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Jaden's pov/
The next hour or so was just full of random conversation. We talked about some drama that happened in the hype house, and no it was not that Chase cheated again. Which was much of a surprise to Josh and Bryce. It wouldn't be a conversation with the Sway boys without comparing muscles to, and Noah and Blake arguing about who's the biggest. A little while later, me and Ashley went up into my room to chill. We were cuddling up until my phone kept going off a lot.
'You might want to answer that.' Ashley said laughing. I sat up and saw that it was her. You'll know who I mean. Mads. We broke up nearly 8 months ago now and she just couldn't bear to see me with another girl.
'Who is it?' Ashley asked me sitting up.
'Do you remember how I dated someone called Mads a while ago?' I asked her.
'I think so yes.'
'Well shes just messaged me this.' I showed her the text, which I hadn't read either that said this.
'Ok look Jaden. You know how madly i'm still in love with you, and how is not going to hide it. I'll win you back, trust me I will. That little girl your with, she'll be a waste of your time, our time. Just look at her. What do you see in her? I'll be for you Jadey boo 🥰🥰'
Me and Ashley just looked at eachother in shock. Why would Mads say that? And the face I couldn't bare to see came in front of me, Ashley crying.
'It's ok, it's okay baby.' I said hugging her tight.
'I just don't want to loose you.' She said to me. That made my heart sink but it gave me butterflies at the same time. I never wanted to loose Ashley too.
'You won't it's okay you know that.' We just stayed in each other's arms, not knowing what Mads was going to say or do next.

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