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Ashley's pov/
I woke up to Bryce walking in shouting 'GUYS GET UP WE ARE HITTINGG THE GYM BEFORE TEATALK SO HURRY UP.' Me and Bryce laughed, and Jaden woke up a second later.
'What's going on?' He said cluelessly.
'Bryce just came in to say we are going to the gym before we film teatalk.'
'Ahhh okay.' Jaden replied. We got changed into gym wear before we met the others to go into the gym. I'm not fully into fitness but I do it like maybe once or twice a week.
'Yo you're better than I thought.' Noah said which made us all (me, Noah, Jaden, Josh, Bryce, Blake, Nessa, Addison and Amelie) laugh. We worked out for about 40 minutes before I decided to go back and shower as I knew it would take me ages to wash my hair. Once I got out the shower and got changed into a cropped t-shirt and jeans, Jaden knocked on the bathroom door.
'Housekeeping.' Jaden said which was funny. We watched outerbanks together before so it's an inside joke.
'Yesss i'm just coming out the bathroom now.' I said as I opened the door.
'I was gonna ask if you wanted to borrow a hoodie because you look like you need it or...' Jaden said. Knowing what boys were like, I knew he wanted me to where one as i'd look 'cuter.'
'So i'll look cuter?' I said in response.
'I didn't know that was possible for you but yes.' He said whilst blushing. We went in for a hug and he lifted me up. Jaden put me down a second later and took a hoodie out of his wardrobe for me. As Jaden went into the shower, I dried my hair. Once my hair was all dry, I put his hoodie on. It. Smelt. So. Damn. GOOD. Jaden finally came out the bathroom.
'Could you dry my hair?' Jaden asked me giving me puppy eyes. How could I say no to this? He sat on the floor by the bed so I could sit on the bed. I was drying his hair as we talked about what we was going to say in the video. As I turned the hairdryer off, Avani had her phone out, obviously recording us.
'I'm using this video as evidence for when you guys say you aren't dating in the teatalk. Even though I can't be in  the video, i'll just send it to Anth.' I knew she'd get us some how. Avani has a photoshoot with Amelie today so neither of them could be in it. Me and Jaden walked to the infamous purple sofa to film the video.
'Are y'all ready?' Bryce asked me, Jaden, and Josh.
'This is for MY channel. So are y'all ready.' Josh replied which made us all laugh. Nick turned the camera on for us so we could start filming.
'YOOYOOYOYOYOYO whats up boys and girls.' We all said. I knew this was going to be manic.

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