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Ashley's pov/
When I was asked if I liked Jaden, in front of EVERYONE I instantly got butterflys.
'Ok so Jaden do you like Ashley?' Blake asked. Jaden looked me in the eyes, then gave the most adorable smile i've ever seen.
'There's a possibility.' Jaden said, I could tell he was slightly uncomfortable. He seemed like the type of guy who's want to do this in private.
'Did you like wanna talk about this in private?' I asked Jaden. He stood up straight away and led me to his room.
'You seemed so uncomfortable so I thought you'd wanna talk about it in private and' I was cut off by Jaden kissing me. We was sitting on the edge of his bed. We laid down as the kissing for more intermit. As I was about to sit on top of him, Bryce walked in in.
'Dammmmm GUYS THERE ARE GETTING IN ON.' Bryce shouted to everyone.
'OMG I SWEAR IM GONNA MURDER A MAN.' I said sitting up.
'Anyway I'll you guys to do whatever haha night anyway.' Bryce said closing the door.
'Aaaanyway.' I said snuggling up to Jaden.
'Yeah about earlier.' Jaden continued.
'Yeah so I do like you ummm yeah it's alright if you don't though.' I responded.
'Ashley. I like you so freaking much. When I first saw you I instantly thought you were so hot. I didn't want to say anything as we'd only just met. I know we've only met a few days but maybe we could umm like try being a couple without putting a label on it.'
'I'm trying not to FREAK out because I have no idea why a guy like you would like me but-'
'Ashely you are beautiful.'
'Aww thanks Jaden.' I said as I stroked his hair.
'Yeah like to see if we feel like it would work as a relationship.'
'Sounds good. Should we say try it out for a week?'
'Sounds good to me.' Jaden said. We decided that we was going to watch some netflix. But within about 5 minutes, Jaden already fell asleep. Did I already have feelings for this boy?

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