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(Time skip to tomorrow bc there's tea teehee)

Jaden's pov/

Some of us sway boys were going to the hype house to make their content. Josh and Bryce were still a bit hesitant with Chase after what happened, but they are just going to be nice so it doesn't cause more shit.

'We're here!' Bryce said to myself, Addison and Ashley. The four of us got out of Bryce's car and walked into the Hype House.

'You'll be alright.' Jaden said putting his arm around my shoulder.

'Alright about what?' Chase said opening the door, tears down his cheeks. Ashley looked up at me worried.

'Chase can I speak to you in private?' Ashley asked looking up at me.

'Yeah sure lets go upstairs.' He said wiping the tears of his cheek.

Ashley's pov/

Chase led me to the table by the kitchen, were it was only us thank god.

'I was going to speak to you about what you tweeted but you seem so upset that i can't ignore it. What's up?' I asked as we sat down.

'I've done something that I shouldn't have done. It's really really bad.' Chase said wiping his eyes with a tissue.

'What is it?' I asked concerned.

'Can I just say it all at once?'

'Sure go ahead.'

'Okay so my sister Karissa knows some dodgy gang people and I've known that Mads has been causing you some problems.' Chase said looking at me.

'Please tell me you did not kill Mads.' I said worried.

'God no, but I took her to where me family live so Karissa's friends could give her a bit of a talking to. The one thing I told them to not do was hurt her.'

'okay but what did they tell her, or did you tell her?' I asked Chase.

'They said in the nicest way possible to fuck off and leave you and Jaden alone. We can all see how much you guys are in looooove.' Chase said making kissing faces.

'Okay that's embarrassing.' I said covering my cheeks, 'But what happened after that?'

'Well we told her that if she's to tell anyone at all about that conversation or she continues to try and intervein with yours and Jaden's relationship, that she'll have something to pay for.'

'Thanks Chase, it was actually really stressing the two of us out a little bit, because we didn't want to loose each other.' I said.

'Aww you two.' He said smiling.

'But thank you!' I said as both both hugged each other.

'Wait can I ask you about the tweet quickly?' I said as I stood up.

'Umm sure yeah.'

'What or even why did you tweet about that?' I said laughing a little.

'Right okay you know what happens between us a few months ago?'

'Yes I do.'

'When I saw you and Jaden being all cute at stuff it just made me jealous I suppose. Not necessarily of Jaden but just of how you guys were in a relationship.'

'Ahhh I get you yeah. So is there someone you have your eyes on?'

'Well I have always had a thing for Charli even during all the drama-.' But as Chase was in the middle of the sentence Charli came over with Jaden.

'Go on.' Jaden said whispering as Charli laughed.

'Can I um speak to Chase?' Charli said getting embarrassed.

'Go on Chase.' I said laughing as he walked off with Charli.

'We are match makers.' Jaden said as he sat next to me.

'For sure.' I said as I kissed his cheek.

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