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Ashley's pov/
That. Was. Amazing. I have honestly never had a better kiss. HONESTLY. As we stared into eachothers eyes after we made out, someone knocked at the door and then Kio walked in.
'I hate to ruin what's going on but Josh needs to write a list for Teaktalk tomorrow.' Kio said as he winked at us, knowing what happened. I instantly knew i'd be able to trust him. Me and Jaden went back to where everyone was a few minutes later. And bryce gave us the 'you fucked ?' look.
'OMG BRYCE. no. there was no sex.' Jaden said which made me laugh. I don't know why, it just did.
'yeah but y'all did like make out, full on.' Kio said. He had to bait us didnt he.
'OMG KIOOOOOOOO.' I shouted as I punched his shoulder.
'Damm Bryce she is competing with you, that was a hefty punch.' Kio replied. We all started laughing, even Bryce.
'Anyway we need to write about what we are gonna talk about in the teatalk?' Josh asked.
'Waaait who is gonna be in it?' I asked as that hadn't been mentioned.
'Ummm I was going to say obviously me and Bryce, and then you and Jaden?' Josh replied. I knew he did that so we could talk about what was going on between me and Jaden.
'Sure sounds good.' Jaden said as he played with my hair. I felt so safe with him, even though we just met.
'Wait y'all weren't you gonna with the music video tomorrow Jaden?' Anthony brought up.
'I forgot to mention but they texted me earlier and said they had to post-pone until Monday as a camera broke and they had to fix it.'
'Ahhhh okay.' Anthony replied.
We talked about what we were gonna say in the teatalk.
'This is a packed episode i have to say.' Josh said.
'Wait have y'all seen tiktok rooms most recent post?' Blake asked. We all got out phones out and looked. It was a tweet from Lilhuddy, aka chase hudson. We sort of had a past I guess. About maybe two months ago, He hit me up and we talked, in a like romantic way. He told me he liked me, and that we wanted to get to know eachother. But then he kissed another girl. I wasn't really beat up about it as we weren't dating, but I was still confused why he said he liked me, but then kissed another girl. I tried texting him, not in an angry way, but I just wanted to know. He never replied. He just ghosted me. I hope Jaden wouldn't do that. No one knows about this, one of the few things that isn't on tiktokroom. The tweet read as,
'Mr imma steal your girl.'
Everyone looked really confused.
'Does anyone know what this is about?' Bryce asked.
'Umm longshot, but I think I do.'
Everyone looked at me like they saw a flying pig.
'Explain don't leave us hanging.' Avani said so I explained it all.
'Wait wait wait HOW DID IT NOT GET ON TIKTOK ROOM THE HELL.' Blake said which made everyone laugh. I noticed that once I finished exhaling what happened, I noticed that Jaden held me tighter. Does this mean he didn't want to lose me? Was he protecting me? We obviously added that to the list for the teatalk video. And as soon as we finished talking, I felt my phone vibrate.
'I swear if that's Chase that's hella timing.' Griffin said.
And surprise, surprise. It was. I didn't care. I didn't like Chase. I could admit I did a little bit before but not now. God no. I truly learnt how he was, and saw him for who is really was. I took my phone out of my pocket and it was a dm  from Chase.
'What does it sayyyyy?' Jaden says pouting, and I knew for a fact that all the other guys were staring at us. I opened it and it read as,
'Yooo how are you? You still single orrr ;)' I didn't know how to reply. Yes I am single. But there is not way I want to date him. Jaden took my phone and said, 'I'll handle it.'
'Don't say anything bad though.' He agreed to that. About 30 seconds later he handed my phone back.
'WHAT DID YOU SAY JADEN?' Josh said in anticipation. He nudged me to read it.
'Yo man it's Jaden here. Everyone is hanging out and saw that you texted her. And yeah bro, no cool. Ya i know me and Ashley aren't dating, but you could LITERALLY see from bryces story we were like yk close.' I stared at Jaden and wanted to kiss him, like it felt so right. He looked at me the same so we kissed. Whilst everyone stared at us.

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