok I'll just get dry" he said kika take a towel to him smiling
Dalton smile too
"You didn't see that coming ah brother" Rachel said
"She's crazy I told you right" Brayden said
"That she can be some time" kady said turning to look at her husband Nicolas shrugged with a smile
Both parents shook their heads Leah called over to Allison who replied and apologized for her daughter I hope your porch isn't wet"
"The porch is find don't worry about it" Leah said with a smile
"Brayden dear I apologize for my daughter" Alison said
Brayden smile "it's not your fault' he said
Alison shook her head went back inside to scold her daughter who smile about it
"The hose got a way" she said
"You seems in control to me" kady said "now our neighbors going to think we're hard people to live with"
"They won't think that it's not like he didn't deserve it"
Kady turn from her to gave her attention to the children
"I hope he catches a cold bastard" Catherine grumbled
"I hope you don't act so crazy, it is call prejudice" kady said
"Prejudice ah?"
"Yes you are prejudice"
Nicolas smile at them going a round to Catherine to sit next to her
"What if he file a report?"
"Let him"
"You're new to this town I know you don't want to appear to be a gangster" kady said
Catherine bursts into laughter"
"It's not funny ok"
"Ok I get it, it isn't funny" she got up and leave the kitchen she ended up on the front porch as she went out she saw him he was in his same clothes but dry he saw her pause to look at her shook his head then walk off the porch to his car then drove away.

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