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Jaden's pov/
I lip synced to the camera for the first verse, acting like the party around me wasn't there. Once that small scene was finished the camera was cut. Then quickly changed to when i'm sitting on the middle of the sofa with the boys. For this prechorus the camera showed me staring at Ashley. DAMN she looked good in that dress ooh my god.
'Ok guys.' The director said as the camera was turned off.
'What's the plan for the chorus?' Quinton asked.
'So the couples, Avani and Anthony etc will all be sitting together in their pairs you know. And then that would just leave Jaden and Ashley.' The director answered. We continued to film the music video. After a few hours we reached the last chorus.
'Okay guys this is the last scene so we are obviously going to go big.'
'Ahhhh the kiss scene.' Bryce said nudging me.
'Yes that's the plan. As long as Jaden and Ashley are comfortable with that.'
'Of course it is.' I replied.
'That's chill with me.' Ashley said smiling. We decided that the kiss was going to be by the balcony with the sunset in the background, whilst everyone else was  vibing inside.
'OKAY AND RECORD.' I lip- sync the few lines from when I lead Ashley outside to when we get to the balcony. We stare at the sunset before we turn our heads to kiss and then she leans her head on the shoulder as the camera reverses.
'AND THATS A WRAP!' The director shouts. Everyone was so excited.
'When will we be able to see the final result?' Ashley asked.
'The day after tomorrow so we can put it together tomorrow.' He replied. We said our goodbyes as the other crew packed up the cameras.
We all flopped in the living room.
'That was so fun!' Ashley said.
'I know right.' Cynthia replied.
'Honestly, that kiss was just so perfect. Like with the sunset OMG!' Avani said, with a lot of excitement. We all just talked for a while and ordered some post mates. Without realising, during the conversation me and Jaden ending up snuggling against eachother.
'Thanks for a good time today.' Jaden said as he kissed the top of my head, which sent me butterfly's in my stomach.
'No problem, it was soooo fun.'
'Anyway JADEN AND LILLIA. What's the status between you two? Friends? Or dating? Or talking?' Josh asked.
'I umm well I don't know.' Ashely said blushing a little.
'Ooooh someone has a crush someone has a crush.' Bryce said teasing her.
'Jaden?' Josh said.
'Umm I don't know either.' Which is true, because we haven't really spoke about it.
'OkY let's just make it real simp-le for y'all.' Blake said.
'Wow I like what you did there.' Noah said.
'Okay Ashley do you like Jaden?'
'Well I umm do yes. God this is embarrassing.' She responded.
'And Jaden do you like Ashley?'

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