Chapter 15

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Lisa's POV

"Hey, Jen!" I greeted her after she opened their gate. 

"Hi. Let's go?" she asked. 

"Yeah." I opened my car door for her.

I started the engine and head to Mina and Jeongyeon's jewelry shop.

"So how was your day?" I asked her.

"It was fine. Had breakfast and lunch with my mom then walked my new dog." I glanced at her.

"You have a new dog? When did you get him/her?"

"I got him yesterday."

"Ahh, jinja? What's his name?"

"Kuma. My dau-" she paused.

"Your what?" I looked at her confused.

"Oh I gave it to h-him. How about you? Do you have any pets?" she changed the topic to me.

"Yeah. I have 3 cats." I smiled. "But they're with my mom since I'm busy with work." she nodded.

"So you'll continue your schedule on Monday right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll have a shoot on your company." she gave me a small smile.

"Can I court you, Jennie?" her eyes widen. "I mean, I know we're both girls but I really like you. I understand if you decline but I hope we could be friends even after thi-" she cut me off.

"Sure. I like you too, Lisa. But I want to take it slow. I've been in a rough relationship before a so it's hard for me to have a new relationship. Especially this is actually new to me." I was so happy that my heart want to jump out of my chest.

"Yes! Of course! I'm really happy, Jennie-yah." I smiled widely. I took her hand and kissed the back of it.

We arrived shortly at their store. The staff greeted us and we made our way immediately inside their office.

"HI, it's nice to have you back. The necklace just arrived and it turned beautifully." Mina let us in.

"I'm excited." Jennie smiled.

We sat on the chairs and Jeongyeon with Chaeyoung and their daughter brought the box with jewelry. Jeongyeon carefully placed it on the table.

"Woah, I'm nervous." Jennie said anticipated.

"You'll love it." their daughter said.

"I'm looking forward to it. What's your name? I didn't get to catch it last time we met." Jennie smiled sweetly.

"Eun-joo. My name is Eun-joo. How about yours, unnie?" Eun-joo asked in a sweet voice.

"That's a pretty name. I'm Jennie. It's nice to meet you." Jennie replied.

"Sweetie, can you go to mommy? We have do work." Chaeyoung said softly to her daughter."

"Yes, mama." she jumped off Chae's lap and went to her Mommy Mina. Mina picked her up and they sat on the swivel chair.

"So back to the necklace. We had put our best work here and I hope you like it." Jeongyeon said and slowly opened the box.

Our eyes glistened with the sight of the jewelry. It had three big diamonds surrounded by small ones. It's lace was made out of white gold. It looks so stunning.

"Wow." Jennie said impressed.

"This looks perfect. I was glad to pick you guys. This is just beyond perfect. Definitely my mother's taste in jewelry." she caressed the necklace.

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