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Ashley's pov/
Jaden. Looks. So. HOT. He was my Tiktok crush, i've always had a crush on him since I got the app. But since i've got my following, I have hidden it as people will start assuming things. Which will then cause unneeded drama, which NO ONE wants. A few minutes later, we pulled up to the Sway House.
'I've seen this on Tiktok but damm the house is impressive.' I say, which made the three of them laugh. Jaden, being the gentleman he is, came and opened the door me.
'For you my lady.' He said bowing, which made me blush a bit.
'HEY YOU SHOULD BOW TO ME YOU KNOW.... but what that flirting I see?' Bryce said which made everyone laugh. Everyone walked inside, and I somehow knew where I was going.
'So what's the plan for the music video?' I asked Jaden, who I was sitting next to on the sofa.
'Well we aren't filming it until tomorrow but it will just be...' Jaden said getting interrupted by Josh.
'BASICALLY it's going to be a party and he's catches eyes with a girl and yeah it will just roll.' Imagine being that girl. That would be lucky.
'Sooo who's gonna be the lucky girl?' I asked, lowkey wanting it to be me.
'Umm well I was gonna ask if you wanted to?' Jaden said, but without him knowing I caught him blushing.
'Sureeee.' I said pulling my hoodie over my cheeks to cover my red cheeks.
'Just had to say this,' Blake said walking into the room, 'you would make a cute couple.' HOW? Why would someone as hot as Jaden want to date me? Jaden looked at me, so I looked up and smiled. I really just wanted to squish his cheeks.
'Ewwww get a room.' Bryce said.
'COOTIES.' Josh shouted.
'Y'all we didn't even kiss.' I said, resting my head into Jaden's chest, as he put his arm around me.
'Yet. We haven't kissed yet.' Jaden whispered into my ear.

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