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Ashley's pov/
Jaden looked hot. He always did but tonight, he looked 100 times better. Which I didn't know was possible for him. We pulled up to Boa, and we had to wait outside for a few minutes to be seated. Luckily the weather was really nice so it didn't matter. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, knowing it was Jaden.
'You look so pretty.' Jaden said, which gave me butterflies.
'You're prettier.' I replied.
'Yeah i know right i straightened my hair and everyone.' Jaden said in a high pitched voice. We went to go and sit at our table. I took a photo for my instagram story as it looked so nice in here. We ordered our food and drinks as we both already knew what we wanted.
'Soooooo.' Jaden said as he put his hands on his cheeks with his elbows on the table. He looked so adorable.
'Stay there.' I said to Jaden. I opened snapchat and took a photo of him.
'I knew you'd do that.' Jaden said as we laughed. The waitress came with our drinks a few seconds later.
'Anyway what was you saying Jaden?' I asked.
'I just think you're really pretty.'
'Awww thanks.' I said blushing a little.
'Jaden can I ask something?'
'Sure what's up?' He said taking a sip of his drink.
'Do we have to like do this fake dating stuff?'
'You know what I was going to ask you the same thing.' He said as we laughed a little.
'So Ashely would you like to be my girlfriend?' Jaden asked me.
'Ummm mmm.' I said playing with him.
'Of course I do.' Our food came so we ate straight away, as we were hungry.
'Do you want to get desert?' Jaden asked.
'I'm alright thanks why are you?'
'Nope i'm not at all i'm full from that.' Jaden said pointing to his empty plate. We decided to leave ten minutes later, Jaden insisted to pay for my food too.
'Wait we are going to have to tell the guys arent we?' I said to Jaden as we put our seatbelts on, luckily we didn't t caught by hollywoodfix.
'Yeah we are. How about let's not actually said it to them like an announcement. But say to eachother oh hi girlfriend.'
'That's such a good idea!'
'Wait let me take this.' Jaden said as his phone rung.
'Who was it?' I asked.
'It was the director from the music video. He said it was all done and he would send it over in the morning.'
'I can't wait to see it.' I said to my boyfriend.

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