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Ashley's pov/
I woke up to the sounds of the boys shouting as they were working out, usual for the Sway boys. I decided that I was going to join them, once I got changed, Avani came in.
'Girllll you ready?'Avani asked.
'more than ready.' I said walking out of the room. Once we got to where the guys were working out. Jaden instantly stared at me.
'Ok ok guys stop staring at eachother.' Bryce said as he lifted weights. We all worked out, laughing every so often.
' I am never working out again.' I said flopping on the floor.
'Anyway does anyone have any plans for today?' Kio asked us.
'Ummm i don't.'
'Not at all.' So no one had nothing.
'We could go to Boa?' Jaden whispered in my ear, which made me giggle.
'Guyssss what you talking about?' Josh said winking.
'Private information bro.' Jaden said as we all laughed. So Jaden asked me on a date? I wasn't conplaining. Today was so chill as no one had nothing planned. We went in the pool and made tiktoks. By this time it had got to 4:30.
'I've booked for 7 by the way.' Jaden said as we got out of the pool.
'I can't wait.' I said as I wrapped myself in a towel.
' Can't wait for what?' Quinton said.
'We are umm going to Boa.' I said slightly embarrassed as I knew the guys would make a huge deal of it.
'Wait are you dating?' Griffin asked.
'Well umm.' I said not knowing how to explain it.
'Well because we already had a good friendship and all, and as you guys FORCED out of us, you know we both liked eachother. so we just want to see if it would work out like that. But could y'all not put anyway saying we are dating and stuff.' Jaden explained, pretty well actually.
'Sure bro y'all better get married.' Anthony said.
'Bit too early for that.' I said as we all laughed. It got to around 5 now so I went to go and get ready.

Jaden's pov/
I was so excited for tonight. I know it's only Boa, but it was our first date so it made it 1000 times better. Ashley went to go and shower, and the girls insisted to help her choose what to wear and do her makeup so they were sitting in my room may i add, waiting for her. So it was just me and the boys sitting outside.
'Sooooo Jaden.' Blake said.
'Whatttt.' I said in response.
'How's you and Ashley?' Kio asked.
'Omg boys I swear to god.' We all just talked about random things. I then realised that I was going to need to shower so I went into my room, knocking first.
'Whooo is it?' Addison shouted.
'Its Jaden.' I said. Addison opened the door for me.
'Guessing you need to get ready?' Avani asked. They all went into hers and Anthony's room so they could help Ashley get ready. It was about 30 minutes later and we were all ready.
'Damm baby you look good.' I said to Ashley as we drove off of the Sway driveway

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