19//the end

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(time skip five years later)

Jaden's pov/

It was our five year anniversary and I wanted to make it special. These past five years have been the best of my life. Ive released an album, a few separate singles and a clothing line. This wouldn't have happened without my darling Ashley. She always cheered me on, listened to new music, modelled the clothing. Ashley is fucking amazing and I feel blessed to be able to have someone as perfect as her in my life.

'Hello love.' Ashley said as we woke up, kissing me on the cheek.

'Happy anniversary darling.' I said as I lightly kissed her.

'I'm just going to get changed, and get your present.' She said jumping off of the bed. Within five minutes she returned with a black box with golden flecks.

'Open it!' She said as she placed it in my hands. I took of the lid to reveal three presents, each labelled one two and three. The first one was the biggest present, which was a Gucci belt. Bryce had broken my other one last month so I was excited for this. Ashley handed me the second present, slightly smaller than the last. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh as I unwrapped the paper to reveal personalised m&m's with 'jxdn' written on each one.

'I know it's random.' She said laughing, 'This one is special.' She said and I took out the last one which was a small box. I opened it and it was a ring, but not just a ordinary ring. On the inside it had the day of our anniversary '8/2/20.'

'Aw I love it.' I said as I gave her a tight squeeze.

'Let me grab yours.' I said as I left the room to go into the storeroom. A few minutes later I came back with a few presents.

'Open this first.' I said as I handed her a square package.

'Omg it's beautiful.' She said taking out the necklace, which had diamonds of the charm.

'Do you want me to put it on?' I asked.

'If you don't mind.' As she held her hair up, i clasped the necklace around her neck. I then handed her the next package, slightly smaller.

'OMG JADEN.' She said falling into my arms. It was the matching earrings to the necklace she said previously opened. Using the camera on her snapchat, Ashley put the earrings in her ears.

'Um this last one is really special. Ive just got to say something before you open it.' I said as I saw the love of my life smile before me.

'Ashley these last five years have been the best of my life. I love everything single thing about you, even when you getting annoying on the rare occasion. You are the best blessing I have received in my life. Ashley you are the kindest, funniest, and hottest person I know. I could never thank God enough for the woman he has given me. Ashley darling, will you do the honour of being mrs Hossler?' I said opening the box to reveal a ring.

'I- Omg jaden YES I WILL.' She said wiping the tears from her eyes. I placed the diamond ring on her finger, and immediately kissed her.

'Oh i love you darling.' Ashley said kissing the top of my head.

'Not as much as I do.'

@jadenhossler wifey 💍

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@jadenhossler wifey 💍

AN: I hope you enjoyed the story. I know it's not as long as others out there but I felt like writing a shorter but sweet one. Leave some feed back and any suggestions ✨

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