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Jaden's pov/ 

We started the teatalk video, and it was good so far. We spoke about the hype house drama. They are ALWAYS involved in drama somehow.

'Aaaaanyway speaking of confusion....braddison.' Josh said which made me giggle. 

'Hahaha funny Josh, it's getting old now.' Bryce replied.

'I hate to break it to you, but Bryce is right.' Ashley said, as Josh pulled a sad face.

'Ok but seriously, Jaden and Ashley.' Josh said. 

'What is y'all ship name. You can not be a Tiktok couple without a ship name.' Bryce said as Anthony came and sat on the top bit of the sofa. 

'Ummm jadley?' I said, realising what the boys are gonna say.

'SO you guys are a couple.' 

'When did you ask her out?'

'Is my homie a good boyfriend?'

'oh my GOD! We are not datinggggg.' Ashely said in a moany voice. But let's be realistic, we wanted it to be true. 

'Wait Avani said to show y'all this video.' Anthony said, as me and Ashley looked at eachother. He showed Bryce and Josh the video of Ashley drying my hair, which made us a couple apparently. I am confused too. 

'Aww for real though you guys would be a good couple.' Josh said. We continued the video and ended it. It did not take too long to film, which was a miracle for us. ME and Bryce went into the kitchen, as we both wanted to get protein shakes. 

'Do you like her though?' Bryce asked.

'yeahhhhh I do but don't tell anyone yet, oh and by the way the music video people got in touch said we can film tomorrow, is that fine with you?' I asked Bryce, trying to save myself from Bryce attacking me about having a crush.

'Yeah bro that's chill. No one else has anything on tomorrow I don't think.' Bryce replied as he went outside. I asked the other guys too if they were free, which they all said yes too. I guess I do have a crush on Ashley, but I didn't want to make a move. Not just yet. 

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