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Ashley's pov/
Everyone met downstairs ready to film. There was some drinks in the kitchen to give the video a typical party feel. We had some flashing lights too that would be used. I couldn't wait to film this. I've never been in a music video before, so I was very excited.
'Okay everyone so for the first seen it's just going to be chill, with the guys only in here drinking. You girls then walk in, and that's when the actual song will begin.' The director said.
'Sounds perfect.' Everyone agreed. The boys sorted them selves out whilst us girls waited for out part.
'sooo do you think you'll kiss Jaden in the video?' Avani asked.
'i have noooooo idea, i wouldnt mind it tho.'
'awww.' Everyone said. Anth came over once they filmed there bit to say to get ready. We all stood together, waiting for the director. He came over a minute later and the camera hit record. We walked over to the guys were, and grabbed drinks. And then Jaden catches eyes with me. I then smile, as that was the plan.
'OKAY CUT!' The director said.
'Guys that's was perfect, especially for the first take.'
'That's a miracle for the Sway boys.' Bryce said.
'That's true.' Josh replied. We discussed for the next bit that Jaden would sing to the camera for the first verse. And then for the prechorus it would be more of a overlooked of the party.
'Everyone into positions please.' We all got into position. The girls standing together, and the guys sitting on the sofa.
'OK and roll.'

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